Sentences with phrase «to produce the hockey stick»

Third, it used the exploratory technique of principal components analysis combined with a obscure weighting formula, producing hockey sticks from random data.
What is red noise (in simple terms please) Does it always produce a hockey stick for every run with red noise, or for only some?
The Marcott et al. hockey stick study published in the journal «Science» has now been debunked as bogus AGW science due to blatant data and statisitical manipulations - the author's own PhD thesis is corraborating audit evidence that charlatan - style science is required to produce hockey stick blade
Issues like short centring red noise prior to PCA also produces hockey sticks.
which is that Briffa's RCS produced a hockey stick whereas the RCS did not.
The theory of temperature driven by CO2 does produce a Hockey Stick Temperature.
Despite having no trend in the underlying proxies the MBH98 method regularly produces hockey stick - shaped PC1 s which then fit neatly against the temperature data, despite having, in principle, zero explanatory power.
What skeptic has defended hiding the decline or the Artificial Hockey Stick (produces a hockey stick when the data is red noise) or a conspiracy to delete emails?
It says that Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick found a flaw in the computer program that produced the hockey stick.
OzJuggler, Let's say you have a model that takes supposed temperature driven input (eg tree ring related measurements) and it produces a hockey stick graph as output.
IOW tax dollars were used to produce the hockey stick.
i would be interested in seeing any north american tree ring series that produce a hockey stick.
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