Sentences with phrase «under discussion»

Yet it does look as if it is not the same complex under discussion in the two cases.
Still under discussion, how much money the state should set aside to achieve universal pre kindergarten.
That is why there is no unlimited free speech even in legislative sessions or courtroom trials where free speech itself is the subject under discussion.
There are 30 + such monopoly money deals under discussion at present.
If appropriate, letters are sent to the authors of the published article under discussion for a response.
The tax reform that is currently under discussion is planned to reduce corporate taxes further.
Thankfully, this is not under discussion quite yet.
A meeting involving the Republican leaders is also under discussion, sources say, but details are being worked out.
The question under discussion as: why is innovation not happening when there are so many potential customers?
The schools under discussion don't exist in a vacuum.
... This and the report's other recommendations remain under discussion within the university.
But the new target would have a better chance of meaningfully reducing unemployment than any other monetary policy under discussion.
I'm thinking you to could be part of the problem under discussion here.
Among the potential projects under discussion is an international clinical integration symposium in 2010.
Why even within the relatively safe confines of the very blog post under discussion here do they not call out even a single legacy publisher by name?
All depends on what the thing under discussion is.
Also very much under discussion once again is the issue of carried interest.
No claim is made that the religion under discussion is «authentic,» however that may be defined.
I am teaching six continuing legal education seminars in the next three months, with a couple more under discussion.
Well, that has happened twice in the last two decades, and there are no credible proposals for reform under discussion.
The homes in the study under discussion had air leakage rates that covered a wide range, as is typical for a group of new homes.
First, that the material under discussion here (which he expands to include court records) is intentionally public and generally accessible in an open and democratic society.
They included full citations of the research under discussion.
The wind companies under discussion use a loan from the parent company to build the turbines.
For this reason, it's a good idea to give people as much time to thoughtfully consider the topic under discussion beforehand as possible.
The value under discussion was several hundred million dollars.
It's not that we hear a voice, but from time to time we have this intuitive sense that the verse under discussion was written just to us.
The stakes in the debates under discussion are very high indeed: Who shall live?
From my perspective, it seems that the pope under discussion suffered a failure of theological and practical imagination.
While a number of traditional religious ideas have been briefly interpreted in the above analysis, the organizing principle in each chapter has been the experience under discussion.
Those who are setting the common core standards under discussion might well take note of this.
Also, you can vote for our video through this link under the discussion tab.
It is largely for this reason that all of the artists under discussion live and practice primarily outside their countries of birth.
She, too, was familiar with the personality type under discussion.
This is a paper by natural scientists, and the natural sciences give you no way of understanding what people will attempt to do in the time - scales under discussion.
As far as I see, this discipline is severely lacking in the field under discussion.
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