Sentences with phrase «values of democracy»

Applicants will be required to outline how they will promote fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect.
Their mandate is to ensure that policies and practices of the country conform to the agreed values of democracy and political governance, economic governance, corporate governance, and socio - economic development.
It is clear that the sum of educated people in the same values of democracy and solidarity possible will open the possibility for social community changes.
«The FCC's dangerous ruling goes against the core values of our democracy, and New York will do everything in our power to protect net neutrality and the free exchange of ideas,» said Cuomo.
«Germany and America are connected by values of democracy, freedom and respect for the law and the dignity of man, independent of origin, skin color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or political....
Key policy documents (such as the Australian Curriculum and the Melbourne Declaration), call schools to equip students to become «active and informed citizens» who commit to «national values of democracy, equity and justice», «participate in Australia's civic life», «work for the common good», «behave with ethical integrity» and «act with responsibility at a local, regional and global level».
It seems to me that the current call for «social justice» is not so much related to any specific leftist policy as much as an appeal for the basic values of democracy.
This week on the Campbell Conversations, host Grant Reeher speaks with Princeton University Professor Stephen Macedo, author of a new book on marriage equality which argues that same - sex marriage not only strengthens the institution of marriage, it also strengthens the norm of monogamy and even bolsters the foundational values of democracy.
He noted that the African has adopted democracy from the text book without recognizing and appreciating the good qualities and values of democracy in our culture.
Such decision - making runs counter to good Green values of democracy and decentralisation.
I joined the Pacific Green Party because I agree with their founding values of democracy, social justice, environmental consciousness, and peaceful conflict resolution.
Understanding the true nature of education, universal values of democracy, rights and responsibilities evolved from rich experience of civilizations, philosophers, thinkers and practitioners is invaluable treasure in redefining culturally sensitive global citizenship education from which emerge conscious «global humane beings».
I believe deeply that all children can work hard, go to college, and certainly change the world, and that the latter value of Democracy Prep is essential in fostering a deep and lasting impact.
«The FCC's dangerous ruling goes against the core values of our democracy, and New York will do everything in our power to protect net neutrality and the free exchange of ideas,» Cuomo said.
The West... believe [s] that the non-Western peoples should commit themselves to the Western values of democracy, free markets, limited government, human rights, individualism, the rule of law and embody these values in their institutions... What is universalism to the West is imperialism to the rest... The West is, for instance, attempting to integrate the economies of the non-Western societies into a global economic system which it dominates.5
«Germany and America are connected by values of democracy, freedom, and respect for the law and the dignity of man, independent of origin, skin colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or political views.
Today the Church upholds the value of democracy because it maximises the participation of individuals in social development and is seen as the best way to hold politicians to account (cf. Centesimus Annus 46).
At least some modern religious thinkers, Niebuhr most prominently, have attempted to affirm the value of democracy on religious grounds.
It is not feasible to offer here a detailed and comprehensive analysis of a system of manners expressing the values of democracy.
For this reason, the Pope says that the «almost universal consensus with regard to the value of democracy... is to be considered a positive «sign of the times,» as the Church's magisterium has frequently noted.»
The US too has a distinct understanding of its role in the world, its sense of exceptionalism and commitment to the values of democracy and freedom.
And as they do so, they may start to embrace more fully our values of democracy and liberty.
To do otherwise would be not only to ignore the acquired rights and obligations of millions of EU citizens, but also to ignore the EU's very own solemn proclamation of the values of democracy and the rule of law.
«Standing as an independent candidate, for the values of democracy and human rights which I have worked to promote worldwide, I have made a start.
«As we continue to cooperate and heighten our counter terrorism efforts, let us remind ourselves of the challenges we must confront and those we must overcome if we are to preserve the gains of our independence and the values of our democracy
«We're going to bring a new way of doing politics,» agreed Manuel Casonova, the Vice President of Public Affairs, who shared that his experience as an immigrant made him uniquely appreciative of the values of democracy.
We practice what we preach, the value of democracy through one member, one vote.
A Department of Education spokesperson said: «All schools must actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs.
Today, Ofsted requires all schools «to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs» We will explore each of these in the SMSC4SCHOOLS «British Values» PowerPoints.
Government guidance, which applies to all state maintained schools in England, says that they should «promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs».
Across all subjects, cross-curricular themes and skills are explicitly mapped and taught: literacy, numeracy, Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural education and the fundamental British Values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Along with these, the British Values of Democracy, Law, Liberty, Respect and Tolerance are promoted in the school through the curriculum, collective worship and by the school council.
Along with these, the British Values of Democracy, Law, Liberty, Respect and Tolerance are promoted in school through the curriculum, collective worship and by the school council.
Something close to schizophrenia, a conception that in a way seems to advance — once again and from all the perspectives — the idea that the West has always embodied the doctrines and values of democracy and equality.
The divisive political climate in the United States has awakened Americans anew to the values of democracy, importance of government checks and balances, and the right to have their voices heard on priority issues.
It undermines the fundamental values of democracy, federalism and the rule of law informing the Constitution....
The FCC's dangerous ruling goes against the core values of our democracy, and New York will do everything in our power to protect net neutrality and the free exchange of ideas.
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