Sentences with phrase «apostolic succession»

Apostolic succession means the passing down of spiritual authority from the original apostles of Jesus to their successors, usually through the ritual of laying on of hands. It ensures a direct lineage and continuity of leadership within certain Christian traditions. Full definition
Second, that magisterium can be recognized by «the formal criteria of apostolic succession in the episcopate, and episcopal communion with the pope.»
Not to have a valid episcopate through apostolic succession or not to have the genuine and integral substance of the Eucharist (which is tied to the sacrament of orders) constitutes a theological, not moral, defect.
Whatever is unique in the Episcopal Church would be even more difficult to define in the inner city; not many residents here are worried about apostolic succession, valid sacraments or Henry VIII's sex life.
But there is no idea here of apostolic succession from Peter to the Pope.
The same must be said with regard to the restriction of «church» to those communities with apostolic succession and the genuine and total eucharistic mystery.
The link between western Christianity and the gospel was broken when the churches formed the doctrines of the divine investiture of kings and apostolic succession without reference to the rights of those who were not kings or apostles.
Communities lacking apostolic succession still possess elements of sanctification and truth, and can «truly engender a life of grace, and can be rightly described as capable of providing access to the community of salvation» (see the «Decree on Ecumenism»).
The Catholic Church claims that the authority of the Pope is based on apostolic succession.
In the mean time if you really want to put them in their place, tell them that they are heretics and that they don't have apostolic succession so they are as recognized by Christ as they think he recognizes gay marriage.
Oddly, when Evangelicals say I'm not orthodox, they have to realize that Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox might say the same about them, since apostolic succession and the primacy of the bishops aren't small matters in those traditions.
It gives me an opportunity to clear up a misunderstanding at the root of their argument against apostolic succession.
William Nye, the Church of England's most senior civil servant, told The Times bishops felt this was a «bearable anomaly» but others would be «concerned» that the proposal would break the «continuous apostolic succession» that Anglican members believe links their clergy and bishops to the original followers of Jesus Christ.
It accounts for the development of the earliest form of apostolic traditions and apostolic succession among the early Church Fathers, particularly in Irenaeus» Against Heresies.
He provides us with a kind of scholarly apostolic succession which began in 1968 with him listening with one or two others to John Mason's lectures in the chapter house of Oxford cathedral.
through apostolic succession... ``... the bishops have by divine inst!tution taken the place of the apostles as pastors of the Church, in such wise that whoever listens to them is listening to Christ and whoever despises them despises Christ and him who sent Christ» (CCC 862).
Since the Catholic Church believes in apostolic succession, they argue that the authority to forgive sins was passed down from the apostles through the Pope to the priests.
Also imagine how they might feel if a conservative catholic espoused the idea that protestants are not members of the true christian faith because they do nt have apostolic succession from the disciples.
I agree that apostolic succession is not Biblical but hijacked by pagan Rome during Constantine era, but rest you say you are gravely, eternal consequence mistaken.
In a cultural environment where all authority is suspect and the notion of divine authority is thought to be a psychological hangover from the premodern world, the claim that divine authority is transmitted in an unbroken chain of apostolic succession through the bishops of the Church in communion with the bishop of Rome seems literally incredible.
Sadly, you left the one true Church handed down from Christ directly to Peter, the Apostolic sucessors (Bishops) for a heretical and misguided faith with with no apostolic succession that has since divided into 40,000 different religions and man made doctrines that misguide millions to etternal damnation.
In the U.S. today there are dozens of lines of «apostolic succession» in which eccentric leaders with magnificent titles preside over tiny «Catholic» congregations in which almost everybody is a putative priest or bishop.
«The Faith and Order movement had paid special attention to those areas of doctrine involving the ministry, apostolic succession and the sacraments, which were primary obstacles to full organic union and Christian unity.
Christianity missed the link with this design in its conspiracy of the divine rights of kings and apostolic succession.
Had the European Reformation made a complete theological breakthrough, Christianity and its missionary enterprise would have dropped the theology of the divine right of kings and apostolic succession and adopted a theology of God's accountability with which to make a critique of the societies in which it found itself.
Irenaeus needed a uniting principle and held fast to the concept of death & resurrection, and unfortunately, was hugely biased against the Gnostics as well, so made sure their influence in the canon and apostolic succession was completely negated.
That continuity is rooted in apostolic succession, by which the whole mystery of Christ is handed on through the bishops.
We have our bishops and moderators and princes (or princesses) of the pulpit, but we have very little sense of or appreciation for the importance of apostolic succession.
It is the religion of reason, intelligence, and apostolic succession.
How one gets to «apostolic succession» from the supposed quotation referring to Peter is an example of the miraculous.
It is misappropriated by those who are quick to claim «apostolic succession» but slow about discerning the faithfulness of clerical systems based on such claims to the «apostolic teaching» that it was devised to safeguard.
Speaking on Premier's Inspirational Breakfast, she said: «Christ formed the apostolic succession; he didn't appoint a single woman apostle.
Raised a Protestant, despite all my thrashing and twisting I eventually couldn't help but believe that the apostolic succession, through Peter as the designated leader and primus inter pares, is in some logical or theological sense prior to everything else — including even Scripture, whose formation was guided and completed by the apostles and their successors, themselves inspired by the Holy Spirit.
These public shifts in Rome's attitude and language, as important as they were, left in place its peculiar doctrine of apostolic succession, which continues to this day to divide the Lord's Table by barring from Communion those who live holy lives, marked by an abundance of sanctifying graces, under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
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