Sentences with phrase «as an equation»

The reasoning behind «why do firms do SEO» isn't nearly as commanding as the equation of supply & demand.
Sleep of course is a major factor in recovery and as the equation states, the more working out and the more stress you're under, the more rest you will need.
This property, known as the equation of state, determines the radius of a neutron star of a particular mass.
As the equation explains, the first step to reform is a decision.
Unfortunately, today's rather immature (and still somewhat numerically challenged) first - year science student needs to be led more gently and slowly into the intricacies of topics such as the equations of stellar interiors, spherical trigonometry and introductory cosmology.
Expressed as an equation, procrastination equals «expectancy times value» over «impulsiveness times delay.»
The material is divided into sixteen sections beginning with the basics and moving through such topics as equations, exponents, polynomials, rational expressions, linear equations, functions, radicals and ending with the applications of algebra in real world situations.
Set this up as an equation with «a» representing the number of sandwiches Ali made, PrepScholar advises.
(CNS p. 373) Both arise from the Unity - Law of Finality which frames the whole universe as an equation aligned on the eternal perfection of all things by union with the Trinity in Christ.
Mathematical models, such as the equations for the growth of a population of insects, are used to make quantitative predictions of particular variables.
This means we can rewrite the above geometric identity as the equation
Even if nature obeys universal laws, they might not be expressible as equations.
The equation — which won Dirac the Nobel prize in 1933 — posed a problem: just as the equation x2 = 4 can have two possible solutions (x = 2 or x = -2), so Dirac's equation could have two solutions, one for an electron with positive energy, and one for an electron with negative energy.
The ¬ ¬ equation (2) can be rearranged as equation (3) Ko nic, = CotSS * CLcot / R.
The parts of the equation listed in step 2 are paired with the creative objects brainstormed in step 3, keeping in mind that the metaphor needs to function in the same way as the equation.
Activities included: Starter: A set of questions to check that pupils can evaluate expressions Main: Examples of «fill the blank» statements represented as equations, and a definition of the words solve and solution.
You can think of Amazon's algorithm as an equation that is constantly downgrading your chances at getting into the alsobot queue — that list of books under each title page that reads, «Customers who bought this also bought...» This is the single largest sales source on Amazon, and you need to keep reminding the algorithm that you can sell enough books to keep those alsobot slots alive.
With MathML (and voicing), anyone could figure out the correct interpretation, as the equation becomes part of the DOM and can be walked over.
But the effect of the overdetermination is that these terme are asserted to be equal to the error - induced term as an equation, which then gets applied everywhere.
Physicists like to do thermodynamic calculations at constant volume as the equations are simpler, or that's what I remember Feynman saying in freshman physics.
As we head back into the body of the paper from the appendix, equations B7 and B8 are rewritten as equations [M20] and [M21].
This is a key question, and the answer may best be described as an equation consisting of the personalities in the firm, the willingness of the partners to make the concept work, and the ability of the administrator to relate to the firm through its lawyer and administrative personnel.
Increasingly, employers are factoring affordable local housing stock as an equation into their decisions about where they locate — or relocate.
A system of concepts, such as the equations of thermodynamics, is a complex theoretical and experimental structure to which many individuals contributed.
A Note Concerning Body Fat Estimation Methods: Common body fat estimation methods such as equations and charts based on skin-folds notoriously underestimate body fat levels in heavily - muscled individuals.
The latest PISA report, Equations and Inequalities, notes that exposure to «pure mathematics,» such as equations and functions, builds conceptual knowledge necessary to solve complex problems.
We don't know how Kaprow reacted to Helen Frankenthaler a few years later, when, like Pollock, she worked on the floor to create her stain paintings, again using gravity and the physical properties of paint in the equation, as the equation.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z