Sentences with phrase «by other humans»

The reader is reminded that whatever the justification for oppression in the end oppression is something inflicted on human beings by other human beings.
At the same time, species and plants will be affected by other human - induced changes, the paper said.
Today, millions of people are forced to leave their native lands due to natural causes or causes created by other human beings.
That's why all these rules are in the bible, because human beings don't like being told what to do, especially not by other human beings.
Instead of being the absence of interference by other humans, human freedom is the capacity for individuality.
We must live a life «conditioned by other human beings».
We experience every day how much we enjoy being enjoyed by other human beings....
By contrast, free speech is a natural human right, which can be blocked by other human action.
These enemy sidekicks can be controlled by other human players, or by the game's AI.
Cowards who dare not question the words written by other humans who were probably messed up, too.
These enemy sidekicks can be controlled by other human players, or by the game's AI.
In one panel surveyed, a motif of a flautist surrounded by other human figures probably depicts part of an indigenous rite of renewal.
In this manner, zebra mussels are accelerating the disappearance of Unionid clams — a decline initiated by other human changes to their environment.
All of the rest of this was manufactured by other humans, or formed through accretion and fusion.
We must constantly remember that the God of Israel manifests himself historically for the first time in the Exodus as the one who liberates human beings from the slavery established by other human beings.
Quoting a professor of his, he observes that «God is the one who created humans to want and need relationships, to crave human companionship, to want to be desired by other humans.
In fact it has a dignity to it that can not be rivalled by any other human calling.
For good measure, the judges added that the right to life is not so absolute and can be overridden by other human rights.
Just FYI, the bible you consider the words of god, are nothing but words of mere mortals written over a long period of time then edited by other humans to fit their agenda of money, power, and to gain pagan followers.
Now, that isn't to say that women who can't conceive children are powerless, but simply that the capacity to bring brand new life into the world is a power unmatched by any other human function.
His complete grasp of so many «worlds» (the medical world, the pediatric world, the nutrition world, the public health world, the volunteer breastfeeding world, the academic world, etc.) provided me with precious guidance that I doubt could have been equaled by any other human.
Recognition by other human beings figures centrally among our dignity needs, and being either included or excluded from various forms of human relations has significant consequences for our wellbeing.
They combined data from archaeological excavations, historical records, modern national statistics, and ethnographies to tally up the number of humans killed by other humans in different time periods and societies.
The ability to walk on two legs was later followed by other human evolutionary trends that lead to tool manufacture and the enlargement of the brain.
Both Gene & Kinna desire to live in a world where humans are respected and treated equally by other humans regardless of their gender, skin color, and ethnic background.
Taking place in a huge island habited by other human players, this game feels like an MMO disguised as a shooter.
In the artist's own words: «Much of what drives my work is looking at things made by other human beings and the urge to communicate embedded in those objects.
Corals would have an easier time dealing with mild bleaching events if they weren't so threatened by other human activities, like overfishing.
But physical attractiveness is largely misinterpreted reflexively by other human beings.
«That makes it difficult to separate shark behavioral changes due to scuba diving from behavioral changes caused by other human activities like fishing.»
Forests are affected by other human activities such as farming or logging, and many are in a stage of ecological succession with lower biomass compared to mature forests.
Not only that, we are told that we should not question anything in the Bible but to just take on faith that everything written by these other human beings is totally the way that everything works.
And, understand that your convictions may not be shared by other human beings who are your equals.
And it's quite clear that regions already heavily affected by other human activities (coastal pollution, overfishing, etc.) are — no surprise — likely to feel more stress from acidification.
Rorty would have us become «liberal ironists,» people who are sufficiently nominalist and historicist to appreciate their own fallibility and the radical contingency of their fundamental beliefs and desires, and yet who «include among these ungroundable desires their own hope that suffering will be diminished, that the humiliation of human beings by other human beings may cease» (CIS xv).
So, to recap, human workers at a zoo are now taking orders from orangutans on an app that was designed for them by other human workers.
Anne Van der Meiden uses the term «responsism,» saying that «human beings in their ethical behavior respond to the appeals sent to them by other human beings.
To think of the self relationally is to think of its very existence as affected or constituted by the world external to the body, that is, by other humans, by plants and other animals, by the earth, and by the sky.
To say that «Socrates does not exist» is to imply that Socrates has been replaced, not by absolute nonbeing or a mere mental construct of Socrates, but by other human or subhuman organisms.
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