Sentences with phrase «by religious beliefs»

Aren't people allowed to live by their religious beliefs in the country anymore?
His philosophical leadership will be directly impacted by his religious belief system.
What most rational people want is equality that is not defined by YOUR religious beliefs!
If he had been required by his religious beliefs to set fires on the balcony, the decision might have gone the other way.
In fact, we've avoided a lot of hurt that can only be prompted by a religious belief that some god would appreciate it.
I can now believe in MY god, in the manner that I have thought this being to be without having my thoughts bound by religious beliefs, rituals and practices.
You can disagree with their lifestyle as long as you don't try to pursue a piece of legislation backed by that religious belief.
But that acceptance was qualified, and colored by religious beliefs and scientific knowledge.
If faith is central to your family, you will want a school that allows your child to grow and be guided by your religious beliefs.
History is full of examples of people causing harm to other people justified by their religious beliefs and their «personal knowledge» of what God wanted them to do.
@truth If you live in one of the more devout bible belt states you would find many of the state laws are greatly influenced by the religious beliefs that are prevelant.
Prior research by Grubbs and Exline has shown that perceived addiction to Internet pornography is partially driven by religious beliefs sand moral disapproval of pornography.
America is at its best when our political secularism finds inspiration and grounding in a culture deeply informed by religious belief.
I should not be able to force or coerce my employees to abide by my religious beliefs.
The story of how the CIA championed Abstract Expressionism at the height of the Cold War to counter Socialist Realist propaganda is well known; however, abstraction can also be mandated by religious beliefs or, in the repressive contexts of many authoritarian states, serve as a rejection of narrow - minded populism.
Not only are we constantly being bombarded by the religious beliefs of the faithful (Christians mostly in America) we can see how religious beliefs are stifling human progress and perpetuating hatred and segregation.
Realize that Wisdom and Compassion transcend the limitations imposed by religious belief.
alfie, She did not reach a scientific conclusion — she offers no basis in science for her comments; her conclusion is informed purely by her religious beliefs.
He thinks scientific ideals for the study of religion have collapsed under the pressure exerted by religious belief.
This fallacy in thinking has been clearly and completely proven but people have to rationally break their being controlled by their religious beliefs, not to surrender their values but to reject being used and abused by them.
All of these psychological facts are variously muddled and exploited by religious belief systems.
The abolitionist movement that finally eliminated slavery was largely a religious movement, animated by the religious belief that all men are equal in the eyes of God.
Yes, opinions on those things will be effected by some religious beliefs but, thats no different then someone voting a certain way based on their different or lack of religion.
Well, that's because the Supreme Court doesn't much like it, determining more than 100 years ago that polygamy was «an offence against society» (Reynolds v. U.S.) and compared it to «murders sanctified by religious belief, such as human sacrifice or the burning of women on their husbands» funeral pyres,» or so writes lawyer and social critic Wendy Kaminer.
Nowhere in such cultures as Islam and ancient Africa, which are deeply characterised by religious beliefs, or in those societies where the ruler and the ruled form an integral whole, like in China and Korea, can we find what may, even remotely, approximate the public and the private spheres presented by Arendt.
How we use that information is affected by religious beliefs, politics, economic paradigms, and the distribution of human wealth and power.
Mike Fox describes a 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision upholding Costco's dress code: The court upheld «Costco's dress policy against a challenge by an employee who argued her right to wear her eyebrow piercing was required by her religious beliefs as a member of the Church of Body Modification.»
Bair indicated that the nasal spray is prohibited by her religious beliefs that she not inject or ingest foreign substances.
And the Swedish market for education was open to all, meaning any entrepreneur, whether motivated by religious beliefs, social concern, or the almighty dollar, could launch a school as long as he could maintain its accreditation and attract «paying» customers.
I think the religion issue is relevant because most people conduct their lives by their religious beliefs (or should anyway), and that should include the choices they make in making political decisions.
State sanctioned rights must not be influenced by religious beliefs and a company which uses consumer money to donate to causes that continue to oppress and discriminate against those we «love» should be exposed.
Lets not forget the Crusades, the Nazi regime or the Boxer rebellion... next time you say atheist are promoting «violence», think about all the violence actually caused by religious beliefs...
According to the directive, the concept of religion should in particular include the holding of theistic, non-theistic and atheistic beliefs, the participation in, or abstention from, formal worship in private or in public, either alone or in community with others, other religious acts or expressions of view, or forms of personal or communal conduct based on or mandated by any religious belief (art. 10).
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