Sentences with phrase «cell vaccine»

A paper he published early this year in the Journal of Clinical Oncology describes a dendritic cell vaccine in advanced glioma, an aggressive form of brain cancer.
Grant Title: 01787: Clinical advancement of RNA - transfected CD40 - B cell vaccine technology for cancer therapy
Cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and paclitaxel enhance the antigen - specific anti-tumor immune response of GM - CSF - secreting whole cell vaccines in tolerized mice.
But the CDC's Martin notes that the United States will probably never use the whole cell vaccine again because of concerns about its possible side effects.
The TNFR family members OX40 and CD27 link viral virulence to protective T cell vaccines in mice.
Managing pertussis outbreaks Aside from the difference in antigens, though, scientists remain unsure what made the whole - cell vaccine so effective.
Correction: This item has been clarified to reflect that scientists were working on a dendritic cell vaccine at Baylor University Medical Center.
Researchers used IL - 15 to develop a whole tumor cell vaccine to target breast (TS / A) and prostate (TRAMP - C2) cancer cells in animal models; results showed that tumor cells stopped growing after the vaccine was introduced and that beneficial effects were enhanced further when IL - 15Rα was co-produced by the vaccine cells.
She designed lentiviral vectors capable of inducing dendritic cell (DC) precursors into personalized cell vaccines tailored for immune regeneration.
The contamination occurred because the kidney cells the vaccine virus was grown in came from monkeys infected with SV40.
Among a second cohort of 10 patients who got bevacizumab and dendritic cell vaccine alone (but no cyclophosphamide), only 30 percent survived to the two - year mark.
«IL - 28B is a key regulator of B - and T - Cell vaccine responses against influenza» by Adrian Egli et al. published in PLOS Pathogens on Thursday 11 December 2014.
This would enable these cells to be distributed to other centers that do not have ready access to an irradiator and enable those centers to generate CD40 - B cell vaccines on site.
Therefore, we will continue to generate CD40 - B cell vaccines using freshly irradiated feeder cells.
Afterwards, you'll receive one of the two rabies vaccines that have been approved for human use by the Food and Drug Administration — the human diploid cell vaccine (HDCV) and the purified chick embryo cell culture vaccine (PCECV).
Around the same time, Irvine's lab developed a new type of T cell vaccine that hitches a ride to the lymph nodes by latching on to the protein albumin, found in the bloodstream.
While this approach has had some clinical success, in most cases, the immune response resulting from dendritic cell vaccines is short - lived and not robust enough to keep tumors at bay over the long run.
Bringing back the whole - cell vaccine is unlikely, Edwards and Offit say, because of the safety concerns, but Edwards suggests it might be possible to modify a new whole - cell vaccine that's less reactive or to add antigens to the acellular vaccine.
«Even with the new immunological studies, we can't tell what's special about the whole - cell vaccine that makes it better,» says Kathryn Edwards, the director of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Vaccine Research Center.
A company, Argos Therapeutics, had a dendritic cell vaccine in trials for kidney cancer and personalized the vaccine for Steinman, even though his cancer was a different type; scientists at Baylor University Medical Center did something similar for another dendritic cell vaccine, which they were testing in melanoma.
Schlesinger visited him only a week ago with data about an HIV clinical trial of a dendritic cell vaccine, and Steinman was absorbed in what she had to share.
Then you activate the killer T cells with the dendritic - cell vaccine, so now you've got all your smart bombs and your cruise missiles coming in from outside.
It exposes the immune system to only a handful of bacterial proteins, and it may be that exposure to more — as occurred when people were inoculated with the whole - cell vaccine — is more powerful.
Maybe a T cell vaccine could do that.»
A successful T cell vaccine would be a step along the way (Merck calls its trial the «step» trial) but it could be a significant step.
The current acellular vaccine, purified down to three antigens, was introduced in 1997 to replace the previous whole - cell vaccine, after side effects such as fever and crying dissuaded many parents from starting or completing the three doses of vaccine required by six months of age.
Tanyi said he is eager to explore whether the dendritic - cell vaccine might also be used as a first - line treatment for women who are newly diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
May 30, 2015 Khoury et al ASCO AST - VAC1 Presentation Long - term Follow - up of Patients with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Receiving an Autologous Telomerase - based Dendritic Cell Vaccine
Dendritic cell vaccines — focus on cells in the immune system that recognize cancerous cells.
RNA - transfected CD40 - B Cell Vaccines Study: Clinical Advancement of RNA - transfected CD40 - B Cell Vaccine Technology for Cancer Therapy Study Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine whether repeat vaccinations with a cancer vaccine, made from your dog's own immune cells (B cells), can prevent relapse of lymphoma when given following a standard 19 - week course of -LSB-...]
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