Sentences with phrase «change in the mean»

This lecture is presented as part of Keywords, an exhibition and lecture programme looking at how changes in the meaning of words reflect the cultural shifts in our society.
For the increase of 5 % which parameter produces the largest change in mean global temperature?
It's a collection of writings that has been translated over and over with changes in meanings and interpretations.
Keywords looks at how changes in the meaning of words reflect the cultural shifts in our society.
Overall, the scientists found that precipitation extremes of different kinds will occur, with only small changes in the mean precipitation across the rainy season.
Therefore, identifying strategies for water - resource management under changing climate variability, and not just changes in the mean state, is necessary [14].
His installations lead viewers to recognize that changes in context create changes in meaning.
So one way of detecting such an influence is through long - term changes in mean conditions, preferably guided by climate model studies as to which variables and how they should change.
We also find that changes in mean SST alone can account for the majority of these changes, at least over the satellite record.
All our farmers recognize the changes — they're planting longer seasons and more varieties, they're planting earlier, there's changing in the mean freeze date and an extended growing season.
This increase is also illustrated, in part, by the overall change in mean scores for emotional symptoms shown in Table 4.2 (a very slight increase of 1.2 to 1.3).
A dynamic exhibition and lecture programme looking at how changes in the meaning of words reflect the cultural shifts in society.
His sculptures and installations lead viewers to recognize that changes in context create changes in meaning, and thereby shape interpretations of historical truth and artistic value.
Our results reveal a marked increase in the probability of a 30 - day delay in monsoon onset in 2050, as a result of changes in the mean climate, from 9 - 18 % today (depending on the region) to 30 - 40 % at the upper tail of the distribution.
Results showed that change in mean level of quality of attachment to mother appeared to be nonlinear for boys, whereas mean level of attachment of adolescent girls to their mothers showed a linear decline.
Secondly, we tested the hypothesis that foetal survivability may be influenced by changes in mean annual ambient temperature and may influence the proportion of males born [11], [19] using annual data on the proportion of male stillbirths from 1929 — 2009.
Those who reject originalism as a judicial philosophy generally say that the Constitution is a «living document» which changes in meaning as society changes.
How many times so called ATTRACTIONS changed in the mean time?
Satellite altimetry methods developed at NOC play a crucial role in helping improve storm surge models and map out regional changes in mean sea level.»
The results matched the observed changes in the mean pole position (MPP).
It correlated perfectly with the observed changes in the mean pole position (MPP).
The temperature anomaly on Earth over the same period is about 10 times larger, hence the suggestion that IF the ACRIM inferred changes in the mean insolation are correct, then the inferred increase in solar radiance would account for about 10 % of the temperature anomaly over the same period.
The latter show negligible change in the mean solar radiance over the data span (formally shows a statistically insignificant cooling) the latter suggest there is a possibly signifcant increase in the mean from 1980 - 1990 to 1990 - 2000.
Just on the off - chance the 3rd comment is serious: Pluto has not been observed for a full orbit, so we have no data on secular changes in its mean temperature.
Given the conservative nature of the shape parameter, it is possible to illustrate the relationships between changes in the mean total precipitation, the probability of precipitation (which is proportional to the number of days with precipitation), and changes in heavy precipitation (Figure 2.34).
Both NOAAv4.01 and GISSTEMP show almost identical changes in mean GMST to that per HadCRUT4v4 from 1880 - 1899, the first two decades they cover, to 1995 - 2015, the final period used in the update of Lewis and Curry.
Scores were (a) dichotomized as «problems» if either the parent score or the adolescent score was increased, versus «no problems», and (b) counted as change in mean severity (ranges 0 — 20).
This makes for change in the meaning of citizenship and the roles of the citizen, now understood as an ecological citizen in the times of environmental crisis and a silent spring of political revolution.
At the ocean surface, the sea level response to barometric pressure is theoretically 10 mm per hectopascal change in mean pressure (See Gill, A.E., 1982, Atmosphere - ocean dynamics: San Diego, Academic Press, Inc., 662 p. for a derivation).
These shifts can also alter the intensity distribution (e.g. wet areas getting wetter and dry areas drier (Held and Soden 2006)-RRB-, potentially leading to more extremes either directly (Portmann et al. 2009) or indirectly via teleconnections (Kenyon and Hegerl 2010), which would again lead to damages even in cases where changes in mean precipitation could be beneficial.
Major changes in means of communication within a society will have profound changes in how that society perceives and organises itself, and in its meaning and value systems.
Withou.t the second, no sense can be made of a real change in meaning.
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