Sentences with phrase «data in the study»

Interestingly, data in this study did not yield an interaction effect of parental depression on the association between intelligence and adaptive behavior in the younger group.
I actually emailed the researchers media people because they left out all the key data in this study.
Lastly, follow up is very important to be able to have complete data in a study.
Read the information about our video educational products, and you'll find that they contain the most up - to - date data in studies from social science research.
Data in the study reveals that during the last recession, residential property values performed 42 percent better on average if they were located near public transportation with high - frequency service.
Moreover, no housing price data in the study are taken from the period between 2001 and early 2006, the peak period of bubble inflation.
Research Design: Sources of data in this study consist of teacher (N = 16) questionnaires reflecting CRT dimensions and student (N = 244) questionnaires for ethnic identity, perceived discrimination, and scholastic competence, as well as reading achievement.
Based upon the CFA fit conducted with Study 4 data, item performance from data in Studies 1, 3 & 4 were further examined.
Research Design: Sources of data in this study consist of student demographic variables and reading achievement for 995 students and classroom observation data using the Classroom Assessment Scoring System collected across 46 classrooms in an urban school district in Wisconsin.
Jari Tiihonen, M.D., Ph.D., of the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, and coauthors used nationwide register - based data in their study.
However, the FTC charges that those researchers altered crucial data in the study, including participants» weights.
And the setback followed a major stem cell scandal in which biologist Haruko Obokata of the Riken Center for Developmental Biology was found to have falsified data in studies, published in 2014, that claimed a new method of achieving pluripotency.
Feng said the B - mode polarization data in his study, while consistent with the predictions of general relativity, are not statistically significant enough yet to make any firm claims about neutrino masses.
Even so, there's enough data in this study to satisfy me of its conclusion: Texting behind the wheel, no matter how you do it, is a bad business.
As the genetic data in the study comprise the deepest divergence among now living humans, the researchers developed a novel method to examine what genetic changes were underway when modern humans emerged more than 100 000 years ago.
There's also no fertility data in the study, and no one has ever reported that Seventh - day Adventists (SDA) or any other population of healthy eaters suffer excess fertility issues.
There was actually repeatable data in the study, and there is reasonable backup for the idea that mucosal excretion is supportive of gut motility and (I think??)
Data in a study performed in 2005 - 09 showed that the average cost of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing is between $ 1,080 and $ 1,200.
Researchers used data from the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) and physiological data in the study.
Besides privacy issues with Google, DeepMind got into a bit of hot water last year when it got access to a number of medical records and patient data in a study with the UK's National Health Service, and questions arose around the scope of the data the company had and the consent (or lack thereof) given by participants.
Working with dyadic data in studies of emerging adulthood: Specific recommendations, general advice, and practical tips.
Collecting and managing multisource and multimethod data in studies of pediatric populations
Although the amount of missing data in this study is similar to other daily process studies (e.g., Gil et al., 2003) and managed statistically, it is possible that unforeseen factors (e.g., lack of time or energy) added to the missing data.
This may have been partly due to limitations in outcomes data in the study, but even if the intervention could be targeted solely at high - risk children it would only be cost - effective if society was willing to pay more than $ 750 000 (2004 prices) per case of conduct disorder averted (Foster and Jones, 2006, 2007; Foster, 2010).
In conclusion, Exploratory Factor Analyses from data in Study 1 indicated support for five factors: social consequences; to include concerns regarding how parents, friends, classmates and teachers may view test performance; item types; to include items related to anxiety across item formats; and temporal aspects of anxiety; that is how stress is felt before, during, and after an exam.
Thanks to the data in studies like this, many NFL players now live quite frugally, despite their hefty paychecks.
The biotech specialist said that its updated phase 2 data in a study of its poziotinib candidate treatment for non-small cell lung cancer resulted in a preliminary confirmed objective response rate and potential progression - free survival benefit in patients with the EGFR Exon 20 Mutant form of the disease.
Well, I agree with Carl that the data in the study about the Japanese aversion to sex is suspect.
However, it is important to note that this study was not designed to compare the performance of the two processors in meeting the threshold, and the data in the study can not be used to compare processing methods.
It should be noted that this study was not designed to compare the performance of the two processors in meeting the threshold, and the data in the study can not be used to compare processing methods.
The data in this study might not have had a comparison group, but it was compared with aggregate national data provided by the CDC, our national vital statistic system.
Reporting their data in a study published online May 15, an international research team says expanding year - round flu vaccinations during pregnancy would also benefit children in other tropical and subtropical parts of the world — where flu viruses can be pervasive and circulate 8 to 12 months a year.
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