Sentences with phrase «dignity of the person»

The presumption of innocence protects the fundamental liberty and human dignity of any person accused by the state of criminal conduct.
We value inclusion, equality, and the inherent dignity of every person.
Yet the equal dignity of every person does not mean that all people are equal in every way.
Our mission is rooted in the respect for the inherent dignity of each person and in striving to create a just and compassionate society.
We wish to state categorically, here and now that Asiedu Nketiahs comments and utterances are reprehensible, is devoid of maturity, and given the office he holds, lacks the respect and dignity of the people of Ghana.
In November 2001, the UN General Assembly established an Ad Hoc Committee (AHC) to «consider proposals for a comprehensive and integral convention on the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities.»
Through a survey of issues such as reproductive health, the increasing sexualization of women and girls, as well as human trafficking and forced abortion, WYA's ELC 2013 will emphasize the recognition of the intrinsic dignity of the person as a powerful solution to the many issues concerning women today.
ON THE WEST COAST, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art had something of a banner year with an exhibition of Catherine Opie's «O Project,» portraits that document the love and dignity of people who defy narrow definitions of sexual normalcy; an exhaustive retrospective of Robert Mapplethorpe (in collaboration with the Getty) and a survey of the horror movie polymath Guillermo del Toro.
Reimagining a more just and fluid global cartographic context, Tania Bruguera's flag offers a vision for dignity of all peoples — regardless of citizenship and national territorial belonging.
The IG said in his suit, «The applicant is a law — abiding citizen and has fundamental right to dignity of person under Section 34 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (1999)(as amended), and Article 5 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights (Ratification and Enforcement) Act.
This way of understanding the human person, which stems from the unique dignity of the person created in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:26 - 27) and called to eternal redemption in Christ, is rooted in revelation, but it can be appreciated or grasped as true even by those who do not share our faith, on the basis of natural moral law.6
In outlining the judicial decisions leading to same - sex marriage, Reilly demonstrates how the invocation of privacy law to protect gay sex quickly obscured the moral dignity of persons, especially children.
Pull out from under democratic principles the beliefs of Judaism and Christianity about the transcendent dignity of the person and the human propensity to sin, and the existing edifice of democratic thought is exposed to radical doubt.
On the scientific and philosophical level they never accepted mechanical determination of the economic infrastructure and have always proclaimed freedom and spiritual dignity of persons building their own destiny with the help of the transcendent God.
There is a comprehensive programme of relationships and moral education in all Catholic schools that promotes the unique dignity of each person, made in the image and likeness of God.
The problem is not that many Americans have come to reject the concept of the basic dignity of all people; it is that they are increasingly losing faith in democratic institutions and the rule of law.
What the Church does is bear witness both to the creative capacities of man in producing wealth and to the imperative that creativity be exercised in a way that respects the absolute dignity of persons and is aimed at including everyone «in the circle of productivity and exchange.»
This happens when the institutions of a democracy are manipulated so that ««right» ceases to be such, because it is no longer firmly founded on the inviolable dignity of the person....
I think being pro-life means recognizing the humanity and dignity of every person made in the image of God, and defending their intrinsic rights and duties accordingly.
What if loving the people were central, the proposition of the community was that every person deserves to be loved, the purpose of the community was to love all, and the product of the community was loving real people in practical ways that would translate into the mutual respect and dignity of each person along with the equality of the rights and freedoms of all people?
The Christian socialist vision was not of an atheistic, paternalistic, totalitarian state that does not uphold the creative dignity of every person as an accepted member of the community.
Requests to visit the centres must be carefully considered and planned to preserve the privacy and dignity of the people detained there.»
The authors asserted, at p. 1, that the events of the Wagar trial: ``... undermine public confidence in the fair administration of justice, both in general and in relation to Justice Camp's current capacity for independence, integrity and impartiality, and his ability to respect the equality and dignity of all persons appearing before him.»
In addition to the threats we anticipate to access to reproductive health care, we recognize the threats to the safety and dignity of people of color, immigrants, and LGBTQ people — to our patients, our staff, our neighbors, and our communities.
Inspired by Pope Francis, we respond with compassion and call on governments to protect the human dignity of people on the move.
The postliberal condition can retain many aspects that are regarded as liberalism's triumphs — equal dignity of persons, in particular — while envisioning an alternative understanding of the human person, human community, politics, and the relationship of the cities of Man to the city of God.
The BBC was found to be in breach of r 2.11 of the Broadcasting Code that competitions should be conducted fairly and r 1.2.6 that due care must be taken over the physical and emotional welfare and dignity of people under 18.
Still, the striving for inclusion of people with disabilities in the world through treaties like the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), which aims to promote the rights and dignity of all people with disabilities gives Thompson hope for the future.
To say that we should value aspects of governance that promote the clarity and determinacy of rules for the sake of individual freedom, but not the opportunities for argumentation that a free and self - possessed individual is likely to demand, is to slice in half, to truncate, what the Rule of Law rests upon: respect for the freedom and dignity of each person as an active intelligence.
It will have to lead them towards the «slow and difficult construction» of new habits in the temporal life of nations, supportive of «the soul of democracy,» that is, «the law of brotherly love and the spiritual dignity of the person
The first point worth noting is that Trump has been elected to the highest office in the U.S. without having to even pretend to value all voters, or to respect the rights and dignity of all persons.
«To violate the dignity of another person, in any form or fashion, is to contradict the very basis of Gospel - centered living.
Leaders in the civil rights organizations as well as in the halls of Congress remain wedded to a conception of the black condition and to a method of appealing to the rest of the polity that undermine the dignity of our people.
«The violence against ideas and freedom and the dignity of the person — this is all modern, not medieval.
Moral beliefs include such concepts as duty, obligation, responsibility, and sacredness of the person, while manners include such beliefs and needs as communal harmony, cultural coherence, and dignity of the person.
Selfies that portray us as the humanitarian hero with our arm draped around some impoverished victim do a disservice to the dignity of those people — and actually tell a false story about their humanity.
And when your nation is the size of America, these choices can influence the dignity of people all over the globe.
We promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person.
Eve's incarnation teaches the solitary Adam how the human body is not some autonomous vehicle but precisely how the infinite life and dignity of each person is made manifest.
Ever since, legions of Catholics engaged in parliamentary politics have proved complicit in the creation of laws that equally disregard the dignity of the person and thus undermine the common good.
At home and abroad, we will seek to serve as moral agents to build rightly ordered and just societies respecting the dignity of all persons.
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