Sentences with phrase «in a sentence»

Students spend a minute practicing using the word in a sentence with peers as teacher monitors for appropriate use.
Which is correct to use in a sentence: he want or he wants?
It will be impressive if you add one keyword in every sentence of your resume.
Use action verbs in your sentences for greater effect, and pay special attention to this key area.
The use of your baby's name in a sentence acts as a kind of anchor.
I tried combining the possible number of days in a sentence with the possible fine to get a single number that represented how serious a charge was.
Taking discretion in sentencing out of the hands of judges.
There is an emphasis on the space a word takes up and spaces between words in each sentence as well as a Spring picture to color in.
While there are many factors involved in sentencing in the event of a conviction, there are general guidelines based the Class of felony.
«The sentence imposed on Silver should reflect the unprecedented magnitude, duration, and scope of his abuse of power,» prosecutors said in their sentencing memo.
They may continue to do so at trial, although if convicted they will lose the reduction in sentence normally given for a guilty plea.
They will also speak in sentences by at least 14 months and can follow spoken directions by at least 18 months.
I know, «interesting» and «lawyers» shouldn't be used together in a sentence, but bear with me.
Use action verbs in your sentences for a more powerful and lasting impression.
Create variety in your sentence structure; this will keep the reader's attention and encourage them to continue reading.
Her age, medical situation and lack of a prior conviction were believed to have been a major factor in the sentencing.
Use keywords in these sentences to showcase your principal areas of expertise and how well they match the requirements of the position.
In a sentencing hearing in particular, admissions are neither a shortcut, a lazy substitute, nor inferior.
Hello teacher what is the meaning of date in the sentences like this you were dating him date a boy.
There is no constitutional right to a jury trial for criminal contempt charges resulting in a sentence of imprisonment of six months or less.
It is best to write in sentence fragments and to avoid adding periods.
Once they have assembled individual words, kids should drag them to their designated places in a sentence.
The state says both categories of offenders should be included in sentencing data.
When you include these keywords in your sentences make sure they should sound natural and not stuffed.
It's fun to use students names in the sentences.
Also called «action words,» they have immediate impact and establish ownership over the success or process being described in the sentence.
The common law also continues to be an important source of guidance in sentencing decisions.
As expected, the men had great difficulty understanding complex grammar, including embedded phrases in sentences.
There are few things more boring than a resume that repeatedly uses the same exact resume verbs in sentence after sentence.
Look up some relevant, employer specific key terms and see where these can be added in your sentences as you explain your competencies.
Try it — it will not change the meaning in your sentence.
And in the face of that need, what meaning could he find in a sentence of a set number of years?
I love that they highlight the difference in sentencing guidelines between powder and crack cocaine.
Again, the specific circumstances of your case will play a role in the sentence you are facing.
Ask students to identify the error in the sentence.
Also, I've never said «table read» this many times in a sentence.
Students decides which word makes sense in the sentence and writes that word in the correct spot on the back.
The degree of seriousness of the charges as they relate the injuries imposed on the victims is also reflected in the increases in sentences for those who commit them.
When the child finds a matching pair of word cards, have her use the word in a sentence before she can add the cards to her «keep» pile.
At a certain point in my sentence, it became clear I needed something to focus on.
Students have to supply the missing word in each sentence from a selection given.
Parts of speech is the category to which a word is assigned based on how it functions in a sentence.
In sentences such as these, people seem to be taking certain psychological concepts and applying them to a whole corporation.
We argue over metaphors because we think that what happened on the cross can be summarized in a sentence or two in a theology textbook.
How to Use It: Students will look at the word bank and use the words to fill in the missing words in the sentences on the lines provided.

Phrases with «in a sentence»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z