Sentences with phrase «one's body mass index»

What is clear is that the propensity of the disease to affect large and giant dogs may be related to the higher body mass index of these dogs.
On average, they were about 46 years old and had an average body mass index of 27, meaning they were normal to very overweight.
This effect was most striking for white women: a two - unit increase in body mass index (BMI)-- a standard assessment of weight that takes one's height into account.
Seven genes for intelligence are also associated with schizophrenia; nine genes also with body mass index, and four genes were also associated with obesity.
Factors likely to affect the results, such as body mass index, smoking, alcohol intake, history of various chronic illnesses and use of certain other medications, were taken into account.
All were aged between 18 and 65 years (mean 45 years) and had body mass index between 27 and 48 kg / m2.
As for body mass index, it would take 8 hours of walking.
A healthy body mass index, or BMI, is important for optimizing male fertility.
On the other hand, there was a different result when looking at the effect of harsh parenting on body mass index.
Any caffeine intake was associated with increased body mass index from infancy to childhood.
This is important because weight, often measured by body mass index or BMI, is one of the most important underwriting criteria.
I don't like weighing people, and I don't calculate body mass index (BMI) or other parameters of that sort.
Combined, these men and women had an average body mass index of 25 and average body fat percentage of 26.
Only 14 percent had a normal body mass index, with 38 percent overweight and 48 percent obese.
Insurance companies generally use body mass index, or BMI, to determine whether an applicant's body weight falls within a healthy range.
And importantly, the same trend held up when the researchers looked at body mass index (BMI)-- a measure that takes height as well as weight into account.
These results were also adjusted for potential influencing factors, including body mass index, exercise, and alcohol intake.
They studied body mass index among children exposed to traffic - related air pollution.
Designed and implemented unique and exciting fitness programs aimed at improving stamina, increasing muscle mass and reducing body mass index.
Have your doc run your numbers so you have all of your measures of health, from body mass index (BMI) to cholesterol and blood sugar.
A team of researchers studied adult volunteers with severe obesity (body mass index greater than 40) who participated in a comprehensive weight loss program.
A meta - analysis on the relationship between maternal stress and child body mass index.
Individuals who consumed diet soda had higher mean body mass index compared to individuals who didn't.
The study also did not include information about body mass index, weight gain, physical activity, or diet of the women involved.
When it comes to quickly assessing the health of large groups of people, a measure called body mass index, or BMI, can be helpful.
Your healthcare provider can help you figure out your current body mass index (BMI) and suggest ways to lose weight if necessary.
However, the majority of these participants were in the obese body mass index range at the beginning of the study, so they had much more than 18 pounds to lose.
Adults who had the highest body mass index scores as children were 2.3 times as likely to have died early as those with the lowest scores.
However, limited screen time also indirectly affects body mass index.
«We wanted someone with no chronic disease and a good body mass index who doesn't drink, smoke, take drugs and had never been exposed to antibiotics,» she says.
This is evident with the company's liberal body mass index chart for males and females 70 and up.
Among toddlers, milk consumption significantly decreased odds of deficiency, whereas body mass index showed an opposite, marginally significant effect.
The effect of school on overweight in childhood: gain in body mass index during the school year and during summer vacation.
Data from a questionnaire on psoriasis were validated with hospital discharge diagnoses of type 2 diabetes and self - reported body mass index (BMI).
The effect of breastfeeding on mean body mass index throughout life: a quantitative review of published and unpublished observational evidence.
People can also check their own body mass index (BMI).
They discovered that men who were younger and had a lower body mass index experienced more hot flashes and felt more interference with their daily lives.
Use our online body mass index calculator to check your weight status.
It is useful for reducing weight and maintaining ideal body mass index in women because it improves colon health.
Learn what body mass index is and discover how a BMI calculator is a key starting point for measuring your health.
While few states require schools to collect body mass index and fitness data, local health agencies may have statistics that will reveal the extent of the problem.
Another way to say this is that some companies allow for a larger body mass index than others.
This approach may also be useful for children with abnormal body mass indexes.
Also, other studies have shown that people with a slightly higher than average body mass index generally have better bone density.
Dog walking is associated with lower body mass index, fewer doctor visits, more frequent exercise and an increase in social benefits for seniors.
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