Sentences with phrase «one's crucifixion»

Although many scholars think that Josephus» short accounts of Jesus (in Antiquities) came from interpolations perpetrated by a later Church father (most likely, Eusebius), Josephus» birth in 37 C.E. (well after the alleged crucifixion of Jesus), puts him out of range of an eyewitness account.
And the blood was all poured away — it wasn't left to accumulate in the lower part of the body, as in crucifixion.
The Prophets condemned the Temple system, as did Jesus and that is why he was assassinated by crucifixion by the Jewish clergy who were in the control of the Romans.
The man was born of a virgin, preached about being «born again» and had risen from the dead after crucifixion, Freke says.
They say that that the Romans lined the roads with crucifixions as a means to intimidate the masses into submission, that in actual fact, crosses were slammed into the ground and the crucified only hung 6 inches to a foot off the ground, so no traveller could avoid facing the sacrificed and exposed.
George: The simple truth is that it is not just a design — it is made up of straight crosses and diagonal crosses, most of which were used for crucifixion.
Then somehow they end up with crucifixion murders, kidnapped babies and, as always, people who are not who, or what, they seem.
Romans were pretty efficient at crucifixion and guarding things.
Can you say new world order?Some 400 years before crucifixion was invented, both Israel's King David and the prophet Zechariah described the Messiah's death in words that perfectly depict that mode of execution.
Does the proliferation of crucifixion scenes habituate us to violence?
Along with physical suffering, crucifixion meant isolation, restraint, nakedness, sedation (offered, at least) and piercing of the body.
Without a gallery show like this one we wouldn't be seeing it at all, and we certainly wouldn't be able to understand it as an art about crucifixion as much as about celebration.
i'm a christian and i believe that a guy rose from the dead with all his decaying body and his wounds healed, except for the holes in his hands from crucifixion.
It made me think of Francis Bacon's early paintings like the one at MoMA [Painting, 1946] and Graham Sutherland's series of crucifixion paintings of the same period.
Finally, the story is designed as a climax to Jesus» whole controversy with the Jews, and to serve as the event which sets his arrest and crucifixion into motion (11:53).
This is why they were allowed to be present at the Cross during crucifixion since only immediate family was allowed that «honor» by the Romans.
that would be a weight worse than even crucifixion... as a man, why would it be awful for Him to feel that doubt & fear?
Tons of people that have a problem with a Good Friday crucifixion do not even consider the darkness (noon to 3 pm) as a part of the «reckoning».
Perhaps one of the problems is that many people who are tossing off opinions about these matters do not realize what crucifixion was as a mode of execution.
It must be recognized, indeed, that there are comparatively few narratives which correspond in any way to events in the ministry of Jesus, and that where such correspondence is to be found, as for example in the baptism or crucifixion narratives, the gospel account has been so influenced by the theological conceptions and understanding of the Church that we can derive little, if any, historical knowledge of that event from those narratives.
Francis reflected on the power of Christianity's core belief - that Jesus rose from the dead following crucifixion - in his formal «Urbi et Orbi» Easter message delivered from the balcony of St Peter's Basilica to a packed square below.
Finally, I really appreciated his explanation of how the practice of Roman crucifixion was reserved for the worst criminals of Roman civilization (p. 30 - 31).
The Romans used crucifixion for executing common criminals, especially slaves.
Nancy Lee Noble (The Girl, the Body, and the Pill) appears as a naive recruit named Honey - Pot, and there are the usual decapitations and crucifixions which the viewer might expect from the director of Blood Feast.
Q ~ The main reason for this [Friday crucifixion] tradition, as far as I can tell, is that the disciples of Jesus were intent upon burying Jesus before the Sabbath arrived (Mark 15:42 - 43; Luke 23:54; John 19:31).
Shortly after creating a male or female character, the player is convicted of a crime and sentenced to death by crucifixion until Conan manages to save the day.
Did he not like the Indian subcontinent or did one crucifixion become too much for him?
Elsheikh, who is 29 years old, «was said to have earned a reputation for waterboarding, mock executions, and crucifixions while serving as an ISIS jailer.»
Seems like crucifixion versus a $ 2.68 fine is pretty unfair comparison for a man as objective as you.
Q ~ The main reason for this tradition [Friday crucifixion], as far as I can tell, is that the disciples of Jesus were intent upon burying Jesus before the Sabbath arrived (Mark 15:42 - 43; Luke 23:54; John 19:31).
I have heard skeptics claim that the Romans didn't allow the burial of crucifixion victims.
Though crucifixion on this cross only means physical death, not spiritual.The ankh was a symbol, not of death, but of life, and it is the ankh that was used by all Christians until the 4th century when the Vatican introduced the Roman cross for the first time.
Where's the independent, factual, objective and verifiable evidence for the claimed extraordinary events at the time of the alleged crucifixion and resurrection of some dude allegedly named jesus?
In this and the works that followed, «Bacon combined horrific imagery with traditional religious or literary sources, depicting crucifixions, screaming popes, and tortured bodies as he transcribed the brutality and isolation of those pushed to the limits of endurance.
Artist and self - styled Soho dandy, he underwent crucifixion for his art and was celebrated for his wit
Ally points out that Jesus wasn't on the cross for very long, whereas crucifixion normally took days to kill a man, noting Pilate's astonishment that Jesus was apparently dead before nightfall.
All but one of these paintings relate to crucifixion themes, but more importantly they establish some fascinating technical innovations that will be contrasted with the next room of 1950s paintings, that are much more loosely painted.
Further this so called crucifixion took place at Sodom and Egypt (the spiritual name for Sekhakha: Arabic Qumran) and not Jerusalem thus, the so called 12 stations are another invention.
The act of crucifixion often disjointed its victim as it forced their bodies into painful positions
The week ended at Phillips, where the most significant sale was a six - foot Jean - Michel Basquiat crucifixion figure which sold for a record $ 16.3 million — a price that now puts Basquiat on a par with late Picasso, which is just where his fans want him to be.
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