Sentences with phrase «one's deepest questions»

This leads us to ask deeper questions of the Native Title Act: is it just in its structure?
As a resource in designing your vision, go to: List of deep questions about dreams or vision of ideal life.
We can use this as an opportunity to ask deeper questions about dark periods in our lives, considering how they might actually help us grow in unexpected ways.
Nonetheless, we acknowledge that the referendum has raised deep questions about identity and belonging for many young people, for which an increasingly narrow academic curriculum has left them ill - equipped.
«I suddenly understood that common sense was the route to answering deep questions about the way things worked,» he says.
The idea was, if their platform proved to be effective, anyone can apply it to their own dating life and feel more comfortable asking deeper questions on a first date.
But real commitment requires an even deeper dive with even deeper questions: How do you each feel about taking care of aging parents?
Find out how compatible you and your boyfriend are by having a question / answer session with deep questions that will help you both learn more about each other.
There are much deeper questions that one must answer in one's quest to finding the right career calling.
This is a very deep question which can not be given a simplistic answer.
I almost led a double life, playing a very active role in school while pondering deep questions about the meaning of life.
The only issue with too deep questions is that, if there is no member in the public with enough knowledge of the issues, it might go unanswered.
They ask deeper questions others do not so as to discover their own truths.
The decline raises deeper questions alongside surveys showing large percentages of our population lack a sense of hope for the future.
Not perfect, but I didn't want deep questions.
Some of the disagreements about the plan come down to deep questions of values and goals.
The soap opera section of the show opened up questions about faith, food, poverty, celebration, feast and deeper questions on indulgence and waste.
But this show raises deeper questions, and some of them are unsettling.
And friendship begins by asking deep questions, an expression of care and interest.
Or, an even deeper question might be: Will the sale of annuities — even with innovations — ever thrive in a fee - based environment?
But for specific, deep questions about supply chain business models, etc., please email me the inquiries directly.
And while his early work was complex and thematically slight, his later writing tackled deep questions in a voice that was both hilarious and seemingly revelatory about the writer himself.
I do accept that many offenders lack the sophistication to delve into deep questions of legal philosophy and moral responsibility, and that is probably true of Mr. Michael.
So I invite you to peek at my interview on She Roams Solo, which poses deep questions such as: «How do your experiences of traveling alone compare to traveling with someone?»
In a recent Q&A, posted to the PlayStation Blog, game director Cory Barlog addressed deep questions about the game's character and world.
In its attempt to ask big questions such as whence and whither humankind, Prometheus presents an action / monster suspense movie in the place of Kubrick's classic, but such deep questions remain to the end in the character of Dr. Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace).
Both events prevented deeper questions for progressives, as the SPD in Germany, SPO in Austria, and Labour in Norway found out to their dismay.
This prediction, dubbed Hawking radiation, is probably his most influential work, but Hawking spent his life probing many deep questions about the nature of space, time and the origins of the universe.
The show confronted deeper questions like what it means to be conscious while at the same time giving shocking payoffs, and thrilling drama.
The tragic death of Tyler Clementi, the Rutgers University freshman who jumped to his death after his roommate broadcast his encounter with another male student via webcam, has prompted deep questioning about the intersecting roles of technology, cyberbullying, education, privacy, and civility.
Facebook, already facing deep questions over the use of its platform by those seeking to spread Russian propaganda and fake news, is facing a renewed backlash after the news about Cambridge Analytica.
«Trump's refusal to release his taxes continues to raise deep questions over whether public policy is furthering private gain.
The character - driven film provokes deep questions about lawlessness, the breakdown of order, and whether it is just for citizens to take up arms to fight violence with violence.
Science is perfect for most «here and now» questions, but is lacking on the ultimate deeper question of «why?»
Reform opens deeper questions about where power should lie than this cabinet looks willing or capable of confronting.
On the other hand, many deep questions drive science to smaller scales, more minute than the realm of atoms and molecules, or to a greater depth of detail underlying broad - brush answers to past big questions.
Yet each advance left deeper questions unanswered.
And the reason they were studying E. coli is because it's the best understood species on earth, and so when they want to ask really deep questions about life, they want to stand on the shoulders of giants.
They want to take whatever one has learned about E. coli and then ask an even deeper question using E. coli.
On this note, take out your journal and answer the following deep questions:
Max thinks Atom can understand him without a voice recognition programme, but does this surprisingly deep question have anything to do with the rest of the film?
Usually, Woody Allen films make the case for great story telling and present deep questions about humanity and circumstance.
«One of the leading psychologists of our times has taken on the single deepest question in the field: How and when do we change our minds,» said Martin Seligman, author of Authentic Happiness and Learned Optimist.
But most questions bring forth deeper clarity for the learners in the room, and sometimes there's the ripe question that elicits deeper questions and understanding.
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