Sentences with phrase «one's economic advantage»

What is perhaps even more important than the financial and economic advantages of owning a tiny home, is the environmental benefits.
As previously noted, the conduct that gives rise to a claim for interference with contractual relations or prospective economic advantage may be independently actionable under other tort theories.
Too often, their efforts are to gain economic advantages for their own constituencies even at the expense of others.
Though there is no systematic economic advantage in splitting the CEO and chair positions, the arrangement may still sometimes make sense.
If they are proved safe, the older plants have a major economic advantage over new ones, he added.
Up to now, while work technologies offered great economic advantages, the technologies have not been sufficiently robust to provide a solid foundation for a revolutionary new virtual work world.
Indeed, life insurance can be part of a long - term financial strategy that may provide significant economic advantages to the child later in life.
So, yeah, we have seen huge economic advantages during disasters of keeping an intact ecosystem.
Although cloud storage offers economic advantages for solo and small firm lawyers, some attorneys remain worried about security.
It is important that these products provide not only convenience and comfort, but also economic advantages.
What does that indicate about the differences in culture, the nature of education, and socio - economic advantage among these countries?
Rather, as is the case for the previously described relationship between parental education and price, families with more economic advantage are paying more.
This is happening because computer - based learning possesses technological and economic advantages compared to the traditional school model.
Their product is essentially a commodity, which makes it near impossible to establish a strong economic advantage.
The innovative use of an existing container also produced important economic advantages.
As a middle - man supplier, they face low margins and no true economic advantage.
Having found economic advantage / disadvantage the court would take into account resources and need to quantify a claim, but it would not allow a scheme based on need alone.
Increased sales and improved customer loyalty by outlining economic advantages to staff.
«These transactions demonstrate the significance of Lower Manhattan's economic advantage as businesses capitalize on the substantial discount in downtown's rents,» said Ric Clark, Brookfield president and CEO, in a statement.
Critics, however, contend that GM food gives agricultural corporations an unfair economic advantage over small producers and that GM foods have a negative impact on biodiversity.
«But the short - term economic advantages of robusta are overshadowed by long - term costs — for growers, drinkers, even the Big Four themselves.
She cites M.E.K. v. M.K.K., 2014 BCSC 2037 as an example where the Court ordered spousal support: the mother had been the primary caregiver for the children; the mother was not able to advance her career during the marriage and was confined to low skilled, part - time employment during that time; and, the father gained economic advantages in his career by virtue of the mother's caregiving.
This is the context of technological possibility and the competitive economic advantage of zero fuel cost and zero emissions renewable energy for the pursuit of global sustainability and 3 tons of carbon per person per year as achievable goal combined with global cooling activities to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by soil building and biomass.
Accordingly, the rejection of labor contracts «has not been the mechanism of last resort to save a failing business,» the Air Line Pilots Association told Congress in 2010, «but instead has often been used by employers as a business model to gain long - term economic advantage by unfairly gutting the wages and working conditions of airline and other employees.»
If a company has a large enough portfolio of products, each protected by patents, and they have enough momentum to replace expiring patents with new patents, then they can have a durable economic advantage in their technological or medical niche.
Thus, the court reversed the rulings on the tortious interference with prospective economic advantage allegations and sent the case back to the trial court to resolve these issues of fact.
No compendium of social statistics is needed to see the vast disparities in economic advantage which separate the inner - city black poor from the rest of the nation.
Although the province enjoyed economic advantage, Christians in Macedonia were extremely poor and had experienced some kind of severe trial.
It means connecting North America's energy networks through pipelines, grids, and regulatory frameworks to bolster the region's self - sufficiency, resilience, and overall economic advantage.
The world is so structured that when each person or household intelligently seeks economic advantage, the economy as a whole will grow, so that there will be more goods and services for all.
Favouring the people always entails punitive policies directed at elites who too readily convert their socio - economic advantages into political oppressions; policies ranging from publically conducted, popularly judged criminal trials to the violent, wholesale elimination of the nobility.
In particular, it's unclear the extent to which Flaherty's emphasis on economic advantages means that the program will ultimately focus on industrial collaborations aimed at economic development, an approach consistent with Prime Minister Stephen Harper's view of the role of science.
Assadollahi: After Rouhani became President, the U.S administrations of President Obama, and the EU, under the pretext of diplomacy, have taken advantage of conditions bring economic advantages for all three parties.
With coal, the plants are cheap to build, the coal is cheap to mine, and a «natural monopoly» system of electricity generation and distribution helps lock out any renewable competition, leading to further economic advantages over renewables.
Lazard focused on the cost of a power for a plant over its entire lifetime in North America, and how the «increasing economic advantage of renewables in the U.S.» will drive even deeper penetration of solar and wind here.
And yes, lawyers are investing, most recently in an assortment of artificial intelligence (AI) systems, as the legal profession sees the clear economic advantages in automating everyday tasks.
The CJEU rightfully notes that this argument did not so much pertain to the question whether state resources were present in the current case, but if such access conferred a selective economic advantage.
The Tenant also alleged tortious interference with contract and tortious interference with economic advantage against the Brokerage.
It is right of course that the court should take into account economic advantage and disadvantage, but if this is determinative it is bound to result in costly litigation in which the couple try to show that they have suffered or the other person has gained as a consequence of their contributions.
Tortious interference with prospective economic advantage claims require the following: first, existence of a business relationship; second, the other party's knowledge of the relationship; third, the other party's intentional and unjustified interference with the relationship; and fourth, damages resulting from the subsequent breach of the relationship.
As Wilson Sonsini's move has made absolutely clear, large firms have their own economic advantage with respect to legal fees: cross-subsidizing low - end work with profits from larger deals.
«Green roofs provide economic advantages for building owners as well as environmental benefits for regional watersheds.»
A major economic advantage to eBook technology is its potential to massively reduce distribution costs historically associated with brick - and - mortar publishing.
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