Sentences with phrase «one's human need»

If the destruction of traditional communities were accompanied by the rise of new communities that met basic human needs for relationship and promised heightened personal participation, this might be regarded as a gain.
This money, some $ 200 billion, would be far more than what is required to meet the basic human needs of the world's poor.
The progress will likely come, though, and the process of meeting human needs as our world develops will persist, leading to better overall lives on our planet.
«Market - based» solutions for anything are not compatible with basic human needs in a democratic society.
Just as humans need love and attention, so do dogs and cats.
Cool It is a groundbreaking book that transforms the debate about global warming by offering a fresh perspective based on human needs as well as environmental concerns.
The following chapter is an analysis of the vocation to serve human need in relation to applied science.
Here is where you do not equate the dog's needs with human needs.
Of course, churches that do not extend themselves in addressing human need seldom if ever face opposition.
So large numbers of humans needn't necessarily be a net - burden on the planets resources....
I use this as a baseline for what humans needs for optimal development.
What deep human need does your book help fill?
I wanted to design something that didn't adhere to tradition for tradition's sake or innovation for innovation's sake but addresses the most universal human needs as efficiently as possible.
Be assured that policymakers also feel this very human need.
Surely we all do want to meet more and more human needs through an ever growing economy.
But it is not chaotic on anything approaching the time scales of which humans need to be mindful.
It also includes basic human needs such as clothing, toiletries and telephone service.
That freedom to choose what I'm learning today is a pretty core human need.
It's a case study in what can happen when human needs exceed nature's ability to keep up, and unfortunately it's one of many.
Space research is only to a small extent governed by scientific curiosity, and even less by human need, though it undoubtedly offers considerable glamour and fascination.
Secondly, as already noted lateral violence thrives in environments where human needs are not met.
Since its founding in 1991, the company has been transforming real human needs into products, services, and experiences that improve the way people everywhere live, work, and do business.
Most of the time humans need animals more than animals need us.
How about natural Humans need 91 essential nutrients from food and it these the levels of nutrients that determines its quality.
Climate change skeptics have an arsenal of arguments for why humans need not cut their carbon emissions.
Human needs theory helps explain this further, giving us another way to look at what is happening below the surface of conflicts like lateral violence.
The romantic motifs of missing and losing, the desire to be fulfilled, the inherent human need to not be alone, here receive a bizarre twist.
On the green view, this creates a tension between human needs and wants and the need for political leaders to address the urgent problem of a changing climate.
If so the needs of neighbor stretch beyond human needs as does the reach of love.
This is because humans need learning time to adapt and nature itself will tend to generate unexpected feedbacks.
There is injustice and human need all around us; catastrophe for individuals, institutions and communities can happen here.
Almost all research says humans need eight hours of sleep every night.
Design thinking is not just for designers; it's a way of solving complex problems by understanding human needs and creating solutions that meet them.
Government can't in the long run prevent things that are economically successful, those things fill human needs.
If anything we absolutely know climates change and modern humans need to face that reality with solid engineering approaches as we continue to progress.
And some cats may simply think humans need to pick up after themselves, instead of expecting the cat to bring it back.
Spending so much for unwanted pets might seem odd when great human needs exist, but, she said, she's serving a community need.
Surely it is not unreasonable to plead that more of the admirable patience and dedication required for scientific advance should be directed upon really pressing human needs.
The chief justification for any work is that it meets genuine human needs.
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