Sentences with phrase «one's plans for the game»

We put it on hold because we have bigger plans for this game, but it's not cancelled!
Ultimately, I'm aiming for a very reasonable price point of around $ 4.99 or so, which feels about right for the amount of content planned for the game's launch build.
More content is also currently being planned for the game after launch but it's unclear what exactly that will be right now.
We are well aware that the company has announced long term plans for the game all the way to 2018, but 2019 is quite bold.
I would argue that he did game plan for this game.
We have big development plans for our game and in order to please our players we'll be scheduling an update every two weeks.
The ran out of time and there memory considerations as far as cart size so they had to cut out the initial plans for this game to have 3 or more planets.
They have to know what décor and what items will be found in a particular environment and how their specific design fits into the overall plan for the game.
Finally, we have huge plans for the game's multiplayer component.
Security planning for the games involves intense preparation including security surveys, route analysis, and crisis response.
Earlier today, Ubisoft continued the industry's tried - and - true tradition of announcing future DLC plans for games before they've even launched.
Using Fallout 4 as an example, Tuffcub seems to be enjoying the game enough to fork out on additional content, yet the lack of concrete information surrounding Bethesda's future plans for the game presents a roadblock.
It details the various events and content updates planned for the game in February and March.
Local multiplayer, split - screen and PVP aren't planned for the game right now, but you can get married to your friends» characters, and that's kind of like PvP, if married people anecdotes are anything to go by.
An update plan for the game includes a cleaning of the game's forums; better and more consistent communication; a complete rework of the game's banning and anti-cheat measures; and an update roadmap which includes new clothing, vehicles and guns in the near - term and new maps, game modes and matching systems in future updates.
Arsenal faces a busy fixture list due to playing in the Europa League and Wenger offered a hint as to his team selection plans for the game against League One side Doncaster.
First of all, he was asked to compare the sales plans for the game to the performance of previous Dragon Quest games, and he explained that it's hard to draw a direct comparison because the situation of the market is different.
The game was released on the Wii, after breaking the usual Winter release schedule and getting a delay, but many of the design choices and other little details show the original plan for the game, and this ultimately hurt the game.
Bungie has released a development roadmap for Destiny 2 that outlines updates and changes planned for the game through May.
Harebrained Schemes shares their ongoing update plans for the game.
We've got some really cool features planned for games as well, so it's not just the top level we are focusing for, we are focusing on anyone that wants to play competitively.
But no matter how big Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia turns out to be, Nintendo has big plans for the game post-launch, too.
So unless Rockstar has other plans for this game, it would be nice to be able to finally play this game again, but this time on Xbox one.
But the puzzle game specialist from England has already plans for another game coming to PlayStation consoles.
But on Wednesday I found out that the actual design plans for the game do not call for four - player co-op.
We had stepped out of the marketing plan for the game by running a scoop we had dug up ourselves, and boy, did we ever hear about it»
There are still no final release plans for the game but we hear it is coming out around March.
Soon after, plans for a game on the PlayStation Portable commenced and in August of 2011 it was released in Japan.
Rainbow Six Siege DLC Operation Red Crow released on November 17th, and Ubisoft says they've got plenty more plans for the game.
Rare announced Friday its content plans for the game through the rest of 2018, including six free content updates plus weekly events.
According to Gamers Daily News, the game's content will be «the same as the original, but will include the New Rime Age that was originally planned for the game, but never released.»
Final Fantasy XV launched with great critical and commercial success and Square Enix has a lot of plans for the game.
They really had a superb PLAN for the game that exploited the other team's weaknesses.
However, original plans for the game had it set on a space station infested with mutated monsters, with players sent to rescue someone from a cult.
The Boss» Game App Data Plan for this game is, Dazzling Overunning Speed To Cement Victory which runs on 4G LTE data.
He wrote on the dev's site: «As a developer we do not have final say in the sku plan for our games.
It's a fun challenge, however, because we have a lot of amazing sights and spectacles planned for the game.
We already know that ACE Team are working to bring their quirky PC adventure Zeno Clash to Xbox Live, but they have grander plans for the game's forthcoming sequel.
Partly because plans for the game got a little bigger, partly because I thought I'd have more help, and partly because, well, making games is tough.
Well it seems those weren't the only ones planned for the game, with Divine Beasts based on a variety of other animals being considered as well.
Our ambitious plans for the game include adding a multiplayer option with unique skins for different players, an all new vector visual interface and experience, new weapons, control schemes, game modes and much much more.
Not only are there two sizeable content drops planned for the game, one of which has something to do with Rasputin and the other with Trials of Osiris, there's going to be far more support incoming.
To ensure that everyone is playing Destiny on their system of choice on September 9, Activision and Bungie have announced a free digital upgrade plan for gamers who buy Destiny on PSN or Xbox Live.
Amazon Game Studios» hero sports brawler Breakaway is essentially canceled but may reemerge in some form later, two people familiar with plans for the game tell Kotaku.
Early Access players will also be given free access to the first DLC package planned for the game, a value of 45.99 $ / 49.99 $ / 34.99 #.
Favro radically simplifies collaboration and planning for any game studio.
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