Sentences with phrase «one's system of public education»

If digital learning is to advance beyond the pilot stage, it needs to work within the current system of public education, not against it.
Principals should note that the law dramatically shifts authority of our nation's system of public education back to state and local control.
How do charter laws and charter schools affect local and state systems of public education?
He seemed to be saying that the American system of public education would necessarily fail unless Catholic teaching was taught as an integral part of the curriculum.
The full impact of an ineffective system of public education may not be evident for many years.
This was my attempt to protect the «public» in a decentralized, dynamic, choice - driven system of public education.
Let's advocate for policies that are good for students, that truly improve education, that respect the education profession, and that strengthen our democratic system of public education.
It bears remembering that these are not the first major cases to identify an unfair system of public education that is directly responsible for gaps in achievement in our state.
Not sure how educational choice fits into our current system of public education?
«Tonight, I am calling on all Louisianans and all Americans to join an historic effort to build a world - class, quality system of public education in New Orleans.
The Common Core standardized tests are inexorably linked to those Common Core Standards, and until we set aside the Common Core and the Common Core testing, our nation's children, teachers and our entire system of public education system will remain the primary target for those who seek to destroy public education for their own financial and political gain.
The Donnell - Kay Foundation is undertaking a large - scale effort to create a new system of public education delivery that would use different accountability metrics.
The mission of the New Jersey Education Association is to advance and protect the rights, benefits, and interests of members, and promote a quality system of public education for all students.
If chartering is to live up to its promise as an alternative to the district - based system of public education delivery, authorizing must get more attention.
Historically, responsibility for designing and reforming systems of public education has rested with the states.
But they assume district immortality — districts have been the sole delivery system of public education for generations — and believe a collaborative relationship to be wise, pragmatic, and ultimately necessary.
Attorneys from the Education Law Center and the Public Interest Law Center cited gross inequities in school funding among the state's school districts, to argue that the state's current school funding system violates the state Constitution's requirement that the state legislature «support and maintain» a «thorough and efficient system of public education
If you think of it, the whole system of public education around the world is a protracted process of university entrance.
«Without being partisan, without being parochial, I am not a Lagosian and I am not a Yoruba; Lagos State has the best system of public education in Nigeria today.
However, if charter advocates carefully target specific systems with an exacting strategy, the current policy environment will allow them to create examples of a new, high - performing system of public education in urban America.
And at least one state — I suspect Delaware — will have serious conversations about eliminating local districts outright and moving to a statewide system of public education.
Therefore, this country is doomed to continue to backslide until a solid system of public education is founded and financed.
They scrutinize school reform events, proposals, and policies from the last 60 years through the lens of critical social theory and examine the ongoing tensions between the need to keep a vibrant unitary system of public education and the ongoing assault by corporate and elite interests to create a dual system.
The grand promise that he had once ascribed to charters and the prospect of an overhauled system of public education, Cuomo now saw in free tuition.
FEA has argued the scholarship program creates a parallel and inferior system of public education, siphons resources from the traditional public schools that serve the most disadvantaged students and violates the separation of church and state.
Further, lawmakers must focus on adequately funding the primary system of public education instead of creating a secondary system of education that siphons off essential funding.
It has the highest cost - of - living, the highest taxes, the most onerous regulations, one of the worst systems of public education, congested freeways and failing infrastructure.
The report provides a clear and compelling roadmap for education policymakers, practitioners and advocates alike towards a revitalized system of public education that benefits all our students.
We passed a law in 2008 that calls for a «new seamless system of public education standards, expectations and assessments — from preschool through postsecondary education — designed and aligned to prepare high school students to enter postsecondary education, or technical or trade schools, or the workforce without the need for further remediation.»
Public Education Network (PEN) national association of local education funds (LEFs) advancing school reform in low - income communities across the country, with the mission to create systems of public education that result in high achievement for every child.
It's narrowed the common ground and eroded the broad public support a universal system of public education needs to survive.
«For over 135 years, AAUW has supported a strong system of public education that promotes gender fairness, equity, and diversity.
While this is a significant improvement for Connecticut students in public schools, it is only a first step in modifying existing guidelines and removing obstacles that hinder a student - focused system of public education.
Last fall, the NAACP called for a moratorium on the expansion of school choice in the United States, viewing the charter sector as a threat to our hallowed system of public education — as though it's ever been what it claims to be for Black students and families — and drawing an inexplicable line in the sand between two parts of itself.
The National Association of State Boards of Education's (NASBE) members are the state boards of education, which are the governing and policymaking bodies for each state wide system of public education.
[quote] I'm still not convinced that charter schools are delivering enough quality to justify trashing an entire system of public education that has long served this country well.
Rather, we felt our charge was to recommend a set of tangible actions the Governor and Legislature could undertake to improve the current system of public education in New York so as to produce better outcomes for our children.»
Help us advocate for a safe, efficient, high quality system of public education that works for the success of every Florida child.
In November, a coalition of parents, school districts and the Pennsylvania NAACP sued, contending that the state's school funding system violated the state constitution's guarantee of a «thorough and efficient system of public education
Promoting a comprehensive dialogue and the exchange of critical information among educational leaders, stakeholders and policy makers with respect to school finance, propelling the state to accelerate progress towards the goal of a thorough and uniform system of public education.
(1) The Vergara Decision: This case pits nine Oakland public school students against the State of California, arguing that (a) granting tenure after less than two years, (b) retaining teachers during layoffs based on seniority instead of merit, and (c) the near impossibility of dismissing incompetent teachers, is harming California's overall system of public education, and is disproportionately harming public education in low income communities.
The Beloved Community is to be found not in the segregated citadels of private schools but in a well - funded system of public education, free and open to all — affirming our commitment to democracy and justice and our commitment to the dignity and worth of our greatest resource, our youth.
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