Sentences with phrase «outcome results»

Whatever positive outcomes result from purchasing your product or service, make sure that you draw the connection between those outcomes and positive results for your prospect.
To help students continue using self - assessment while becoming more independent, guide them to recognize progress and positive outcomes resulting from their insights and efforts.
As a veterinarian, you know that often the best outcomes result from using multiple approaches.
Unfortunately, because we care for thousands of animals each year and each minute is precious, we are unable to provide updates or outcome results for wild patients.
Our coaching protocol is generating positive outcomes results reported in peer - reviewed scientific journals.
Also, while teachers valued evidence of increased student outcome resulting from collaborative inquiry, teachers did not often engage in gathering evidence of student learning.
They neglect to understand that sometimes fantastic outcomes result from luck more than skill or good process.
But this reasonably good outcome results precisely from the fact that the extreme valuations at the 1987 peak are roughly matched by the extreme valuations of today.
However, it is not always easy to determine whether an adverse medication outcome resulted from medical malpractice.
These 12 pilot sites will provide technical assistance to emerging programs, document best practices, and share data on legal barriers and improved outcomes resulting from legal advocacy.
These two different outcomes resulted from the same underlying skill.
With couples, several outcomes result when two people engage.
For instance give an example of a project you managed and share how you implemented it and how improved; efficiency, effectiveness, profit margin, employee morale, whatever positive outcome resulted.
If a law firm invests more heavily in technology a similar outcome results.
All developmental outcomes result from dynamic interactions among a variety of factors.
If you had to guess... what percentage of model outcomes result in temperature flatlines on decadal timescales?
LEADER 2: baseline calcitonin in 9340 people with type 2 diabetes enrolled in the Liraglutide Effect and Action in Diabetes: Evaluation of cardiovascular outcome Results (LEADER) trial: preliminary observations.
Developmental lending as practiced by IBC involves providing financial services (primarily loans) to aboriginal people who, for a variety of cultural and / or financial reasons, are alienated by mainstream lending institutions; approving loan applications on the basis of typical financial considerations while taking into account the potential for positive social or community outcomes; and evaluating social outcomes resulting from the loan portfolio over the long term.
Random assignment helps eliminate concerns that program outcomes result from the selection of students, to which Rothstein attributes the apparent success of many reform claims.
However, given the lack of empirical evidence on the program, we can not discern whether such outcomes result from PROMISE or from other, independent factors.
The successful outcome resulted from enormous emergency effort in working with courts, police forces across the country, the State Department and other agencies.
Additional data sources, such as clients» site traffic, should be leveraged in order to paint a broader picture of business outcomes resulting from specific PR activities.
Predictably, this led to the typical outcome resulting in a stay, preventing this father from having any contact with his ex or their child.
«The encouraging outcome results and toxicity profile of this new regimen, along with the worldwide availability of everolimus, make it potentially applicable to the large population of DLBCL patients.»
The researchers note that the lack of a control group limited assessing whether better clinical outcomes resulted from integrative clini ¬ cal sequencing than outcomes that would have occurred with standard care.
It also alludes to the complex phenotypes and rare drug outcomes resulting from rare pharmacogenomic variants.
A glimpse into their respective auras has revealed a few insights into the patterns which gave rise to the problem, and amazing outcomes resulted.
The impacts on pupil outcomes resulting from a systematic synthetic phonics approach to reading instruction as opposed to a «mixed methods» approach are not discussed here.
She consults with school district personnel in the use of evidence - based programs to improve student outcomes and has secured federal grant funding to evaluate research outcomes resulting from school counselor led interventions.
Based on work by the Partnership for 21st Century Learning and early research on productive mindsets, the Hewlett Foundation defined outcomes resulting from deeper learning experiences.
The unexpected outcomes resulting from the students participating in the unit were also of interest.
So whether you sell investments and transfer cash or transfer the investments to your fiancé's TFSA — the same capital gains tax outcome results.
This can occur due to a lack of consideration of the disease process, inadequate use of diagnostic testing, client pressures or the perceived need to «do something» — the perception that if veterinarians don't use antibiotics and a bad outcome results, it's the practitioner's fault, but the drug is at fault if a complication from antibiotics develops, Weese added.
Besides a much more detailed discussion of all the issues raised by your questions, the book explores the ideological inconsistencies, practical problems, and likely outcomes resulting from the rise of radical energy environmentalism from scientific, economic, governmental, journalistic, and legal viewpoints.
Catastrophic injuries such as traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, burns, paralysis, loss of limbs, and loss of bodily functions are life changing outcomes resulting from motor vehicle negligence, premises liability, defective products, and medical malpractice.
The unfortunate outcome resulted from a combination of factors which will not be found together in the majority of cases:
Adverse birth outcomes result in significant emotional and economic costs for families and communities.
Practical outcomes result from dealing with Indigenous issues on an individualistic basis.
The goal of PROMISE is to improve the provision and coordination of services to promote education and employment outcomes resulting in long - term reductions in the child's reliance on SSI.
It is sometimes disconcerting read of sensational therapeutic outcomes resulting from such divergent & even contradictory approaches & styles.
Academic outcomes resulting from social and emotional learning include greater motivation to learn and commitment to school, increased time devoted to schoolwork and mastery of subject matter, improved attendance, graduation rates, grades, and test scores.
Partnerships Queensland is the new performance reporting framework for reporting on Indigenous outcomes resulting from programs and service delivery to Indigenous communities... Partnerships Queensland is being implemented as the State equivalent performance reporting mechanism to the Productivity Commission's Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage reporting framework.
According to the stressor - detachment model, an individual can obviate negative home outcomes resulting from job demands such as workload by recovering from work (Sonnentag, 2010).
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