Sentences with phrase «over that interval»

In that circumstance, you can receive a monthly income of a particular amount over an interval of time.
It can also be paid over intervals in order to guarantee a regular source of income.
The most efficient estimate of the trend is the simplistic one of the change in the temperature over the interval divided by the number of periods in the interval.
For the present analysis, this information was used to construct a 3 - level variable representing the extent of depression over the interval from 17 to 18 years.
They have developed a simple mathematical model that has helped them show how turbulent flows will evolve over intervals.
This is my personal favorite fat - burning strategy, even more preferred over interval training which involves alternating high - intensity cardio with low - intensity cardio for set periods of time.
It's therefore a vector distribution defined over intervals of space - time volumes, not a vector field over points.
If H1 and H2 are intervals around 300 and 1200, that corresponds to the C14 measurement error being in correspondingly sized intervals, which has a probability equal to the pdf integrated over the interval.
Monthly mean values for T were estimated from instantaneous values, sampled at four times a day over the interval with available data January 1979 — September 2012 at the full 0.75 ∘ × 0.75 ∘ horizontal resolution.
Bloomberg has detailed the course of cryptocurrency's volatility, buying and selling exercise, and correlation with different property over a interval of 16 months.
This specification gives greater weight to short lookback intervals than a simple average of past returns over these intervals.
I also find it unacceptable scientifically because if one is approaching it from our current understanding of Relativity, the thing that corresponds to our awareness of the universe over an interval of time is not a simultaneity slab, because in General Relativity there is no such thing.
The NMSE is calculated by dividing the mean squared error by the explainable variance of the actual unsmoothed firing rate (variance of firing rate over the interval − average variance of all time points of the rate).
The administration of smaller doses, 20 to 50 mg over intervals resulted in mild leukocytosis and an increase in hematocrit.
The percentage change in body fat mass from visit CRC2 to visit CRC3 accounted for 32 % of the variability in the percentage change in leptin AUC over this interval (Figure 4).
Opposition decreased from 19 percent to 16 percent over the interval, while those neither supporting or opposing slipped somewhat.
We replicated the experiment that yielded the famous forgetting curve describing forgetting over intervals ranging from 20 minutes to 31 days.
Juicy Excerpt: «If over some interval in the first decade or so of the 21st Century the U.S. market is going to follow an uneven course down, as well it might — back, let us say, to its levels in the mid-1990s or even lower... the real losses could be comparable to the total...
The unadjusted HadCrut3v data fell by.00375 C over that interval and the adjusted data rose by 0.0125 C.
Carl was opposed to a uniform distribution over an interval [a, b] on the general grounds that a Bayesian does not exclude any values in a prior since no amont of evidence can ever restore some non-zero probability; one's mind is made up.
We consider the temporal variance to be the statistical variance of the values over intervals of time close to the defined interval, and the spatial covariance to be the covariance over regions close in location, shape, and size to the defined region.
The steps to convert heat flux over a depth interval to temperature change over that interval involves integration of Fourier's equation of heat conduction.»
For the interval 1950 - 2007, these possibilities may have little impact since the net effect of AMO / PDO fluctuations tended to be small when averaged out over the interval.
2) More importantly, the virtual elimination of stratospheric aersols over that interval represents a strong positive forcing.
As shown in the graph below, cosmic - ray intensity (as measured by the radioactive carbon isotope C - 14) and terrestrial climate (as measured by the oxygen isotope O - 18) correlate in amazing detail over an interval of at least 3000 years (see graph below; the bottom graph is the central section, blown up to reveal detail)
Defenders of the current paradigm need to come up with an explanation as to why there has been no warming over an interval with rapidly increasing greenhouse gas levels.
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