Sentences with phrase «pound of someone»

They therefore need to eat more food per pound of body weight, and more often.
A typical, healthy french bulldog should be fed about 25 - 30 calories worth of food per pound of body weight.
The reality is, in my 39 years of experience, most athletes should drop a couple of pounds of fat in order to replace this with functional muscle mass.
Your body typically uses about 4.5 to seven calories per pound of muscle every day.
The challenge for him is to gain a couple of pounds of muscle.
When it comes to biting in toddlers, an ounce of prevention is definitely worth the proverbial pound of cure.
We've improved our service to customers, and our energy costs per pound of food produced is definitely down, she says.
Try eating 0.8 g of protein per pound of bodyweight for one or two days a week, then return to your regular protein intake.
That is 53 more foot pounds of torque than last year's model.
We're very equal in the lower body, pound for pound of lean mass.
A general recommendation for muscle growth is 1.5 protein per pound of lean body weight daily.
Seriously brown a half pound of ground beef (fresh, not frozen, preferably), in a bit of butter in a heavy pot, on medium high heat.
This amounts to millions of pounds of meat now being thrown away every year.
Long term temperatures can only go one way with billions of pounds of carbon being pumped into our fragile atmosphere.
But there is no «pound of flesh» available to personal injury victims these days.
After a day of recipe creation, testing and prepping then finally getting my kitchen cleaned up — in walks my father with several pounds of fresh strawberries from our strawberry patch.
And I already have bread crumbs Also, how many pounds of chicken breast did you use?
Go out and purchase a few pounds of sugar.
However, I have put on a few pounds of fat in the process, which I'm in the process of trying to shed.
While the new life growing inside you is incredibly exciting, you are miserable from the discomfort of carrying around 30 - plus pounds of extra weight each day.
This is why contest bodybuilders only create a caloric deficit of only around a half pound of fat in the weeks leading up to a show.
It's easy for recipes to think they can get away with calling for pounds of butter just because they have the word «carrot» in their title.
It's also expected to offer more than 2,000 pounds of towing capacity when the optional towing package is included.
I also just happened to have almost 20 pounds of potatoes on hand so I figured it was destiny.
Learn more about how you can help donate thousands of pounds of litter with just one click.
Within the first few days I lose pounds of water weight.
The skin is the body's largest organ and it eliminates 25 percent of the toxins in your body each day, which equates to over a whole pound of waste!
This doesn't mean we are to purchase buckets of protein powder or fill the fridge with pounds of lean meat.
In that vein, we also appreciate everyone who donated hundreds of pounds of dog food as almost every family went home with a big bag of kibble or a case of canned food.
Participating animal rescue organization received donations, including nearly 1,800 total pounds of pet food, and other contributions such as treats, toys and accessories, and grooming services.
Your joints aren't used to having 600 pounds of pressure on them.
In the derivatives markets, this happens when investors can not accept a delivery of thousands of pounds of coffee from a futures contract, for example.
The happiness you feel eating several pounds of chocolate, for example, is bound to be short - lived.
Now, this one will blow your mind out because most likely you have never seen someone packing on pounds of pure muscle in just weeks.
You can get 15 % off your first order and a free pound of bacon!
We are putting 30 extra pounds of cheese in our bodies, which is mostly a big load of fat!
A rear - facing car seat spreads that 300 pounds of force over a greater body area, causing less injury to the baby.
The complete stack is designed to boost the development of lean muscle mass, without adding pounds of fat that will ruin your results.
One pound of dried beans will produce about five cups of cooked beans.
You see, I make up a whole pound of beans at once then freeze them.
Essentially, you can use 1 pound of raw chicken sausage, chop it into chunks, and shape the meat into meatballs.
And I have to admit - as much as I loved it (I ate a solid half pound of pasta) I was surprised that they did!
And, it can get really expensive especially if you're using pounds upon pounds of organic produce each and every day.
I know its all about weight but what could a couple pounds of plastic do.
About 3 months ago I decided to drop the last few pounds of baby weight.
This recipe has about 1 tablespoon mixed into 1 - pound of turkey, and you can really taste its earthy pine - like flavor, which is balanced so perfectly with the honey.
And when you do that, this has up to 35 pounds of cargo carrying capacity in the market tote.
This means that a little less than one pound of milk chocolate can be toxic to the nervous system of a 20 - pound dog.
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