Sentences with phrase «sleep researcher»

The idea behind it is interesting — sleep researchers say that viewing devices with blue light right before bed «activates» you and affects your ability to get to sleep.
However, Western sleep researchers report that most ongoing baby sleep problems are not caused by underlying medical conditions.
In the late 1950s sleep researchers reported that 70 % of the 160 babies they studied began settling by three months of age.
Don't miss these resources from the premier infant sleep researcher.
Sleep researchers believe that genes — although the precise ones have yet to be discovered — determine our individual sleeping patterns.
Numerous sleep researchers noticed the similarity of the K - complex to other brain waves, namely those that the brain produces during its most restful periods — slow wave sleep.
Sleep researchers consistently find that people who don't get a full night's sleep are more irritable, less vital, less even - tempered, and overall less happy.
The success rate is anywhere from 25 % to 50 %; however, the majority of sleep researchers are disappointed that the rates aren't higher.
One sleep researcher says that smartphone addiction is proving an additional delay to sleep onset, meaning some kids are only getting six hours of sleep a night.
According to a prevailing theory among Western sleep researchers, kids often learn to associate falling asleep with certain forms of stimulation — like parental soothing or a particular sleep environment.
You might also want to try adding white noise, says Carl Johnson, Ph.D., a psychologist and pediatric sleep researcher at Central Michigan University, in Mount Pleasant.
The two published clinical trials on graduated extinction, the technique popularized by sleep researcher Richard Ferber, which involves leaving your baby to cry for increasing periods of time (but not necessarily all night), was deemed successful, too, but it takes longer.
Harvard sleep researcher Robert Stickgold says naps can even make people better problem solvers.
Alcohol interferes with body's ability to regulate sleep Researchers from the University of Missouri School of Medicine have found that drinking alcohol to fall asleep interferes with sleep homeostasis, the body's sleep - regulating mechanism...
«I wondered if anyone had linked what sleep researchers know from lab studies of temperature and sleep quality to observations outside of the lab, and ultimately to climate change.»
«You can never get «too much» sleep,» University of Pennsylvania sleep researcher Dr. Sigrid Veasey wrote Outside in an email.
SleepRate works with a wearable heart rate monitoring system that integrates with a program of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBTI) created by the world's leading sleep researchers at Stanford University.
Citing the finding that napping makes people more effective problem - solvers, Harvard sleep researcher Robert Stickgold urges employers to encourage napping.
Science briefs: Helpful findings for parents of teens - Family conflict; Sleep researchers advocate later school start times; The future of adolescence.
What they don't tell you is that baby sleep researchers are forced to base their estimates of average sleep requirements on «best guesses» and that baby sleep norms vary greatly from culture to culture, study to study.
It is a gentle thing, beloved from pole to pole,» and Wilse Webb, a prominent sleep researcher, more recently called sleep the gentle tyrant: It can be delayed but not defeated.
Although later studies found no further evidence of an immune link, the coincidence made Mignot and many other sleep researchers suspect that an autoimmune attack was ravaging narcoleptics» hypocretin - producing cells.
Also get rid of the TV and electronics, advises Queens University sleep researcher Judith Davidson: they keep your brain stimulated when you want it to calm down, and the light exposure disrupts your body's production of melatonin, which in turn regulates your sleep - wake cycle.
As sleep researcher Matthew Walker explains in his book Why We Sleep, losing just an hour of sleep stresses the cardiovascular system, which can tip some folks with heart issues over the edge.
And if you're wondering how much sleep is enough, here's a rough guide: One of the most acclaimed sleep researchers, Daniel Kripke, found in a recent study that «people who sleep between 6.5 hours and 7.5 hours a night, live the longest, are happier, and most productive.»
In 2011, a group of sleep researchers did a study at Stanford and discovered that varsity athletes there significantly increased their performance (regardless of sport) by sleeping 10 hours a day.
For more baby sleep tips, check out her bundle — Sleeping Like a Baby plus the recording package of interviews by leading international sleep researchers «The Truth About Infant Sleep — Science, Wisdom and Gentle Solutions»
Sleep researchers demonstrate that if a kid is denied of sleep, they may not learn and develop to their maximum capacity and furthermore their physical wellbeing could be poor.
If you and your baby fit the Safe Sleep Seven criteria, your baby's risk of SIDS is what one sleep researcher calls vanishingly small.
In 2007 sleep researcher Steven Lockley of Harvard Medical School started gathering the proof after he met a human version of Keeler's mice — a blind 87 - year - old woman who had lost all her rods and cones decades before but whose ipRGCs were still intact.
In the study that is now being published in the scientific journal SLEEP, sleep researchers Jonathan Cedernaes and Christian Benedict, sought to investigate the role of nocturnal sleep duration for this memory transfer, and how long - term memories formed by sleep remain accessible after acute cognitive stress.
Supporting opportunities to sleep following a concussion may be an important factor in recovery from cognitive impairments, UMass Amherst sleep researcher suggests.
First identified in the 1980s by Minnesota sleep researchers, the disorder prompts patients to act out their dreams, sometimes severely injuring themselves or others.
Jinshia Ly, lead author and graduate student, explains that, «sleep researchers distinguish sleep duration, or how long one spends sleeping, from sleep quality, or how well one sleeps.
«Contrary to conventional wisdom, people in societies without electricity do not sleep more than those in industrial societies like ours,» says UCLA psychiatrist and sleep researcher Jerome Siegel, who was not involved in the new research.
And because they can slide rapidly into REM at any time, people with narcolepsy are prone to hallucinations — or what sleep researchers refer to as hypnagogic imagery — when falling asleep.
Although sleep researcher David Dinges of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine cautions that sleeping in a laboratory may have changed the drivers» normal sleep patterns, he says the study — the first of its kind in 2 decades — will help trucking companies and regulators set safer guidelines for drivers» schedules.
In the late 1960s sleep researcher M. Barry Sterman learned something interesting while tracking the EEGs of cats.
UC San Diego sleep researcher Daniel Kripke — who was not involved in the research — agrees.
To understand how falling out of sync with the sun changes our body's internal clock — or circadian rhythm — sleep researchers look to the timekeeping mechanisms in the brain, particularly how we regulate the hormone melatonin.
A lack of sleep is associated with more absence and teens turn up jet lagged to school on Mondays, as shown in a doctoral thesis by sleep researcher Serena Bauducco, at Örebro University, Sweden.
«If you publish lunar stuff, you are going to be put in the «lunatic» corner and not be considered a serious sleep researcher anymore,» he told Science News.
«Smell gets into your brain much more directly when you're asleep than any other sense,» says sleep researcher Joseph De Koninck.
Dr Barrett says that one of the earliest sleep researchers, Michel Jouvet, found that although kitties lay quietly throughout their sleep, once they've entered into a state of deep sleep, they leap up, stalk, pounce, arch their backs and hiss — looking as if they're hunting mice in their dreams.
«We worked with sleep researchers at Ryerson University to figure out what the right light spectrum profile is that they should be seeing at the end of the day,» said CEO Michael Tamblyn in an interview with MobileSyrup, «We wanted to make sure the device that you're bringing to bed isn't knocking off your sleep.»
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