Sentences with phrase «study bibles»

"Study bibles" refers to special editions of the Bible that include additional resources, such as commentaries, study notes, maps, and explanations, to help people better understand the text and its context. Full definition
You wrote: Anyone who studies the bible with an open mind can reach but one conclusion.
Anyone who studies the bible with an open mind can reach but one conclusion.
I actually wrote a post recently as to what constitutes a good study bible note.
And as they say, the best way to become an atheist is to really study the bible.
I've studied the bible too, and claiming that it is «exactly as it was originally written» is pure bullshit.
This is for those that perhaps have just started studying the bible.
If your wondering why all the suffering, then you need to actually study the bible.
Those who study the bible know what those scriptures are about and you obviously do nt have a clue.
Anyone interested in foundational knowledge would greatly benefit from having a thorough study bible.
I know many atheists who are atheists precisely because they started reading and studying the bible critically, rather than just taking it as truth without consideration.
So that's why it's important for every individual to do their research, study the bible continuously, and try their best to live by it.
Please check the context of your other reference and maybe study the bible just a bit deeper before quoting it....
I enjoy gardening and like to listen to music and am also enjoy studying the bible.
I have read and studied the bible for many years... You obviously have not.
And if you REALLY study the bible and its origins and history, you'll become an atheist..
Then I contend that you have spent too much time studying the bible and not enough time studying about the bible.
Well I think there does exist an information gap from the informed theologian down to the congregation — most people do not study the bible in any real depth — and oif they do — they stop short of questioning popular interpretation in their church — thank God for the internet.
they don't study the bible at all, so they don't know what it actually says.
Marine, you can study the bible from the cradle to the grave and still have no proof to support the existence of your god.
«i've proposed a new bill that says if americans don't study their bible at least 2 hours a day, they can be flogged.
I used to use study bibles more often but often found their explanations either lacking substance or suggesting a particular doctrine stronger than they should.
We have attempted to provide more explanation than many other study Bibles on some of the difficult passages of scripture.
What if there is a Christian who doesn't feel that he or she needs to pray more, study the bible more, tithe more, eat less, exercise more, sleep less, evangelize more...?
I recommend Precept (dot org) If you would like a nice method to study the bible without someone telling you what it said... (Christian site but great way to study without a denomination «interpreting» it for you).
I have had a great study bible for years and years... it helps with the historical timing, context, who wrote the books, logistics, geography, demographic, everything that will take some confusion away from it.
I have been studying bible prophecy and reading news and I must say what I am finding is extrodinary to say the least.
We've compiled a list of seven of our favorite study Bibles released over the past couple...
My faith needs to be questioned and challenged regularly as it gets tainted by my interpretations and visiting Naked pastor is one good way of doing that as studying the bible, learning to hear God more and meeting the faithful regularly are other ways.
You believe what you want kermie, but after studying the bible for nearly 30 years and having read it cover to cover several times in my life I don't believe the Christ depicted believed in a trinity nor did any of his followers nor any of the prophets not even Abraham himself.
So it's more devotional than for study — because it's awfully easy to read study bibles and come away with a whole lot of data, but no application, and no plans to apply it.
I have had a few study bibles including one from a well known TV evangelist but to me the notes just keep getting in the way of trying to interpret what the scriptures are saying to me as the Holy Spirit guides me.
I think study Bibles can be helpful, IF we realize that they simply contain condensed notes from someone else about what they think the Bible teaches.
I think it's cute though... your attempt to educate us as if it were simply not possible that we have studied these bible passages (at great length in fact) for ourselves.
For starters, that kind of principle will inevitably mean that those who study the bible beliving in it will think it says something completely different than others who read it.
the POINT was... someone said that there was no education studying the BIble... which was an ignorant statement...
Basically, the holy spirit must give you superpowers to definitively know past historical events... even better than scholars who have not only studied the bible, but also have taken the time to study the historical time period as well the cultures that surrounded the authors in the bible.
There is more, that's just an excerpt from the NKJV study bible I'm referencing.
There are already so many different study Bibles available.
While I was in seminary my wife and I attended a small group in a home where we would worship, pray and study the bible together.
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