Sentences with phrase «to love one's neighbor as someone»

No new world will change the primal fact that I do not love my neighbor as myself.
I'm ready to break out of the prison of isolation by loving my neighbors as myself.
What is mean spirited about loving your neighbor as yourself, or doing unto others as you would have them to do you?
They also have spiritual people who love their neighbor as themselves.
The rooted, practical gospel, the one that centers on loving your neighbor as yourself.
Making the simple things, like loving your neighbor as yourself, very, very difficult.
Do you think we use prayer as an excuse for not taking more action toward loving our neighbors as ourselves?
The answer: Buddha's loving - kindness, a non-sectarian, non-theocratic application of loving thy neighbor as thyself.
Galatians 5:14 «For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement,» YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF
We really need some courageous leadership that can really say, yeah [policy] is a part of loving our neighbor as ourself.
Is it possible to really love our neighbors as Jesus commanded and at the same time withdraw into our Christian «tribe» where most of our neighbors are de facto excluded?
Otherwise we must invent an explanation of Jesus» command to «love your neighbors as yourselves» that does not resemble Jesus.
Despite the glaring ethnic, socio - political, ideological and religious differences, the Samaritan recognizes in the beaten - down Jewish man a shared humanity, and on that basis loves his neighbor as himself.
As for loving your neighbor as yourself, I guess that doesn't extend to granting the same rights to your neighbor as yourself...
Jesus Christ says to love God with all your heart love your neighbor as yourself and love your enemies The world would be a much better place if we did that
Taking up our cross begins with loving our neighbors as ourselves; and God.
Choose what works for u. Love ur neighbor as urself.
hay jeremy, good point, check out cornerstone simi valley, you will find a church that loves its neighbor as themselfs.
Imagine if those of us who claim to follow Jesus Christ actually loved our neighbors as we loved ourselves.
These clergymen stress loving thy neighbor as the major Christian ethical dictum.
Now, here is the question: did God love his neighbor as Himself?
In their it states love thy neighbor as you love your self and most conservatives could give a crap about someone else, and These same Christians treat our President like dirt.
And I would argue that belief that does not lead to following Jesus, including loving our neighbors as ourselves, is no belief at all.
Jesus says to love thy neighbor as theyself, that a rich man can no more pass into Heaven than a camel pass through the eye of a needle while Ayn Rand tells you to seek personal enjoyment and become as wealthy as possible.
Pretty much keep those and yes you are doing good, but to take it one further Jesus commanded to love your neighbor as yoursefl.
The first man I caught who did not love his neighbor as hisself, I would make him change places with his neighbor — the rich with the poor, the white with the black, and Governor Faubus with me» [Simple's Uncle Sam (Hill & Wang, 1965), p. 160].
And my final question, why do most «Christians» ignore Love they neighbor as thyself»?
Finally, God states in His Word that He has given us a spirit of adoption and as He has adopted us into His family, we know that we, in turn, can understand family from a broader perspective... ethnically, culturally and even loving neighbors as ourselves that may have different religious beliefs.

Phrases with «to love one's neighbor as someone»

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