Sentences with phrase «to move an electron»

The phrase "to move an electron" means changing the position or location of an electron, which is a tiny particle that carries negative charge in an atom or molecule. Full definition
The previously freely moving electrons come to an abrupt halt and the material loses its conducting properties.
The star doesn't shrink or collapse any further, because pressure from fast - moving electrons keeps them stable at this point.
The researchers suspected that quinones also could move electrons in flow batteries.
Things like chairs are not just a mass of moving electrons and protons but have a unity, with a form and a nature.
Unlike conventional memory, which involves moving electrons around a chip, PCM data would literally be frozen in place, even when the machine is off.
Monti's «stopwatch» makes it possible to track moving electrons at a resolution of a mere attosecond — a billionth of a billionth of a second.
A New Fluorescent Probe for Protein Interactions More Proof of Outer Membrane Cytochrome Role in Electron Transfer Scientists Show How Bacteria Move Electrons Across a Membrane
The driving force behind this is the so called spin - orbit coupling, a relativistic electromagnetic effect which influences moving electron spins.
Some of that current is lost, however, as moving electrons from the emitter drop into «holes» — places in the base where electrons are missing — releasing energy in the process.
Quantum theory predicts that in a two - dimensional electron system, where moving electrons are confined to one plane, under a strong magnetic field electrons also will be restricted to climbing only one step of the energy level ladder at a time.
«We built what is essentially a clock that can time moving electrons like a stopwatch,» Monti says.
By applying a magnetic field to semiconducting nanowires laid across a superconductor, you can move electrons along these wires, creating two points in space that each mimic half an electron.
Dark lightning is a burst of gamma rays produced during thunderstorms by extremely fast moving electrons colliding with air molecules.
«Neighbors move electrons jointly: Ultrafast collective electron transfer after excitation of single electron.»
And here is the trick: Gravitational waves move electrons around.
It is separated by a band gap from the conduction band, where free - moving electrons conduct electricity.
But the graphene retains its ability to move electrons quickly and gives it the quick charge - and - release characteristics of a supercapacitor.
When a photon that has at least double the energy that is needed to move an electron strikes the lead selenide quantum dots, it can excite two or more electrons instead of letting the extra energy go to waste, generating more current than a conventional solar cell.
They turned to quinones, a carbon - based class of chemicals that play an important role in animal and plant metabolism, moving electrons in the chemical reactions we use to store energy in our bodies.
Taking a look at the classical Hall effect that is known from undergraduate physics, the interaction of moving electrons and an external magnetic field forces the electrons to move to one side of the plate, perpendicular to their original direction.
Next, the team used low - energy diffraction equipment that sends waves of slow - moving electrons at the surface.
The first law says it takes energy to do work, even if that work is only to move electrons across silicon wafers.
Moving electrons around is a key part of making ATP.
This innovation, called plasma antenna technology, is based on energizing gases in sealed tubes to form clouds of freely moving electrons and charged ions.
If light does not have mass, then it would be impossible to move an electron.
Beta rays are simply fast - moving electrons, and alpha rays are fast - moving helium nuclei.
One, known as a luciferase, stimulates another, called a luciferin, causing it to oxidize, moving electrons up into higher orbits that decay and produce a glow.
But that moves the electrons, destroying the data.
However, in some recently discovered materials, including «Dirac semimetals» — named for the physicist who wrote the equations to describe fast - moving electrons — nearly massless «quasiparticle» versions of electrons (and positively charged «holes») propagate through the crystal in this free manner.
If science can figure out how to move electrons across silicon, it can teach watchmakers how to tell us the temperature, the weather, the altitude, the day of the week, the direction of magnetic north, and, yes, even the time — all on the face of a single wristwatch.
Solar activity usually tends to increase the rate of ionization in the atmosphere and thus the density of free electrons in the ionosphere or to move electrons to the polar caps.
Like CGL71, these clusters are critical for the first stage of photosynthesis, where they move electrons in order to create the energy molecules.
This motion would be detected by measuring image charges, which are induced by the moving electrons, flowing through another electrode using a commercially available current amplifier and lock - in detector.
The radioactive decay of radon gas produces alpha particles (consisting of two protons and two neutrons, an alpha particle is just the bare nucleus of a helium atom), beta particles (which are actually fast - moving electrons), and gamma rays (very energetic photons).
«Moreover, this potential map also depends on the location of the moving electrons, while the motion of the electrons depends in turn on the potential.»
Additionally, we can move electrons in this liquid helium system, which is difficult or nearly impossible in other quantum systems,» explained Prof. Denis Konstantinov, head of the Quantum Dynamics Unit.
By transmitting the energy carried by photons to moving electrons it is possible to transport information in structures narrower than optical fibers.
Even though graphene is an excellent conductor, it is thin enough to let some light penetrate the material and move the electrons.
The moving electron spins are now forced to one or the other side of the plate, depending on the spin orientation.
«In this paper the researchers dig down deep into the fundamental interaction between light and the moving electron,» Gmachl said.
The fast - moving electrons in the plasma slam into these molecules, producing highly reactive species such as hydroxyl and nitric - oxide molecules.
The tiny microwave laser, or «maser,» is a demonstration of the fundamental interactions between light and moving electrons.
The problem with graphene is that while it's terrific at moving electrons, it's impenetrable to ions.
Researchers hope the probe will help them find out more about various particles, such as fast - moving electrons, in the region.
The less energy needed to move the electrons, the more efficient the catalyst.
Plasma: A collection of free - moving electrons and ions (atoms that have lost electrons); intense thermal, electrical, or light energy is needed to strip electrons from atoms to make plasma.
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