Sentences with phrase «to support this claim»

The phrase "to support this claim" means providing evidence, facts, or reasons to back up or prove a statement or argument that has been made. Full definition
I agree that the data we looked at this morning does not support any claim of a trend.
They will be required to provide evidence supporting their claims for why the bail variation should be accepted.
Frequent writing opportunities and opportunities to justify decisions and points of view can help students develop the skill of supporting claims with evidence.
It does not support any claim for the superiority of the white race.
«Size isn't everything,» she admitted, but she says at least two other lines of evidence support her claims about dolphin intelligence.
I think that might be a bit of an understatement, often it's the case that research doesn't support claims made in article.
The final education section supports your claims by showing that you have the training to back them up.
It is typically a mix of property issues, spousal support claims, and figuring out how to apply the Child Support Guidelines to the facts.
While many sources claim that oil pulling can aid in and cause weight loss, there are no documented studies supporting those claims.
The facts which support your claim of injury must be specific enough to allow the governmental entity the ability to conduct a proper investigation.
Having an official documented accident report can help support your claim if you decide to take action later.
Over the years, we have worked with hundreds of school teams, and both the research and our experiences with clients supports our claims on what makes teacher teams effective.
They're looking for social proof supporting the claims made in candidate's career documents (resume, biography, etc.) and when networking.
You will need to submit original documents supporting your claim like medical bills, duly filled claim - form, policy documents etc..
The bankruptcy was completed and the child support claim was discharged.
The facts supporting your claim must include a specific amount for your damages, such as the total amount of your medical bills.
The auto injury attorney will find your evidence to support your claim as he has the experience to fight in court.
She's passionate about helping good people, advocating for their rights, and putting forward the facts to support their claims against big business and powerful insurance companies.
However, additional required medical documentation supporting the claim must be provided by the insured.
During the hearing, each party gives the arguments supporting its claims.
Out of that body of information, you develop your proof to support your claim at trial.
They will seize on any tiny scrap of data supporting their claims while ignoring the vast amount of objective scientifically based evidence to the contrary.
It can be difficult to obtain proof to support your claim if it occurred in a location that you do have control over.
But when you look at the broader range of evidence that's out there I think it doesn't really support these claims.
The sales figures from the company also support these claims.
Members said the new allegations further support their claims of dysfunction.
While all these distinctions might support a claim under conventional equal protection principles, a defendant would also have to establish standing to raise them before obtaining any relief.
If a borrower was in school or military within the recent two full years, he or she must provide evidence supporting this claim such as college transcripts or discharge papers.
«It was detected that some teachers were holding fake documents including certificates to support their claims while others were not at post», he said.
It's strongly recommended to have some evidence supporting this claim before going to court.
Those with political reasons who support the claim human CO2 is destroying the planet are particularly vocal.
Again though, I don't see how you can support the claim unless you have some worthy citations.
It's only valid if science supports the claim that CO2, because of human production, is causing warming or climate change.
Let me briefly provide some evidence to support the claims above.
But conveniently throws in research that support her claim without mentioning any limitations.
This is so obvious, in fact, that you are unlikely to find any statistical data or survey results to support the claim directly.
In her most recent conference, she confidently explained to her father what content clues are and how she can now support her claims with evidence from the text.
Every pertinent detail of your case will be considered and included in order to build a case supporting your claim.
In order to calculate the probability of a specific miracle claim with mathematical integrity, other factors such as the evidence supporting the claimed event must also be taken into account.
Though there are only two entries, the work experience section effectively supports the claims made in the summary statement and core qualifications section by demonstrating the candidate's professional accomplishments and experience.
Seriously — look it up and you'll find plenty of information supporting this claim.
This sounds impressive but without evidence to support these claims there is no way to know for sure if what they claim is true.
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