Sentences with phrase «to understand this point»

When I was a teenager and started really getting into baking & cooking, I didn't understand the point of no - bake desserts.
I appreciate your help in helping me to better understand another point of view.
... I don't really understand the point of replacing the coolant.
Many lawyers understand this point in theory but then try to sneak in a personal exemption.
I'm not arguing that you had not made the point, only that I didn't understand the point at the time.
The pictures are awesome... And I totally understand your point of view about the vintage and the industry of fashion.
I've never understood the point of standing still and shooting.
I completely understand your point about eliminating diet and I am tracking myself.
True, but I think not enough investors understand this point as everyone has spent 3 - 4 years freaking out about higher rates.
Put yourself in another person's shoes to fully understand their point of view.
I think I'd prefer miles, but don't fully understand the points system.
Writing an admission essay takes patience and the ability to play with words cautiously to impress the reader and to make the reader understand the point clearly.
Being fluent in language means that you can not only speak the language, but also understand the points of view and get the humor of this or that nation.
In the case of addressing a concerning behavior, only one skill is addressed, which helps students understand its pointed importance.
If you don't understand the point someone is trying to make, ask for clarification or specific examples.
I want to thank you for understanding my point of view.
These obvious and easily understood points still fall on deaf ears to the «tolerance» crowd.
When couples follow these clearly explained and modeled steps, many experience for the first time feeling heard by their spouse, like their spouse actually understands their point of view Wow!
If we don't have those candid conversations about our positions in the workplace from time to time, no one will ever understand our point of view and we won't make progress.
The point is that you likely won't be able to understand the point until you have a grasp of the topic at the level of basic concepts described in books I suggested.
To further understand this point, you can check out the professional production associate cover letter sample below.
Not everyone understands points or how to redeem them... we'd love to learn from you.
Get over your hatred of someone and understand the point instead of just reading the author and hating the material because of that person.
It's about understanding the points where you can and can't be aggressive.
The book itself is loaded with examples which make understanding these points much easier.
At the time, I didn't understand points redemptions that well and wasn't aware of the option to transfer points, so we'd often let them go to waste.
I hope you take the trouble to understand my points first, if you intend to disagree.
Firms that do legal work on a fixed fee or contingency basis understand this point well.
Use aids that will help the trial judge understand your point and do it efficiently.
Try at least attempting to understand my point before responding.
Folks have been talking about wireless electric vehicle charging for some time now, and most of the time I've never really understood the point.
You want the prospect to be able to scan your cover letter and understand your point in less than twenty seconds.
As the same time, I totally understand the point of many older investors.
Every one's opinion would differ and have different opinions, so I don't understand your point here.
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