Sentences with phrase «topic sentence»

Begin with topic sentences and ensure that the strongest and most relevant qualifications are highlighted in the beginning.
Do not underestimate the importance of topic sentences since they lead the reader to the logical conclusion.
As with all writing, teachers should first model good topic sentences in order to have students identify the topic and the claim in the sentence, regardless of the academic discipline.
The transition words that could be used in topic sentences for sequence paragraphs may include: afterward, before, earlier, initially, meanwhile, later, previously, or subsequently.
Students should practice writing topic sentences for many different topics in all disciplines using different test structures.
Transition words that can be used in topic sentences using the problem - solution paragraph structure are: answer, propose, suggest, indicate, solve, resolve, and plan.
The above feedback focuses on topic sentences and points out where the writer crafted a clear lead sentence with a central idea and a transition.
The key here is to identify the key characteristics of the subject of the essay and craft paragraphs with good topic sentences that address each of those characteristics.
For example, each paragraph of an essay has its own purpose and must - have elements, such as topic sentence and supporting ideas.
Their spelling and grammar are perfect, but they don't use clear topic sentence etc..
Use the following topic sentences as prompts to help you discover fresh images, examples, and narrative details.
For example, you can not develop topic sentences about an essay on white color, and yet you are talking about purple color.
You can read some of our free samples of essays to see the proper structure and try to identify topic sentences.
A strong topic sentence with its claim will focus the information or message for the reader.
Each paragraph of your research paper should have a good topic sentence related to thesis.
Always include topic sentences in the beginning of each essay paragraph.
As earlier stated, the thesis statement will include the three main topic sentences which should be illustrated in the main body structure.
A student might use some of the information from the readings or class discussions as a support claim to his main topic sentence.
The best way to manage this flow is by adding topic sentence to every paragraph excluding introductory paragraphs, transitional paragraphs and single paragraphs.
T - charting organizes ideas into two - column charts: topic sentences go on the left, supporting details on the right, for example.
With practice, students will learn to appreciate the rule that a good topic sentence almost lets the paragraph to write itself!
Crafting an effective topic sentence is a necessary skill, especially in meeting college and career readiness standards.
Divide paragraphs with apt topic sentences to help the reader to understand the theme of the specific paragraph at a glance.
When writing your thesis, keep in mind that you have only a single topic sentence and you need to focus on it while writing your entire thesis.
Introduction should include a thesis statement, body paragraphs should include topic sentences while conclusion should summarize the main points made in the paper.
Start with the clear topic sentence describing one side of the argument.
Much like a legal brief, effective meetings need topic sentences.
All your paragraphs should relate to the thesis statement with the help of topic sentences.
Write topic sentences for each paragraphs of the essay.
Moreover, don't forget to craft strong topic sentences for each of your paragraphs.
The rest of the essay or response may lack clear topic sentences.
Make sure to start every paragraph with topic sentence.
A ready to go lesson that teaches students the purpose of paragraphs and topic sentences in a concise 1 hour lesson.
It is provided here to show you how to add topic sentences to each paragraph.
Pay attention to each paragraph: it should include topic sentence and cover one point of discussion.
Teachers should be ready to use models of good topic sentences to help students determine the best structure for delivering information to the reader.
Each college essay topic sentence should logically follow the paragraph above, creating a coherent flow throughout the whole English essay writing.
For example, these models of topic sentences inform the reader about a topic and the claim that will be supported in the paragraph:
Feedback: Excellent topic sentence with a transition (one stage) and clear central idea (denial).
Parents and students used sample topic sentences, explanations, and diagrams to construct effective essays using the Hamburger Writing Model.
In small groups, have students come up with several possible topic sentences for a paragraph comparing and contrasting Ritz crackers and Oreos.
«If you find that you have come up with the same topic sentence more than once, you have two paragraphs doing the same work.
In contrast, a weak topic sentence will result in an unorganized paragraph, and the reader will be confused because the support or details will not be focused.
From pre-set writing prompts users develop an idea and write their own topic sentence, body, and a conclusion.
In particular, paragraph templates help students identify the components of a paragraph (e.g. topic sentence, supporting details, conclusion) as well as their the sequence and order.
It is advisable that the writer should put a concern and include the three major topic sentences on the three main body paragraphs so as to give a hint on what discussion the reader will expect later.
If the subject of discussion is more of the open - ended type of question, some of the personal experiences, stories of real - life occurrences will top up to the general support of the listed topic sentence.
This can be achieved by uniting single sentences into units of thought with identifiable topic sentences.

Phrases with «topic sentence»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z