Sentences with phrase «to be afraid of someone»

The phrase "to be afraid of someone" means that you feel scared or frightened by that person. Full definition
Don't be afraid of not knowing much about construction.
Why would you want to create a dog who is afraid of people or other dogs and may bite them?
So, don't be afraid of what people say, just do and wear what you love.
I think a lot of people are afraid of variable because of the possibility of the payment changing if rates go up.
«Don't be afraid of losing business,» she said.
However, there were also students who were afraid of getting things wrong, and actually avoided challenges so they could get everything right all of the time.
We'll also discuss what to do and what not to do should your dog be afraid of something specific, such as the garbage truck going by or a motorcycle.
Job seekers can learn from this because many are afraid of making an error.
He may be afraid of heights and fearful that he will slip; but the only prudent decision, to be made quickly, is to take that path.
Even if you think the dog shouldn't be afraid of something doesn't mean the dog is going to accept it.
If you are someone who is afraid of change, this may also bring up fear.
It's risky to go for bold color, but I've never been afraid of taking risks.
Don't be afraid of failure, I have failed so many times and now I study and invent new way of eating dessert!
He's looking at who's afraid of red, yellow — excuse me — red, green and black.
So do not be afraid of looking for a preschool who will help you in this process.
You don't want to be the person that your child is afraid of because he feels like he will never measure up.
People who were afraid of taking the plunge will see the benefits and buy.
I have always been afraid of color till recently.
Because I am not a person who is afraid of going all crazy with my clothes, I definitely felt the need of having a flashy outfit like this one in my wardrobe.
What things is he afraid of the young boy seeing?
Let's say your dog is afraid of other dogs.
A couples therapist helps each partner to talk about fears, such as being afraid of being betrayed or never being trusted again.
And you shouldn't be afraid of how much it is going to cost.
Also, I've always been afraid of making my own pie crust and this one was so easy, not to mention gluten and grain free!
Men are afraid of feelings because they think expressing them will make them more feminine (like a women) and therefore weaker and beneath them.
For the same reason never be afraid of using suggested here treatments but always believe they are very effective and safe.
Nevertheless, many women are afraid of wearing this footwear in their everyday lives, because of the ugly appearance.
Why am I afraid of letting go of sugar and knowing that I can't return to it.
The basic premise of It is this: little kids are afraid of everything, and that's just good thinking.
If there were any REAL scientists, they wouldn't be afraid of someone who disagreed, nor would they shut them out.
Some curvy women are afraid of trying something new, as they worry to look big.
I think he might be afraid of rejection if he did ask you on a date, and so he is kind of trying to avoid that embarrassment by making it seem hypothetical.
Let yourself love your students; don't be afraid of falling in love with them.
Parents many times are afraid of giving their children anything other than bland foods, and that becomes the child's preference (other than sweet of course).
Don't be afraid of eating fat, as trying to do both low - carb AND low - fat at the same time is a recipe for failure.
My working hypothesis is the marketers are afraid of offending the public since everyone has responsibility for the solutions.
Dating industry: Stop being afraid of change and taking risks.
This DVD deals with common bedtime issues like being afraid of the dark, not wanting to go to sleep and having scary thoughts in a positive way.
Many cats are afraid of anything new and different because they are not well socialized.
Many dogs are afraid of loud or sudden noises.
I tried to get a picture, but because our cat is afraid of pretty much everything, he moved at the mere mention of me going to get my camera.
It is only normal to be afraid of hurting your family's feelings and implying that they need to go to counseling can do that to some people.
A raised cortisol level is also found in people who are afraid of new things.
Taking these dogs to a dog park is like taking someone who is afraid of water and throwing him or her in the deep end of an Olympic pool.
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