Sentences with phrase «blood flow to one's brain»

Techniques and procedures used to improve blood flow to the brain are similar to those used in heart procedures.
This will inevitably means her blood pressure will be lower than usual, which will result in reducing blood flow to her brain.
We know that sedentary aging is associated with a progressive decline in blood flow to the brain.
In the body this would block blood flow to the brain causing life - threatening symptoms.
An anti-inflammatory diet is designed to lower overall inflammation in the body, which can boost blood flow to the brain.
Fast treatment is critical during a stroke to restore blood flow to the brain and prevent tissue damage, and limit disability.
Although there are two types of strokes, each result when blood flow to the brain is cut off and the brain cells are deprived of oxygen and begin to die.
This creamy fruit is a rich source of healthy fats that promote blood flow to the brain.
Unlike watching TV, exercise makes more blood flow to the brain and fights off the blues.
Healthy on - the - go snacks: Eat a handful of nuts every day to promote better blood flow to the brain and add a layer of protection from cardiovascular problems.
These nutrients are important for every day health functions and healthy blood flow to the brain.
The research team also measured blood flow to the brain and legs during each test.
When you hang upside down, oxygen - rich blood flows to your brain.
Many conditions can affect blood flow to the brain, things not normally associated with brain function.
This results in damage to the walls of the blood vessels which can compromise normal blood flow to the brain, heart, kidneys, and skin.
Blood flowing to your brain makes possible everything you do, including reading this article.
His visual problems and headaches may have been caused by compromised blood flow to the brain and eyes.
Also remember to get fresh air and a little exercise to support blood flow to the brain.
During such emergencies, extra blood flow to the brain could have helped them react quickly and cleverly to an impending threat or kill prey that was critical to their survival.
Increased blood flow to your brain provides it with more oxygen, which in turn allows it to work much more efficiently.
It was found to lessen inflammation and stabilize blood flow to the brain.
The brain uses 25 % of the body's oxygen; increasing blood flow to the brain means more oxygen, which translates to improved concentration, memory and awareness.
More correctly called «vascular disorders», they involve damaged blood flow to the brain.
The structural changes reduce stiffness, increase blood vessel diameter, and improve blood flow to the brain.
Reduced blood flow to the brain can contribute to age - related cognitive decline.
The dark stuff possesses compounds that help increase blood flow to the brain.
The impairment to blood flow through the chest strains the blood vessels below the chest to produce a weakness in blood flow to the brain and cause fatigue.
Omega - 3 fatty acids also help preserve the health of blood vessels, helping to maintain good blood flow to the brain and other organs.
Decreased blood flow to brain [increases risks],» he said.
A surgical procedure to widen carotid arteries that have become narrowed and restrict blood flow to the brain reduces the risk of stroke over a 10 - year period.
Brisk walking for 30 to 50 minutes 3 or 4 times each week for 3 months improved blood flow to the brain as much as 15 % in a study of women.
Low blood pressure symptoms or signs of insufficient blood flow to the brain / brain cells include lightheadedness, dizziness, or fainting.
Previous studies have looked mainly at genes causing atherosclerosis and genes affecting the function of platelets and clotting processes as risk factors for ischemic stroke (clot obstructing blood flow to the brain).
And that seems particularly true if a woman has already sustained an event causing poor blood flow to the brain (cerebrovascular disease), such as from a stroke, researchers said.
Constricting blood flow to the brain robs the brain of oxygen and vital nutrients, another factor that degenerates, or shrinks, the brain and affects function.
First, Dr. Fiorella says there are two kinds of strokes that everyone should know about — ischemic, in which a blockage prevents blood flow to the brain, and hemorrhagic, where there is bleeding in or around the brain.
Research studies say that low blood sugar levels are associated with LOWER overall blood flow to the brain, which means more BAD decisions.
Treatments that may help improve cognitive dysfunction (CDS) include selegiline, dietary changes, SAM - e, environmental enrichment, and cerebral perfusion (an improved blood flow to brain cells).
Ketones also stimulate blood flow to the brain which improves circulation and delivery of oxygen to brain cells improving overall brain function.
«Rapid blood pressure drops in middle age linked to dementia in old age: Temporary episodes of dizziness or light - headedness when standing could reduce blood flow to the brain with lasting impacts.»
A subnormal body temperature may be seen because of lowered blood flow to the brain and vital organs.
When looking at specific kinds of stroke, researchers again found that the rate declined for men but not for women for ischemic stroke, resulting from a lack of blood flow to the brain caused by clots or blocked arteries.
Since a person's brain receives oxygen through the flow of blood, any restriction of blood flow to the brain results in a reduction of oxygen to the brain, known as asphyxia.
G - forces make your body feel significantly heavier, allows less blood flow to your brain, and impairs vision.
Doctors determined Cannon had suffered a stroke — a loss of blood flow to his brain stem — that may have been caused by working out in the jail's recreation area on the day he fell ill.
Cerebral vascular insufficiency (not enough blood flow to the brain) increases the risk of stroke and is a major cause of neurologic death and disability worldwide.
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