Sentences with phrase «cable machine»

A cable machine is a piece of equipment used for exercise that consists of a system of pulleys and cables. It allows for a wide range of movement and resistance, making it useful for strength and muscle training. Full definition
Out of sheer curiosity: what do you make of cable machines?
They were originally made for weight stacks for cable machines but a little creativity can go a long way with strength training.
Straight arm cable machine curls work the short head of the biceps and help to build the biceps peak.
A typical functional training routine may include exercises on cable machines, push - ups, lunges, side and front planks, hip thrusts, and Russian twists.
In that case, and it likely is the situation for most of you, substitute Pulldowns on a high cable machine.
You can perform cable kickbacks at home if you have leg kickback machine and you want to do cable machine exercises for glutes.
Position yourself on your knees in front of an adjustable cable machine with a lat pulldown bar positioned at the high setting.
Why: This is a strength, cable machine isolation movement for triceps to help target and strengthen.
The yard in Green Haven Correctional Facility, where I spent four years, is divided into 15 or so courts, each one a concrete paddy with weights and rusty cable machines.
I'm thinking that this drill should also help me out with my pistol squats... Right now I'm using a combination of squatting down onto step risers to master the feel of the one leg squat, eliminating one riser at a time until I can't go lower, and holding onto the handle of the free motion cable machine, pegged at the highest weight, to sink into the rock bottom position before coming up, using as little help as possible when I'm coming out of the hole.
Standing glute kickbacks is one of the best workouts for glutes and it can be performed on a kickback machine or leg extension cable machine or in a way to perform kickbacks on leg extension machine.
Free weight and crude cable machines evolved, and Charles Atlas made his isometric exercises and equipment popular from the 1930s.
Actually many cable machines use cams that also change the resistance throughout the range of motion, but there is more of a constant tension when using the cables.
If there's a squat rack at your gym, or one of the larger varieties of cable machine, there should be a large steel cross beam you can grab for pull - ups.
This is best done on a cable machine.
Look to a cable machine instead, which offers less stabilization support, but allows a similar range of motion depending on the exercise.
Place a bench a few feet away from a cable machine and set a single pulley attachment as high as possible.
Start: Stand in the middle of the cable machine.
Attach a rope to a cable machine and grab it with both hands 2.
Like the name of the workout suggests, you'll be doing the whole workout on the cable machine.
Stand beside a cable machine and grab the cable handle with both hands placed in front of you at shoulder - height.
Grab the sides of the cable machine, and thrust your leg back, no higher than your waist level, and slowly bring it back with a slight knee bend forward to finish.
The cable machine is one of the most misunderstood pieces of equipment at the gym, and even people who believe they're using it correctly may be making form mistakes that could make workouts less effective, or worse, lead to injury.
The cable machine has been the subject of more hilarious gym fail videos on YouTube than we can count.
But the truth is, the cable machine is one of the most misunderstood pieces of equipment at the gym, and even people who believe they're using it correctly may be making form mistakes that could make workouts less effective, or worse, lead to injury.
Well, not unless they are done in a certain way, in which they can engage the entire abdominal wall and fully stretch it, thus putting a great deal of tension on the lower abs with weighted reps.. This exercise is a variation on the standard rope crunches, this time using a D - handle instead of the rope on the cable machine.
It can be done with many types of equipment, such as dumbbells, barbell, EZ - bar and even the cable machine, all of them providing equally amazing benefits.
For this exercise you'll need a cable machine with two low pulley extensions.
«The cable machine comes in useful for lots of other great exercises — woodchops, rows and overhead presses,» says trainer Kelly Boone.
how about the inclined bench press, dumbell flys, cables machines, leg pres dumbell pull over and lateral raises and so on.
As a heads up, the cable machine will have independent arms or adjustable sides.
Use free weights and skip the cable machines.
Stand in the centre of a cable machine, grab each of the handles attached to the high pulleys with your palms up.
A. Grasp the cable machine handles with hands close together.
It's hard to do this one in a busy gym, but if a cable machine is free I like doing this one.
You have to attach a rop to the bottom of a cable machine.
Below is an exercise for the hip flexors using a cable machine, and as an added benefit the hip stabilizers on the standing leg are also strengthened at the same time.
I love how the tension from the cable machine really gives my stomach a good burn.
Stand far enough away from the cable machine so that there is a little bit of tension on your muscles.
To train his upper body, Nadal uses mostly resistance training methods and cable machines.
Connect a rope handle with a low pulley of a cable machine and step backward as far enough from the machine so that there is tension in the cable.
One - Arm high rows — > Use a cable machine and set it up so you're reaching above your head and pulling the handle down to your side.
Attach a rope to a cable machine.
3x 15 L / R Hamstring curls: cable machine (these should be HARD, use an appropriate weight for yourself)-- > bring the head of the cable machine down low.
How to: Attach D - handles to the upper pulley of a cable machine.
Adding weight or resistance can be done in any form and shape, from holding a dumbbell between your feet while doing leg raises to using the cable machine and doing weighted crunches.
Racks, and dumbbells, cable machines, and ab stations and the list goes on.
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