Sentences with phrase «change in the church»

The basic theology does not change in our church and that is what is attractive to people.
Such a development among schools of theology could encourage similar changes in churches and even in universities.
If you can not bring your friends to your church, you need to either get a new church, or make some serious changes in your church.
Understanding communication — its process, its power, and in particular its manifestations in the mass media — demands changes in the church.
Bishop John called for change in the Church especially in the encouragement of vocation among people God is calling to ministry.
For eight years, as its founder - editor, I advocated the need for radical changes in church education.
Sociologists have studied, probed, and measured change in church membership patterns over the last twenty years, trying to understand the precipitous decline in membership.
Are you serious this is the last thing we should be concerned about when it comes to Catholic church what about priest (I use that word loosely they are sleeping with the choir boys and when they get caught they move them to another church so they can start again to me that is what they need to change in the church in the name of JESUS I pray for that right now!!!
This is exactly Douthat's (and my) assessment of the spiritual meaning of the German bishops» call for change in church discipline concerning divorce and remarriage.
it wouldnt surprise me if the idea of christian compassion is being changed in the church into pure individualism.
The congregation I serve has been wrestling to discern what changes in the church, what fresh wineskins, are needed to keep us faithful and open to the Spirit.
Her books with Rita Nakashima Brock, whom I also claim as a PhD student, are models of the sort of writing from which I have hopes of spiritual change in the church.
Attitudes have begun to change in churches where the senior pastors have made a regular and conscientious effort to use clergywomen as supply preachers, as workshop leaders and speakers, and as substitutes during pastoral emergencies or vacation times.
In each instance repentance requires rethinking of traditional teaching as well as change in church practices.
While I do believe changes in the church could've changed those transitions, I also wonder if our practices, friendships and mindsets could have made a difference too.
But if you look at how changes in Church have happened, you could argue 30 years ago the Church preached a lot, but didn't necessarily do a lot.
Couldn't one just as logically argue that the Vatican's refusal to permit even discussion of changes in church order — despite a quasi-consensus among Catholic biblical scholars, historians and theologians for perhaps 15 years — is the more basic complicating factor?
Only a Pope could have initiated such fundamental changes in the church — changes which many had hoped for.
Alongside these limited changes in the churches are Christian writings that explore the deeper meaning of a changed view of the natural world.
Citing the work of Jesuits John O'Malley and Stephen Schloesser on Vatican II, he critiques a kind of Christian fundamentalism that substitutes «security», ie the refusal to accept dynamic change in the Church, for the virtue of hope.
But Pell, the Australian cardinal, sought to diminish the high expectations of immediate change in church rules.
Womanist theological language must, in this sense, he an instrument for social and theological change in church and society.
I hadn't intended it to be a comprehensive piece on the faith of millennials, just a commentary on how — generally, based on multiple surveys and my own experience — millennials in the U.S. long for change in the Church that goes beyond worship style and marketing.
With the dawn of the Vatican II era, radical changes in the Church are threatening the course of nuns» lives.
Pardon the expression... However, that won't change him in his church's eyes.
And Dean Hoge has observed that «in general, the number of people who have left because of changes in the church is not as large as the number who have left because of lack of changes.»
I saw when that was changed in the Church.
If this is going to change in the church it will take a lot of leaders brave enough to look at people first and willing to leave the 99 to save the 1.
Those things that need to be changed in the Church, and that can be changed, must be changed for the sake of the mission.
In upholding the prohibition against artificial methods of birth control, the encyclical dashed the hopes of many believers for a change in church teaching — hopes that had been raised when the National Catholic Reporter leaked the news that the lay and clerical members of the hand - picked papal commission studying the matter had voted decisively to support the limited use of artificial contraception within the context of marriage.
By the decade's close, however, these changes in Church and state were proving ephemeral.
«Thinking Catholics, who knew what had happened in Rome before the encyclical, who had absorbed all that Vatican II had to say about the Church as the People of God, had assumed that their concerns would be listened to and change in the Church's stance on birth control was inevitable.»
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