Sentences with phrase «death on the cross»

We maintain that this person was in fact not brought to an end by his physical death on the cross.
He took the punishment we deserve by His torture and death on the cross then defeated death so that with repentance and faith, we will be forgiven.
And being found in appearance as a human being, he humbled himself and became obedient to death — even death on a cross [Phil.
Finally, Jesus, as king, messiah and deliverer models this way of life to the point of death on a cross.
The gospel is about Jesus death on the cross for our sins, his burial, and his resurrection confirmed to be true by the many witnesses.
I think that Jesus original intention that this would be a highly religious Spiritual meal together, where they remembered Jesus death on the cross for their sins.
The former approach, represented by Paul and the Antiochian school of Christology, emphasizes Christ's self - emptying, obedient death on the cross as the locus of salvation.
About Blog Messiah Lutheran Church... Preaches the Gospel We believe that our primary purpose is to proclaim the good news that sins are freely forgiven before God through Jesus» sacrificial death on the cross in our place.
The fundamental truths were: (1) absolute belief in the Virgin birth; (2) literal payment for man's sins by Christ substituting in death on the cross; (3) the physical resurrection; (4) the visible, bodily return of Jesus to the earth; (5) the absolute inerrancy of the Scriptures.
Jews that still live by the law of Moses and do not recognize that Jesus came to fulfill the law through death on the cross, and the resurrection.
Central to the Christian faith is the gospel, the teaching that humans have hope for salvation through the message and work of Jesus, and particularly, his atoning death on the cross 1Co 15:3 and resurrection 1Co 15:4.
In response to the central point of Romans 3, which is that God freely justifies those who trust his faithfulness, as he vindicated the righteousness of Jesus» trust of him, even unto death on a cross, by raising him from the dead, the question that arises is: «Is God righteous to justify simply on the basis of trust in his faithfulness?
There wasn't a golden nugget, the «true Jesus», the «true Self», preserved from death on the cross.
The theories of the Atonement so far mentioned are all sometimes called «objective», which is to say that Jesus» death on the cross made an objective factual difference to sin and to human beings» relationship to God.
After all, they put Jesus to death on a cross about 2,000 years ago and here we are still discussing the Risen Lord.
Faith in Christ's death on the cross which atoned for the sins who place their faith in that has removed the penalty of sin but not the effects of it until the faithful reach heaven.
When we die, even if we were to die a horrible death on a cross like Jesus, sin would not be defeated.
«It's not that God didn't listen to Jesus in the garden, it's that his bigger plan was to make Jesus» torturous death on the cross the most beautiful turning point in history... it's not beyond God to use death for his greater purposes.»
Without God, without the one whose death on the cross challenges all our good feelings, who stands beyond and over against our human anxieties, all we have left is sentiment, a saccharine residue of theism in demise.
Lynching mobs, beatings, and a very gruesome scene of a man who has been burned to death on a cross all contribute to the harrowing visual messages of this film.
Did Jesus really need to get tortured to a bloody death on the cross?
Yes, you can be redeemed by Christ's death on the cross if you have been involved in an abortion in the past.
He came into the world and died a sacrificial death on the cross so that those who believe in Him would be saved (John 3:16).
Nor is this a half - hearted love: St Paul tells husbands to love their wives even as Christ loves the Church, that is, by taking on her suffering and enduring death on the cross for her.
The explanation of Christ death on the cross raises other question as well.
An ignominious death on a cross may seem like foolishness to those who can't imagine anything beyond what they already know of the world.
I also am quite proud to be the owner of the Holy Beer Helmet Of Golgotha, which Jesus wore to drink beer while awaiting death on the cross.
The tearing of the temple veil after Jesus» death on the cross certainly asks and answers a revolutionary question about who has authority to access God.
If you ask the average Christian, «How does Jesus» death on the cross take away our sin?»
But the New Covenant in Jesus, introduced to us and inaugurated for us through His own violent death on the cross, shows that we are completely forgiven and have always been forgiven, and that there is nothing for which God will not forgive us.
Our sin separates us from God's love and salvation — only Jesus» death on the cross bridges that gap for us.
Paul certainly gives some suggestion of an influence of Jesus upon us, with his extraordinary faithfulness even to death on the cross evoking faithfulness on our part.
Participation in Jesus» faithfulness, which was a faithfulness even to a suffering death on the cross, includes participation in Jesus» crucifixion, suffering, death, and burial.
The entire reality of Jesus of Nazareth, including not only his preaching and acts of healing, but his fellowship with sinners and his eventual death on the cross, was transparent to the word he sought to proclaim.
Since theologians insisted that Christ chose to die for the sins of the human race, he could not be shown as resisting the torture of a slow death on the cross.
His sinless life and death on the cross allowed His blood to be sufficient to completely take away your sins and replace them with Christ's righteousness when you trust in Him.
The obedience of his human will through suffering and death on the cross restores our adoption as children of the Father.
Jesus Christ accomplished this through H death on the cross.
Understand that Jesus» punishment and subsequent death on the cross was Him voluntarily paying for your sins.
Just as he died, he looked in my direction, searing my soul with a look of furious indignation» as though I were the one who had condemned him to a pointless death on a cross, as though I were his betrayer.
yes, to die a tragic death on a cross, but He went willingly because He knew that the human race would never measure up no matter how hard we tried.
5:11) If Jesus was the Messiah, God's Son, why then had he died the shameful death on the cross, the last penalty of a criminal in expiation of his misdeeds?
While it is true that Jesus died a bloody and gruesome death on the cross, it is critical to recognize that the death of Jesus on the cross was for sin, while the life of Jesus was for God.
As we approach Easter, it's critical that we embrace these concepts, not just in some erudite theological sense, but in real and practical ways: Jesus» life and death on the cross means more than our personal salvation.

Phrases with «death on the cross»

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