Sentences with phrase «effects of the disease»

There are many sites available to grab the knowledge about this lifelong disease and the side effects of this disease which are called as herpes dating sites.
Scientists say this discovery could lead to the development of drugs that could alleviate some of the long - term effects of the disease, the world's leading cause of dementia.
A promising treatment for a rare childhood disorder characterized by rapid aging and death prevented and even reversed the most devastating effect of the disease in mice.
Once the dog is more comfortable, your veterinarian will start to control nausea and vomiting, as well as any other negative effects of the disease.
When not vaccinated and exposed to these viruses, young kittens are very susceptible to the worst effects of the diseases.
The good news is there are no long term adverse effects of this disease, and eventually the disease just disappears.
Neither vaccine is 100 percent effective, but both serve to mitigate serious effects of the disease.
These early effects of the disease don't affect day - to - day functioning, but they will help drug developers evaluate treatments that target the early stages of the disease.
For me, the physical effects of the disease were what brought me to the doctor in the first place.
Proper steps need to be taken to balance the body, so that any side effects of the disease treatment can be managed.
«The latest changes recognise the distressing effect of the disease and will allow more people to pursue claims, making companies more accountable for permitting the exposure,» he said.
Some pet owners use natural treatments along with conventional treatment to increase the effectiveness of the treatment and to save their pet from the debilitating side effects of the disease.
The key to limiting the negative effects of these diseases is prevention.
The owners were especially grateful to have their dogs vaccinated for Rabies as they are very aware of the devastating effects of this disease on both humans and animals but do not have access to regular veterinary care.
However, any data obtained from iPS is a combination of effects of the disease's genetic mutation and the recombination - related genetic modifications (often random).
It's free for certain groups at higher risk of the severe effects of the disease including:
Young pups tend to experience the most severe effects of disease caused by roundworm infection.
Global Health Now recently captured photographs of a community in Kahemba under the ill effects of this disease.
World Vision ACT: S, the organization's network of young people living according to the Book of Acts, now has a campaign called ACT: S to End Malaria that educates people on the far - reaching effects of the disease.
«This raises the possibility that if you can inhibit one or all of these molecules, especially early in the course of Alzheimer's, you might be able to protect neurons and slow down the cognitive effects of the disease,» said Dr. Lefort.
But no one had focused on the impact of tumors themselves for one very simple reason: It's hard to tease apart the psychological burden of cancer, the effects of treatment, and the biochemical effects of the disease.
He added that this finding also means that muscular dystrophy (MD) researchers who are attempting to develop genetic therapies must target defective smooth muscle as well as the malfunctioning skeletal muscle most often associated with the crippling effects of the disease.
Beyond the clinical effects of diseases like Alzheimer's and other dementias, these disorders also profoundly affect an individual's independence and quality of life as well as the lives of caregivers and others within the support system.
It was during the last decade that the newlywed and new mom began to struggle with the often unpredictable effects of the disease.
So for those who suffer from autoimmune thyroid diseases like Hashimoto's and Graves» disease, gluten could be both a trigger for an autoimmune response and a way to control the worse effects of your disease through its omission.
During a recent study, scientists at the National Spanish Research Council in Valencia, Spain, created an artificial small intestine and synthesized the internal effects of the disease [1].
Still, the onslaught of military firepower, automatic weaponry and the gruesome effects of disease seem to have little effect on the two former Navy officers who utter the odd profanity when under pressure.
The deleterious effects of this disease are not only destructive on a local level within the mouth, but have extensive systemic effects as well.
It is often overlooked that there are physical causes of these changes, and when recognized early, the deteriorative effects of disease can be significantly delayed.
Although there is no specific treatment for FIV, your cat's health and well - being can be prolonged by easing the secondary effects of the disease.
A new study found out that the brains of schizophrenic patients attempt to heal themselves by restructuring brain tissue damages and fighting particular effects of the disease.
The Supreme Court addressed the Board's contention that it terminated Arline due to the contagious effects of her disease.
The new work not only establishes a laboratory model for Allan - Herndon - Dudley syndrome, but also hints at therapies that could prevent or reduce the debilitating effects of the disease, says Clive Svendsen, director of the Cedars - Sinai Board of Governors Regenerative Medicine Institute, a senior author of the new study and an expert on diseases of the central nervous system.
According to the Celiac Foundation, 80 % of individuals in the United States with celiac disease are undiagnosed, 3 leaving them at risk for long term effects of the disease.
«As oncologists who routinely witness the devastating effects of these diseases, we urge all pediatricians to recommend HPV vaccinations and prevent their patients from becoming our patients.»
«We need to find ways to maximise the benefit of research and tourism by minimising the negative effect of disease
Gene therapy is the introduction of part of the reproductive code (gene) into a cell to reduce the adverse effects of a disease process.
Medication may be used to reduce side effects of the disease; there is however, no approved drug to kill feline heartworms.
«If we could develop drugs that boost Nrf2 production in the neurons most susceptible to Huntington's, we might extend their survival, thereby staving off the worst effects of the disease,» said former Gladstone Postdoctoral Fellow Andrey Tsvetkov, PhD, the study's lead author.
Gene therapy is, in essence, a type of biotechnology that replaces mutated genes with healthy ones, reversing the effects of disease or damage.
An alcoholic can have achieved sobriety, making the ethical choice that you would support to stop drinking, but still suffer from the effects of the disease alcoholism even if they remain sober.
During the early 1600s in France, they were favored over potatoes until a strange rumor declared that were a cause of leprosy, possibly due to the texture of their outer skin resembling the effects of the disease.
I adhere to a strict low carb diet and daily exercise, and still, I can see the effects of the disease on several of my organ systems.
Another common side effect of this disease is red blisters on palms.
Purchasing a baby bottle that is designed specifically for fighting gas and colic in baby is one of the best ways of reducing the effect of this disease on your baby.
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