Sentences with phrase «global change»

It has marked a new direction for global change research.
This is a body of experts appointed by the German government and advising it on global change issues.
If we keep up the pressure, then climate change could be the next frontier for global change.
They also provide analyses of the many sectors and spheres of society that are affected by global changes.
Past global changes and their significance for the future.
So, for the fan who can not understand global change, it seems like it is the fault of the manager.
Increasing temperature interacts with other global changes, including declining pH and increasing nitrogen and ammonia, to increase metabolic costs.
This flexibility in their diet is good news in view of the predicted loss of plant species under global change.
Such interactions should be designed to bring societal relevance and trust to science - policy interfaces, and more effectively inform decision - making to keep pace with rapid global change.
With HTML, it's using regular expressions (or some global search and replace mechanism) to make global changes.
This article investigates this hypothesis by assessing whether global changes caused by human use of land are mostly recent and result from processes that are now accelerating.
The future impacts of anthropogenic global change on marine ecosystems are highly uncertain, but insights can be gained from past intervals of high atmospheric carbon dioxide partial pressure.
Though the company has experienced immense success over the past four decades, the brand has remained firmly rooted in their humble beginnings and focused on promoting sustainable fashion and global change through trade.
How do we force global changes that move these transitions more quickly than they want to move?
ACT's mission is to drive global change by supporting citizen action.
In short, exhibition Art from Elsewhere is an international exhibition showing how public collections reflect global change.
Rather, global changes such as ocean acidification might further increase environmental stress.
Four years in the making, the comprehensive analysis summarizes current global change trends and makes predictions for the coming years.
We used a 5 - d average for food intake for each condition to most accurately represent global changes in food intake that occurred during each condition.
Features of the site include discussion of global change topics, full access to dozens of reports and assessments, educational material, an image library, and more.
The artists from this region are at the center of sweeping global change and address some of today's most critical issues.
Over the past few years, we have witnessed global changes that not long ago seemed unthinkable.
Until now there has been almost total reliance on qualitative reviews and perspectives of potential global change.
I fear anyone with bolder ideas about starting to make real global changes now will be considered extreme for many years to come.
Experience global change by replacing limiting beliefs with empowering ones that drive you towards the results you want.
«This week's international financial turbulence has shown that we are going through a period of extraordinary global change that is taking us into a new world,» he said.
Her research focuses on global change ecology and climate adaptation; she was among the first to propose and study ways to reduce the impact of climate change through new techniques in conservation management.
In today's context of global change leading to extreme climate events impacting habitats, this message is more important than ever.
The convergence of local and global changes compounds the impacts on fragile but important high mountain ecosystems.
As yet, it is not possible to predict the response of wildlife to the ever - increasing global change.
We want to global change public views that construction can't be fast, eco-friendly, efficient and reliable all at the same time.
The consensus of the two conferences of environmental lawyers is that the environmental problems of irreversible global change have become grave and require new legal principles and practices.
A one - degree global change is significant because it takes a vast amount of heat to warm all the oceans, atmosphere, and land by that much.
Probably it was no coincidence that this new readiness of scientists to consider rapid and disastrous global change spread in the early 1960s.
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