Sentences with phrase «human responsibility»

He could hardly have failed to be influenced by the greatly increased sense of human responsibility for the basic structures of society.
Together with the technical issues, the key question is one of a will to act which depends upon the recognition of human responsibility for one another.
Nowadays there is much talk about human rights but much less about human responsibilities.
Rather human responsibility has its basis in the very nature of reality of all entities.
Such studies that do not take into account an expectation of human responsibility only make finding a solution to the issue of dog bites even more hard to deal with.
Those of the first category all relate to a notion of human responsibility toward current and future generations of humankind and to the ecosystem in general.
And does it mean that we are on false ground to stress human responsibility for the advancement of the kingdom?
Self - driving cars might undermine human responsibility, not to mention the enjoyment of driving.
They also demand human responsibility for the choice between community and disaster.
In this case, the environmental responsibility is clear — it is the easily - hidden human responsibility that proves to be more problematic.
Such a theology promotes an ethic of justice and care and a profound acceptance of human responsibility for the fate of the earth.
And what then becomes of the ideas of human responsibility and choice, and of the notion that some deeds ought not to have taken place?
Those who continue Wesley's emphasis on God's love and on human responsibility find at least some congeniality with Whitehead's philosophy.
Fortunately life is more than logic, and modern predestinarians like their Calvinistic forebears are seldom consistent if the issue is one in which human responsibility is clearly evident.
I fully understand the philosophical implications (does this not negate human responsibility etc,,, etc..
His theology emphasizes human responsibility towards others, and stresses the value of seeing the world with «the view from below — the perspective of the poor and the oppressed.
But the early church rejected this solution on the grounds that it establishes a cosmic dualism between God and evil which undercuts human responsibility for sin and denies the biblical witness to the essential goodness of creation.
Nor can specialization, which involves a relinquishment of general human responsibility for the sake of mastery in a limited field.
In other words, putting family first doesn't imply nepotism, but rather ordinary human responsibility.
All those in a «non-religious» world, who out of full human responsibility for others experience weakness and suffering, participate in the cross and hence in the transcendence of God.
By the same token, to affirm the necessity of exercising human responsibility is not to express a naive confidence in our ability to solve all our problems if we simply put our minds to it.
Even when, like the characters in The Story of the Night, they seem to have fallen away from treating themselves, or their fellow human beings, with the appropriate respect, Jews and others in today's counterculture committed to the mystery of human responsibility before God, and charged with the task of pursuing our own unique individual and communal destiny in a conformist, uncomprehending world, need such reminders.
In my opinion, the greatest theological contribution of Wesley was his way of affirming human responsibility for our ultimate destiny and daily life while strongly maintaining the primacy of faith.
If God is the cause of faith in this deterministic sense, human responsibility ceases.
What she opposes is language about God that depreciates human responsibility or expresses ideology.
It greatly dilutes human responsibility by its what will be, will be scenario.
The coming of new life may indeed be regarded as the gift of God, even as is the boon of death when in old age the earthly pilgrimage ends in release from paint but in neither instance is human responsibility abrogated.
Like other facets of liberation theology, healing prayer draws upon faith as process, our own human responsibility to restore God's rule to this world and the corporate dimension of sin.
Metz puts human responsibility «in the new perspective of the full horizon of God's future intention for the world».37
I was not always happy with the revisions of old readings - they sometimes seem to excuse human responsibility - but in the end evil is called evil and good is called good while an overly simple generalizations are avoided.
But that does not reduce human responsibility to decide for God.
The church has not been able to live with the results of such extreme formulations; so it has kept reintroducing human responsibility, but often at the cost of allowing for the self - righteousness the theologians were trying to exclude.
For us, World AIDS Day is such an initiative, where uniting in the fight against HIV must begin with accepting scientific evidence for the basis and treatment of HIV / AIDS, and acknowledging human responsibility and endeavour as the way to reduce harm, to prevent unnecessary suffering and deaths, and to combat prejudice and discrimination.
Since humans use animals for food, entertainment, research, and companionship, it is equally humans responsibility to treat animals with respect and to protect them from any harm, inhumane treatment or abuse.
By the way, the inimitable Benny Peiser (an anthropologist, whose CCNET emphasizes any argument against human responsibility for change in climate) has a page out on the recent thermohaline info.
Research into natural causes of summer loss of Arctic sea ice reveals human responsibility for drastic changes to the region's ecology.
Read the rest of his post «Shared Responsibility» messaging ignores our Basic Human Responsibilities — to look out for the more vulnerable among us.
Legal questions are created by the development of new technologies that exclude human responsibility for decision making.
In the Church's teachings and highest traditions we find a meaningful contribution to the emergence and foundation of a global community, namely, the dignity of the human, the unity and universality of the human family, and the common human responsibility for all of creation.
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