Sentences with phrase «in a pluralistic society»

Washington (CNN)-- Speaking at the 60th annual National Prayer Breakfast inWashington on Thursday, the president said, «We know that part of living in a pluralistic society means that our personal religious beliefs alone can't dictate our response to every challenge we face.
In an examination of the contested nature of schools in a pluralistic society, Abrams (2002) found that «school interventions seeking to change established practices and ideologies concerning parental involvement can become contested terrain,... exposing competing needs and concerns about children «s education» (p. 384).
The Christian story would still inform and enrich these principles and procedures, but they would be stated and defended to people in our pluralistic society who do not necessarily begin with Christian presuppositions.
«Join 1,000 remarkable leaders from all channels of culture as we gather in Nashville to consider how to advance the common good in a pluralistic society.
As has been said before, it is to be expected that in future the type of the Church both in the diocese and in the parish will be that of a community of faith in a pluralistic society.
Today I have been asked to speak on the significance of Christian mission in a pluralistic society and in a period of interreligious dialogue.
The only major ongoing factor is concern for justice in a pluralistic society, but that concern would seem now to favor admission of religious perspectives.
Life and law in a pluralistic society such as ours do not move in a rigidly logical progression.
This idea of persuading assumes, of course, the «others» think (and act) differently — the apostle envisions a public Christianity comfortable in a pluralistic society, one in which he can stand up, like we see him do at the Areopagus in Athens, and debate the thinkers of the day.
The question of religious freedom is one of the most difficult and delicate of questions in a pluralistic society, and the tide is currently running against it.
Some expressed concern that homeschooled children would find themselves unable to function in a pluralistic society.
One basic question, however, remains unanswered, namely, how do we deal with the issue of truth in a pluralistic society?
Instead, people in a pluralistic society belong to many different groups and have many different roles to fill, depending upon their place in the various structures of the society in which they live.
Man in the pluralistic society is released from this secure confinement into the exhilarating but frightening responsibility of freedom.
Our engagement in the world in an anxious age is made possible by our confidence in the gospel in a pluralistic society where people have profoundly different beliefs.
This is especially true because in our pluralistic society, the values supported so often seem to be those that one group is imposing on others.
«Is there any way in a pluralistic society like ours to have any measure of consensus on right and wrong, good and bad, mental illness and spiritual vision?»
If we take this into consideration as well as the position of the Church in a pluralistic society, we shall realize that today the Church can not want to care directly for all groups and individuals of our society in equal measure.
Or, better said, I want to be a part of finding a way to live together with deep differences in a pluralistic society.
And, even though it is very difficult in our pluralistic society, it is nevertheless the duty of Christian parents to transmit to their children the sacred inheritance of the Christian faith and also of a Christian life provided with practical guiding lines.
We often hear an explanatory narrative involving coexistence in a pluralistic society or the sad truth that religious differences have sparked violent conflict.
That was what a pluralistic university in a pluralistic society looked like.
These questions pour forth in a spate: How can we talk about Christ in a pluralistic society in which «the truth» is not believed to be the possession of any person or tradition?
There is some theological sense in the notion that the church models reconciliation in a pluralistic society by helping all kinds of people to get along together in church who would not associate, let alone work together in the world outside the church.
Marty's new book is a resource for people of conviction who want to be good citizens in a pluralistic society: «You want to do the right thing by your God, your tradition, your country, the public order, the law and the courts, and your fellow citizens.
Politically pragmatic liberalism may be practically necessary in pluralistic societies, but as an individualistic secular ideology it is no more viable in the long run than its illiberal counterparts.
It would appear, as conference speakers suggested, that this nation's spiritual nature has been forced to hide under a secular shield, its traditional religious rhetoric muted to protect sensibilities in a pluralistic society.
Writing in the Baylor Law Review before the Romer decision, David Smolin of Samford University Law School argues that the present Court» rejecting «religiously based» claims as inherently particularistic» is increasingly dismissing «traditional theists» as too absolutist to join in public debate in a pluralistic society.
«If [justice] must be accorded to the unborn child, as it must,» the editors write, «it must also be accorded to the mother, and, yes, even to the Catholic politician who tries to balance competing rights and claims in a pluralistic society.
The freedom to abide by religious convictions is not only a matter of individual liberty; it is also a freedom that ought to be encouraged for institutions in a pluralistic society.
But I also believe that social justice is important given the systemic disadvantages in our country; heterosexual divorce is probably more detrimental than gay marriage; caring for the poor goes a long way toward reducing the «felt need» for abortion; and that setting Biblical morality up as civil law is probably not the way to go in a pluralistic society...
Nonetheless, we may also hold that so far as public policy is concerned in a pluralistic society, justice is best served by a Madisonian approach that thwarts the tyranny of the majority.
Paul was the first Christian to attempt doing the right thing in a pluralistic society.
As a result, I think a Muslim and a Christian, simply by living and engaging in a pluralistic society like the United States, have the opportunity to get to know more about their respective faiths, just through experiencing life in a society that includes members of that faith.
It pointed out that common witness was especially important in pluralistic societies.
As Americans in a pluralistic society, however, we must create a milieu for moral decision - making that is somewhere between value conferred by intention or relation alone, and the abstract mystical fetishism that deifies the substance of human life in and of itself.
All this is dangerous in a pluralistic society and damaging to the students involved.
The interprofessional and ecumenical nature of the authors certainly adds to the chapters» usefulness as resources in our pluralistic society.
Glenn believes that government funds should be made available to faith - based organizations as a demonstration of respect for the freedom required in a pluralistic society and as a way of providing effective service.
By learning, interacting and growing in a diverse setting, our students are preparing to thrive in the pluralistic society they will soon join.
In my view, a statute outlawing employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin has the valid secular purpose of assuring employment opportunity to all groups in our pluralistic society.
No teacher should be or need be at a loss to deal intelligently and fairly with most religious issues that might arise in public schools in a pluralistic society, and every teacher can be and ought to be prepared to grasp the religious dimensions in any subject of study and to use sectarian differences to clarify issues and enrich the learning of all.
«We know that part of living in a pluralistic society means that our personal religious beliefs alone can't dictate our response to every challenge we face,» he said.
But apart from these there is also the fact that the Church in much of the traditionally Christian world is still on the way from being an established Church (that is, a social institution to which all more or less belong) to a Church of personal faith in a pluralistic society.
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