Sentences with phrase «individual humans»

That research is focusing more and more on how the genes of individual human beings interact with the genes of pathogens to influence the severity of disease.
Its influence survives as the symbolic guarantee of individual human rights for all.
Ah, those poor individual bears - any interest in individual humans?
Unlike more sensual media, reading helps us think in the abstract, something exceedingly important for our growth as individual humans and for the human race.
The source of dynamic power in any human community, in short, is the creativity locked within the capacities of individual human persons for insight and choice.
Design the entire end - to - end experience with individual humans in mind.
Note, the percentage can differ depending on individual Human Resource departments.
It is no coincidence that the near unanimous judgment of science fiction writers is that a world dominated by technological hardware is a world in which individual human self - identity is missing.
Other similarities are even more abstract, such as recognizing individual humans.
Decisions are made and carried out by individual human beings, acting alone or in groups.
Similar to individual human development, each stage is marked by a central crisis and several developmental activities.
It is also one of the most essential tools for promoting human wellbeing and protecting individual human liberties.
I see room for both kinds of statements, comments, and blogs: those that accurately identify their source as a specific individual human being, and those that do not.
A state can deny individuals their human rights by denying them access the healthcare, education, or other social goods.
Effective school development is equally about system - wide social capital and developing strong individual human capital.
The realization of individual human potential comes from within, and recognizing your potential is very much a selfish endeavor.
They remain individuals, whether individual human beings or individual classes.
He will step away from government by measurement and defend the liberal idea of individual human advancement.
Scientists often study individual human genes by inserting them into yeast cells.
A study was done, analyzing 20 individual human milk and camel milk samples for fat, total protein, vitamins, and minerals.
It also appears that group - housed cats become less socialized to people when they are not given regular individual human attention.
From learning to manage individual human resource issues to designing the organizational structure of a global company, the breadth of our program allows you to lead at any level.
This course utilizes a developmental framework to understand individual human functioning across the lifespan and the dynamic interactions of individuals within families.
They don't reflect the fact that children are individual human beings with individual needs and desires.
I critique how we do church, just as we ought to critique how we do family, work and politics in order that individual human liberty is not violated.
Every whale shark has a unique pattern of spots and stripes on their skin, much like a fingerprint is a unique marker of individual humans.
The «Christian scandal,» Percy says in this interview, is its «emphasis on individual human life
In the mysterious doctrine of the «receptacle,» or cosmic subject of changing predicates, Plato seems to lean toward monism; however, in his belief in individual human souls as immortal he seems inordinately pluralistic.
It was just the second individual human genome ever fully sequenced.
In describing this process both Wieman and Whitehead are dealing with individual human experiences.
However, working and researching on egg and sperm, as they aren't individual human lives, we have very little ethical concerns about that.»
But bodies politic must deal with the past quite differently from individual human beings searching their genealogical roots.
Miller's conceptual clarification highlights a distinction between «refugees» and «economic migrants»; between individual human rights and the requirements for democratic controls; and between individual freedom of movement within countries and between countries.
According to the scientists, these results show that although the gene variants — which make individual humans different from each other — in general have a small impact on disease development, the gene switches in which they reside can play a major role.
Accepting this definition, we may infer that «ultimate reality» covers everything that we are all finally obliged to take account of insofar as we exist humanly at all, whatever other things we may or may not have to take account of in each leading our own individual human life.
Death reigned until the giving of the law because individual human beings actually sinned (not «in Adam»).
The vagaries of inheritance are easy to see even within individual human families, and the timing could simply be a fluke.
John Marzluff of the University of Washington in Seattle discovered five years ago that crows can recognise individual humans who posed a threat.
Recent research by John Marzluff and others has shown that corvids can not only recognize individual human faces but also remember them for years.
There is a psychological sense of purpose in individual human mind, which likely evolved by natural selection as a property of the human brain which gives advantage to the survival of the human race.
The reduced attention to politics mutes the most important way in which individual human agency drives human experience.
No doubt it is true that the scope of individual human action, as commonly envisaged in the abstract theory of moral and meritorious acts, is not greatly enhanced by the growth of human knowledge.
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