Sentences with word «lactose»

Lactose is a type of sugar that is found in milk and dairy products. Full definition
Vegetarian, partial gluten - intolerance partial lactose intolerant house - hold so this would be a hit.
Now, as a parent myself, I've been especially careful to look out for any signs and symptoms of lactose intolerance in my own children as early as possible.
Parents of lactose intolerant children are generally advised to avoid dairy products completely.
A mother's breast milk contains lactose in large quantities.
It can be often used in place of milk for those with lactose intolerance as well as a beneficial supplement for people with various health ailments.
Other types of whey protein powder come in a less pure form and can be troublesome for lactose intolerant people.
Their systems do not have the full ability to digest lactose from other animal's milk.
But most cow's milk products also contain lactose sugar which many adult pets can not digest.
When my daughter was diagnosed as lactose intolerant last summer, frosting was one of the first things I started to tackle to make it dairy free.
She has a dairy allergy (NOT lactose intolerance), so I was very happy to see this recipe.
This is a drink that has been made 99 % free from lactose.
Because of its relatively high lactose content, drinking milk, especially for adults and many children, is best avoided.
Dairy foods naturally contain sugars; the milk sugar lactose to be more specific.
In some situations, it makes sense to use low lactose baby formulas.
I used lactose free milk and it resulted in a beautiful, creamy caramel.
-LSB-...] brands use casein or lactose so make sure you check their ingredients or look for a vegan stamp.
Free sugar does not include lactose when naturally present in milk and milk products or the sugars contained within the cellular structure of fruits and vegetables.
-- Avoid all dairy products and any food containing cow's milk because lactose (type of sugar) in milk increases insulin resistance.
And it's possible that with more data, his team's findings on lactose intolerance will prove to be incomplete.
Find articles on what to look for and how a soy - based formula may help for lactose sensitivity.
To determine your dog's level of lactose tolerance, occasionally feed him small amounts of cheese as treats and monitor his response.
You won't find any added sugars (beyond lactose which is essential for proper growth and is found in breastmilk) in these formulas.
Because of the high lactose content, either milk is liable to cause diarrhea in puppies.
It can also be consumed by lactose intolerant individuals who can not normally digest milk.
Fortunately, there are products like lactose free milk, which will provide a child with the necessary vitamin D and calcium, which is so important during childhood.
We also offer easy to use equipment for accurate determination of residual lactose levels.
In fact, this milk has actually be shown to reduce lactose intolerance.
As you'll notice, goat's milk contains twice as much lactose as that from a dog; and cow's milk contains even more.
It usually starts with some type of change in diet to identify if lactose (milk), protein or some type of carbohydrate is the cause.
Since becoming lactose intolerant several years ago, I now only buy real buttermilk once in a blue moon, usually when we have guests staying over.
In a small amount of babies, lactose issues can cause dehydration, but this condition tends to be rare.
For many, the move away from milk is rooted in concerns about lactose intolerance, or the view that plant - based alternatives are healthier.
I'll have to try it with coconut cream sometime as I am becoming more and more lactose intolerant by the day.
Not only does it contain a lot of easily digestible proteins, but the natural probiotics make it optimal for weak digestive systems, and even lactose intolerance.
It is primarily part of a larger sugar called lactose, which is found in all dairy products and many baby formulas.
Low - fat yogurt also contains little lactose, plus it supplies probiotics for extra digestive support, so it's a good dairy option for canines.
You can still enjoy tasty dishes, even if you don't digest lactose well.
I use this recipe here — great info and recipe on how to make organic lactose free yogurt at home.
Remember butter is a dairy product, and doggie systems aren't usually very effective at lactose digestion.
I wonder if you eat lactose free cheese or if that affects you?
Since foods rich in calcium can cause lactose intolerance, calcium supplements are preferable.
While many lactose sensitive individuals are able to use whey proteins without irritation you should consult with a healthcare professional for your own dietary restrictions.
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