Sentences with phrase «less debt»

The phrase "less debt" means having a smaller or reduced amount of money that you owe to others. Full definition
This is particularly noteworthy after we saw above on a whole women graduate with less debt than men.
This means that you spend much less and keep much less debt on your cards than your credit limit.
Equity is the value of a property less all debts in it.
Don't own a stock unless you are likely to be earning significantly more then the preferred stock, much less debt instruments on the same company.
I had a lot less debt than him, so I am already debt free.
In personal finance, we discuss our net worth, or the total value of our assets less debts.
A low debt to equity ratio means lower risk to investors, since it means there is less debt relative to the available equity.
In the long term, you'll save money by paying off your debt faster and owing less debt overall.
With less debt after graduation, you can put money into a retirement account so you won't be working after your turn 65 years old.
By taking less debt you can reduce your monthly payments and make the payments more manageable.
If I stick to to the plan, I will increase dividend income, save more money, and have less debt by the end of the year.
It doesn't really impact the enterprise value much, with less debt there is somewhat less leverage to the price of gold but also less interest charges.
I'm looking for less debt and more cash.
That is, young adults from wealthy white families hold significantly less debt than their less affluent counterparts.
Most younger investors will want less debt investments, around 20 % to a third of their portfolio.
However, less debt does not necessarily lead to a return to independent living.
If you increase your credit limit, but use the same amount of credit as you did previously, you will now have less debt which means a higher credit score.
As I am now in the educational space helping college students figure out their career paths, I would love to see less debt and more colleges give need - based scholarships.
Your investments, your car, artwork, and, of course, your house less any debts you may owe.
Now, for oil and gas exploration and production, I think less debt is better.
Taking less debt helps to ensure that your monthly payments are reasonable.
Whether you plan to keep your home for decades or you plan to move in 10 years, having less debt puts you in a stronger financial position.
As a senior, you may have drastically less debts than you did 20 years ago.
If less debt is your goal, then this is a good strategy.
There are a few reasons why homeowners with high value properties are fighting less debt than their counterparts.
Going for this option doesn't just help you graduate with less debt, it also helps you keep your interest in check compared to a fixed smaller monthly repayment plan.
Not only will you have less debt on your plate, but you also won't have to worry as much about an extended vacancy or problems with a tenant.
By doing so, you can graduate with a lot less debt and better concentrate on your new career!
Depending on your age, you may have much less debt than the average life insurance applicant, but that doesn't mean you can abandon your life insurance policy.
This obviously means less debt, less in monthly repayments and, usually, a shorter mortgage term.
In personal finance, we discuss our net worth, or the total value of our assets less debts.
It doesn't really impact the enterprise value much, with less debt there is somewhat less leverage to the price of gold but also less interest charges.
You have less debt after discharge than before you filed the bankruptcy to begin with!
Carry less debt in proportion to their assets, giving high - performing businesses more leeway to invest in growth.
Liz from Less Debt More Wine has the scoop on how to create a plan during your grace period.
Money 101 from Less Debt, More Wine Pay Off Debt App by Jackie Beck Student Loan Knockout from Zina Kumok The Money Reset Master Course from Life and a Budget
«There are a great many young people considering forgoing the traditional post-secondary education route in favor of less debt, more employer - sponsored training, and more employment opportunities [according to the Universum research],» said China Gorman, newly installed as Universum's chairman of the board for North America and former chief operating officer and interim CEO at the Society for Human Resource Management.
In contrast, EM nations as a whole are carrying less debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) than in years past, and thus the EMD index may have garnered relative attraction among investors searching for yield.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau imposed the fines on American Express after the company admitted discriminatory practices include charging higher interest rates, imposing stricter credit score cutoffs and providing less debt forgiveness.
Marker color shows the average debt per graduate: darker = more debt & lighter = less debt.
If the Insured dies by suicide within two years from the Issue Date (one year in ND), the only amount payable by Gerber Life will be the premiums paid for the policy less any debt against the policy.
The governor's office points out that the state's total outstanding debts have decreased four years in a row for the first time in modern history, and New York has less debt now than when Cuomo took office five years ago.
However, she adds, «students at [our ranked] private colleges have to borrow less debt to finance a degree.
Clean Energy's balance sheet is much stronger now than it's been in years, with far less debt and enough cash on hand to bridge the gap, if necessary, while fuel volumes continue to grow on steady, if slow, adoption of natural gas vehicles.
I can think of a number of instances where I know students who attended the same school but one received much more financial aid and incurred less debt.
The CFPB says these included «charging higher interest rates, imposing stricter credit cutoffs, and providing less debt forgiveness» to consumers in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands (collectively described as «Puerto Rico» in the CFPB documents).
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