Sentences with phrase «life of one's church»

What do these changes mean for the corporate life of the church today?
Much of the sustained - supportive ministry to the family is provided by the corporate worship and group life of the church.
He can not attach any importance to the inner life of the church.
They are virtually missing from the day - to - day life of the church.
We don't usually need to use formal theological language and concepts in the everyday life of the church in prayer, preaching and service.
We take people who are new to church or who are involved in the wider life of the church.
It helps congregations say no, establish boundaries around behavior, and discipline some people out of consideration for the collective life of the church.
It is no more likely in politics than it is in the institutional life of the Church that we shall achieve a Christian consensus.
To impose a vision upon a church is not only unhealthy, but deadly to the genuine life of the church.
Cathleen finds herself struggling with issues of faith, sexuality, and recent changes in life of the Church.
The Protestant churches have institutionalized a split between church life and the daily life of church members for so long that members either do not want or do not expect their pastors to relate the Bible to their loves and moral commitments.
About Blog byFaith's mission is to draw readers into the full life of the Church by informing, edifying, and encouraging them with the news of God's kingdom.
«Engaging with God and entering the transformative life of the church does not mean we get a kind of «free pass,» an unconditional love that leaves us where we are,» writes Wesley.
Effective evangelism, therefore, is the all - embracing thrust of the total life of the church.
The practical life of the church musician is controlled above all by Sunday morning.
But it is certain that unless that illusion is named and confronted, the present gap between church life and the daily life of church members will not be bridged.
Hermeneutical reflections often leave believers in deep confusion about how to bring these ancient writings to bear on the present life of the church.
In the internal life of the Church in the U.S., Francis's visit has undoubted real meaning — in the lives of bishops, priests, religious, and lay people who flock to his Masses and other gatherings, or only view them from afar, and in the things he does and says as supreme pontiff during his visit.
About Blog byFaith's mission is to draw readers into the full life of the Church by informing, edifying, and encouraging them with the news of God's kingdom.
The incarnate presence of Christ as Saviour and Redeemer in the Eucharist opens the fountainhead of Divine Life that flows through and energises all the other sacraments and indeed the whole life of the Church.
The practical life of the church musician is the outcome of a vocation — a calling — that serves God and the people of God with God's unique gift of music.
Recognising that the pastoral and spiritual life of the Church has always been rooted in her theological vision they realised from the beginning that the pastoral difficulties experienced by the Church were explicable only as the symptom of a deeper theological crisis.
The sermon that fosters prophetic living in the church is one that connects preaching, liturgy — especially the celebration of sacrament — and the corporate life of the church.
Today we are in less certain times; the intellectual life of the Church is thwart with uncertainty.
And let us also encourage and support those persons and groups that are providing spiritual direction for solitude, seeing that their efforts are vitally linked to renewal of the total worship life of the church.
Spiritual discernment emerges in active faithfulness to Christ and the church, which requires that one enter into the entire life of the church not simply attend mass or a Sunday service.
He has been called upon to give meaning to the life of the cult, to reconcile the developing life of the Church with its Biblical ground, to mediate between the Church and the world, and above all to be an apologist for the Church to the world.
For this aspect of tradition — the dimension of symbolic distinctiveness preserved in the ancient patterns of the worship and ritual life of the Church — is at least as central to Catholic identity as many of the doctrinal positions worried about by those who conceive of tradition primarily as a body of authoritative teaching.
Such thought could, of course, be understood as «church theology,» but the tendency of that rubric is to focus attention upon the traditions and current life of the church in a way that is too limiting.
The outgoing life of the Church was expressed in another important area of life — education.
That process of integration might have been easier if the liturgical and catechetical life of the Church had been clear, vibrant and stable at the time; but it was not.
The Ekklesia Project, begun in 1999, is something of an attempt to answer that question and close the gap between Hauerwas's academic project and the concrete life of churches.
She has been active in the national life of the Church of England, serving for many years on General Synod's Standing Committee, including sitting on the panel of chairmen.
It's not that worship has lost its centrality in the larger life of the church, any more than the mighty Mississippi slowed to a trickle in Twain's time.
Cobb also points out that «particular providence for particular occasions» (PR 351) leads not only to theoretical problems for theodicy, but to practical problems in the church, «because particular providence has often been appealed to as justification for many actions on the part of believers that are disruptive of the healthy life of the church» (TIP 14).
Proposition 7: New Evangelisation as a Permanent Missionary Dimension of the Church It is proposed that the Church proclaim the permanent worldwide missionary dimension of her mission... to • evangelise those who do not know Jesus Christ; • [to support] the continuing growth in faith that is the ordinary life of the Church; • to [reach out to] those who have become distant from the Church.
In the light of this wider purpose it becomes apparent that the liturgical reforms envisioned by Sacrosanctum Concilium, however well or badly they may have been implemented, were motivated by a desire to make the prayer life of the Church more accessible.
In the family life of church members, parents mediate the values of the world to children even if they also express their faith in Jesus Christ in family relationships.
As important as the Scriptures are, the study life of the church draws on much more.
Add to that the expectations put on us females in particular to be the social life of the church, and it almost goes without saying that church tends to be pure Hell for me.
This is not only an intellectual task; the actual life of the churches must be changed dramatically so that Christianity is perceived as a unifying promise, rather than a divisive force, in the shaping of world history.
In this context, the witness of the collective life of the Church takes on a special healing power: in the liturgy, in Christian marriage, and in the witness of authentic religious life.
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