Sentences with phrase «modern liberalism»

Modern liberalism is a political ideology that focuses on individual freedoms and equality. It supports social programs, like healthcare and education, to ensure equal opportunities for everyone. It also values the idea of progress, advocating for change and adapting to the needs of society. Modern liberals believe in the power of government to address societal issues and promote fairness for all citizens. Full definition
How we are to evaluate and challenge creatively the heirs of modern liberalism depends on what we take freedom to be, and not to be.
Modern liberalism assumes and requires a society with a certain moral foundation, but it does not always reinforce that foundation, and increasingly it undermines it.
Those who write from a Christian perspective while respecting the good things about modern liberalism must be careful to avoid various pitfalls along the way.
But he seems unable to break out of a universe of discourse more conditioned by modern liberalism than by ancient Christianity.
In the second part, «Unanticipated Consequences of Emancipation,» Wisse sketches» through the lens of the Jewish experience» the crisis of modern liberalism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Over the last few decades, for example, political scientists, sociologists, and scholars of the American Founding have all pointed out that a smidgen of religious belief seems necessary to prevent modern liberalism from devouring its own political and economic gains.
What defines this line is the way in which all positions on it, from one end to the other, are committed to a form of modern liberalism which, as we noted above, prioritizes the individual and the present.
Frankfurt School was very influential in the hippie and counterculture movements and gave birth to New Left, which basically is what formed modern liberalism.
Holloway described the children of modern liberalism as «serfs of the Freudian overlord».
Where do conservatives get off looking at what modern liberalism has done for blacks in America and saying, «There must be a different, better, way to handle this.
Although he wrote most of his books long before conservative - minded liberals felt comfortable accepting the conservative label, most of his ironies were directed against the kind of idealistic ambition typically associated with modern liberalism.
The target is, rather, those forms of broader modern liberalism which have produced certain ways of thinking about faith and the church which can be found in both conservative and in so - called «liberal» churches.
Early - modern liberalism held the view that human nature was unchangeable — human beings were, by nature, self - interested creatures whose base impulses could be harnessed but not fundamentally altered — but could, if usefully channeled, promote an economic and scientific system that increased human freedom through the active and expanding capacity of human beings to exert their mastery over natural phenomena.
Michael Novak reflected on the ways in which «Catholic Whigs» correct the excessive individualism of modern liberalism without courting the dangers of collectivism.
Twenty - five years later, the basic imperatives remain the same: provide a moral foundation for a free economy, save modern liberalism from its destructive excesses, discern our common witness as Christians and Jews, and fight for the sanctity of life.
Catholic social thinkers mounted an early and sustained critique of the doctrinaire individualism and the abstract social contract approaches of theorists on whom modern liberalism rests: Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, and their followers.
Modern liberalism sets itself up as the view of all «reasonable people.»
In the eighteenth century, the founders of modern liberalism embraced an argument that posited human wants and needs as infinitely expandable.
Because most people with any sort of knowledge of the recent academic debates / fights in and around modern liberalism would know that Sandel is usually classed as communitarian critic of liberalism.
The familiar distinction made by modern liberalism — the historical Jesus versus the Christ of faith — is rejected by Bonhoeffer.
The New Communitarians and the Crisis of Modern Liberalism by Bruce Frohnen (University Press of Kansas) is a sharply critical treatment of the movement that highlights the ways in which the communitarian impulse has been hijacked by people such as Mario Cuomo and Hillary Clinton.
Modern liberalism in its various forms — including those popularly labelled «conservative» — has had centuries to shape and misshape our societies.
The great Founder of modern liberalism — John Locke — said that in a free country you'd better be rich if you're going to get old, and, unfortunately in some ways, that's probably more true and more difficult than ever.
When, in the great movement of modern liberalism, we demythologized the state and rejected most of the metaphysical foundations of politics, we gained much» but we also lost something, and one of the things we lost is any coherent theory about the nation's continuing authority to enact such metaphysically fitting punishments as the death penalty.
It is a theology of modern liberalism.
It is proud of its opposition to modern liberalism and its defense of the five «fundamentals» — the virgin birth, biblical inerrancy, substitutionary atonement, and the bodily resurrection and imminent return of Jesus.
For Burke, the French Revolution had the good effect of waking him up from a kind of progressivist slumber when it comes to the humane effects of modern liberalism and the modern free economy, but Strauss suggests it pushed him too far in the other direction.
While the German Protestants never developed something similar to Catholic social doctrine, they have a long history of influential reflection and action on social and economic issues, as well as a tradition of ethical critique of modern liberalism.
But instead the Church is too often just another smoothed - over institution on the terrain of modern liberalism.
More than any other doctrine, it defies the universalism at the core of modern liberalism.
I don't think this will work, because the deeper dynamic of modern liberalism is toward the public provision of meaning and security for atomized individuals otherwise vulnerable and uncertain about life.
Neuhaus quotes the following passage from my book, The New Communitarians and the Crisis of Modern Liberalism: «Reeducation is by nature inegalitarian.
Autonomous ethics is the conceit of modern liberalism that the individual is a law unto himself....
Modern liberalism is thereby wrong to suppose that doctrine does not matter for ethics.
This era includes everything from modern liberalism, libertarianism, Marxism, anarchism, environmentalism... et cet.
Without a qualifier, the term «liberalism» since the 1930s in the United States usually refers to «modern liberalism», a political philosophy exemplified by Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal and, later, Lyndon Johnson's Great Society.
Modern liberalism in the Democratic Party began during the Progressive era.
Some have pointed to the question of tolerance which for very historically intelligible reasons has been elevated by modern liberalism to a high value.
How Nick Clegg can seriously class himself as Liberal is beyond me and given the party's record while in this despicable coalition, I feel many supporters and potential voters will never vote Liberal while Clegg is the two faces of modern liberalism.
According to Wikipedia: Without a qualifier, the term «liberalism» since the 1930s in the United States usually refers to «modern liberalism», a political philosophy exemplified by Franklin Delano Roosevelt's...
No one has found effective language to describe it, but modern liberalism is the powerful idea of the age.
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