Sentences with phrase «object someone have»

Next, you can select the types of objects you'd like to place in your newly - created rooms.
Despite these contrary characteristics, what an eternal object has in common with an actual entity is its determination through the category of the one and the many.
Now, decades later, this found object has given rise to an abstract red and white painting measuring seven feet tall.
After, I returned students and asked them to write any social object they have in common with the people directly connected to them.
Most traditional thinking about objects has made the mistake of thinking of them as contemporary with subjects and as given in sense experience.
This innocent looking little object has seen the end of many a character.
Running on walls, jumping from point to point, and sliding under objects has become crucial to success.
Until recently, not a single human - made object has ever known where it was.
Similarly, his respect for the integrity of the art object has always been reflected in his practice of designing and constructing a unique frame for each painting.
The application also has support for the live wallpaper feature for objects you have just digitally scanned.
These twisted objects have only one side and one edge and they put our imagination to the test.
Also check to make sure no foreign objects have made their way into the base.
His current works look at the everyday objects we have all around us.
I'm trying hard to think of what objects would sum us up!
I'm very eclectic in my interests and tend to find ways to take physical objects I've collected and make them unique to me in some way.
There are a few ways for you to relieve the pain naturally using objects you have at home.
I'm going to have a good think about what objects I would choose.
Over the last two decades, the relationships between image and text, language and body, body and space, subject and object have changed rapidly.
Art objects have long been the centerpiece of many a tale of intrigue.
Since then, theorists have been hard at work studying what such waves from other events and objects would look like.
Would it rather be a puzzle adventure game, in which objects have to be moved around the map in order to unlock new areas?
Another interesting aspect is that social media and social objects has redefined «cultural» boundaries, going from a national perspective to one more focused along attitude and views.
For example, photographs, emails, meta data and physical objects would all be regarded as documents.
, whose individual practices involve crafting sumptuous, meticulous paintings of sculptural objects they have produced.
The hunt for an elusive object has provided the foundation for many features over the years.
Explain why objects have different colours when light shines on them.
A new table cloth and special objects would also make the kitchen feel remodeled.
It combined great fast action motorcycle riding with bike to bike fighting with whatever objects you had available.
If you gave your child a bag filled with random objects they would be content and happy for hours.
In the old days everybody thought objects had properties, like the way a coin can show heads or tails.
But predicting such radiative heat transfer between extremely close objects has proven elusive for the past 50 years.
The object will simulate movement in a pattern much like a live object would.
Multiple samples from a single object have been dated independently, yielding consistent results.
More custom options for certain objects would be good and the ability to craft your own arrows is a must for me.
In other words, the build quality of these ornaments is really high, with them being some of the best 3D printed objects I have ever seen.
The gravity from the closer objects would bend the light of the star behind them.
It combined great fast action motorcycle riding with bike to bike fighting with whatever objects you had available.
That bright object I had spent so many years covering up!
Having up - to - the - minute information on space objects would allow satellite operators fly spacecraft away from potential threats.
This means that intentional objects have sense only in the context of a larger world - horizon which is not due to subjective constitution.
Indeed, the fragile object has been shipped via FedEx to the museum, and invariably shows traces of its handling.
It would be a lot cheaper, and the message of women as sex objects would be a lot clearer.
It starts with a lot of looking and feeling of the found objects I have brought back to the workshop.
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