Sentences with phrase «one's church leaders»

Why did he not get out of the position of church leader if he knew he was going down that path, on his own?
It's also striking how quickly everything can change for church leaders who raise questions about eternal judgement.
Not long ago I was on a panel with other church leaders in a large city.
Their integration into the life of the church so they hang together is the challenge for church leaders, and the opportunity.
Her conservative upbringing told her that women couldn't serve as church leaders — yet somehow she «never believed any of that stuff».
Unfortunately, this is still the response of many church leaders when confronted by abuse.
Here are a few statements I've heard recently from church leaders.
There are other church leaders who, perhaps lacking in maturity, are just offensive.
It came from early church leaders who wanted to exert their power, authority, and control over other people.
I think there's plenty to chew over, but many church leaders don't want us chewing.
No such luck with church leaders at a regional level who had authority over my life.
«Our resources are stretched to the limit,» church leaders tell government officials.
There is something not right when church leaders go commercial!
Most church leaders who struggle with sexual issues do not seek help.
There seem to be more church leaders on our screens now than ever before.
Such training in programs of continuing education would involve not only young persons looking toward a career in the church but also church leaders at every level.
This shaped how church leaders viewed their options and responsibilities between 1933 and 1945.
This statement is being translated into various languages and will be distributed to pastors and church leaders around the world.
In the first of a new series, we find out how history's best known church leaders still influence our theology today.
The documents have generated intense discussion among church leaders, scholars, and all concerned.
In my experience, most church leaders see that as a threat.
I see no reason why church leaders should cease promoting Christian understandings of human rights in public settings as a way of promoting justice, morality, and the common good.
When many parents, pastors, and church leaders think of young people, «leadership» is probably not the first word.
While church leaders used words like «crisis» and «time bomb,» the report predicted the church would likely be extinct within 20 years.
But, I've got ta ask... when you say, «We need more Church leaders like him,» what do you mean?
Out of pure motives to protect and educate new believers, church leaders began to consolidate power and control.
Many of them understand and support the concern of young church leaders for liberation from oppressive social systems as well as from personal sin.
My friend was struck by the question, and by the fact that the classroom was filled with future church leaders.
Other church leaders often helped to identify or affirm the gifts in others.
Many church leaders believed that the dream of saving the world through democracy was simply a political way of expressing the mission of the church.
It is uncertain what the two church leaders discussed; they issued no bulletin or report concerning their meeting.
Also this month: An exclusive interview with 3 same - sex attracted evangelical church leaders who have decided to speak out about choosing not to act on their desires.
It's this attitude, this passion, that should get church leaders excited about reaching the next generation.
One time, we had a couple round for dinner who were also church leaders.
This is a direct quote from a fairly well known British church leader.
So far the German church leaders have only expressed general guilt, but that isn't enough.
Many church leaders probably react to these stories by thinking that they would never do such a thing.
While this storyline is undoubtedly true - to - life in some isolated cases, it is not an accurate reflection of the average church leader.
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