Sentences with phrase «one's fibre intake»

First is the focus on the intestinal barrier and how that so - called «leaky gut» seems to show a connection to dietary fibre intake.
They're also a good source of vitamin C and contribute to your daily fibre intake.
That covers about 42 % of the daily recommended fibre intake.
This study was also able to confirm the protective effect of cereal fibre intake.
This explains the interaction between fibre intake and type 2 diabetes.
High fibre intake improves the health of the gastrointestinal tract and the immune system.
To combat «gut anxiety», eat a low GI diet (which also helps regulate blood sugar levels), reduce fatty foods and alcohol, and increase fibre intake.
You can now supplement your dietary fibre intake, with confidence!
Less meat means a reduced risk for heart disease, lower cholesterol and higher fibre intake, to name a few of the benefits.
You can make it even healthier by choosing brown pasta shells, which will increase the daily fibre intake, keeping your family fuller for longer.
A high cereal fibre intake, by contrast was associated with an 18 % lower risk of diabetes.
Specific considerations include portion and calorie control to support energy balance, protein and fibre intake for appetite regulation and satiety purposes and appropriate amounts of healthy fats such as long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Trick your body into absorbing fewer calories by increasing fibre intake with whole grains and unpeeled fruit and veg.
Some studies used the Englyst definition of fibre, which distinguishes non-starch polysaccharides from starch, whereas other studies calculated fibre intake using the Association of Official Analytical Chemists method, which includes some starch as dietary fibre.
In the a priori subgroup analyses, higher fibre intake in the intervention arm than in the control arm showed a significantly greater reduction in non-HDL cholesterol.
Improved bowel function arising from enhanced optimal fibre intake means a marked improvement of gastrointestinal health and general well - being, the company claims.
The standards for school food help to increase fibre intakes by requiring provision of fruit and vegetables and wholegrain starchy foods at lunchtime.
There is not clear evidence that fibre intake helps with IBD, and in fact, «low residue» or «low fibre» diets are usually recommended (see below).
Power your health from the inside with Meta Fibre Bar Cinnamon Oatmeal Raisin — the delicious and nutritious way to boost your daily fibre intake while you go about your busy day.
Resistant starch is one of the best prebiotics and most foods containing resistant starch have lots of it meaning you can easily achieve a high healthy dietary / functional fibre intake.
Nevertheless, the researchers say: «These data demonstrate a consistent protective association between total fibre intake and symptom - related knee [osteoarthritis] in two study populations with careful adjustment for potential confounders.»
Dietary fibre intake reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome.
The median fibre intake was 20 (range 13 — 47) g / d in the control diets and 26 (range 17 — 53 g / d) in the intervention diets; the median saturated fat intake was 11 % energy (range 5 % — 15 %) in the control diets and 11 % energy (range 5 % — 15 %) in the intervention diets.
(C) Yield per unit of digestible neutral detergent fibre intake (dNDFi).
Methane production is given (A) per unit of dry matter intake (DMI), (B) as a proportion of gross energy intake (GEI) and (C) per unit of digestible fibre intake (dNDFi)(at 75 % MER and when fed ad libitum) in comparison to ruminants (dark regression line; Franz et al., 2010) and non-ruminant mammalian herbivores (light regression line; Franz et al., 2011b).
Nutritional considerations for weight management include portion and calorie control to support energy balance, protein and fibre intake for appetite regulation and satiety purposes, nutrient density to provide balanced nutrition and lower sugar and fat intake to avoid empty calories.
Effects of changes in fat, fish, and fibre intakes on death and myocardial reinfarction: diet and reinfarction trial (DART).
One serve of this sweet potato breakfast bowl should give you about a third of your daily recommended fibre intake, plus a good dose of Vitamin A and Vitamin B6 and some Vitamin C, magnesium and potassium.
Effects of increasing dietary protein and fibre intake with lupin on body weight and composition and blood lipids in overweight men and women
The summary relative risks were generally similar, however, no matter which method was used, and there was no evidence of heterogeneity between subgroups when stratified by the method used to calculate fibre intake.
Additionally, among the OAI participants, eating more fibre in general, and a high cereal fibre intake, were associated with a significantly lower risk of worsening knee pain.
Fibre intake in Paleolithic diets is estimated to be 77 - 120 grams per day.
The recommended daily fibre intake is 25g for women and 30g for men.
A portion is also gonna give you about 25 % of your fibre intake for a woman — and let's not forget, it's delicious!!
While tree nuts like pecans are high in fibre, the fibre intake of the trial diets was around 18g, which is less than the recommended amount of 25g - 30g but is representative of typical US consumption.
While you reduce the calories, you must be aware on boosting your fibre intake.
In line with the government plans to reduce sugar intake and increase fibre intake, market trends towards clean and clear labels, and consumer expectations of healthier yet delicious food, we whole - heartedly believe dates are the answer.
Rutgers University scientists have found that increasing fibre intake can help to reduce blood sugar levels.
By swapping discretionary foods for high fibre foods, making sure we eat vegetables or salad with two meals a day, using fruit for snacks and desserts and adding legumes to our recipes we can make a real difference to our fibre intake.
Dietary fibre intake and risk of cardiovascular disease: systematic review and meta - analysis.
By consuming coconut flour you can increase your fibre intake which will also reduce the absorption of sugar into the blood stream...
By consuming coconut flour you can increase your fibre intake which will also reduce the absorption of sugar into the blood stream and help lower cholesterol.
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