Sentences with phrase «one's humanism»

The Senate, by voice vote, has passed a bill that would end the ban on the teaching of secular humanism in programs funded by federal magnet - school money.
The steady growth of classical academies and classical Christian homeschooling seems to testify to a growing realization that the classical Christian humanism of Humanity 3.5 is the real liberation of humanity and cultivation of human dignity.
The New Right's campaign against secular humanism in the schools often seems like an attempt to demonstrate that no one ever lost political power by underestimating the intelligence of the American public.
That all should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood (sic) is another moral norm that is acceptable to persons and peoples is a demand of secular humanism as well as of all the major world religions.
The crucial significance of religious humanism for new turns in religious thought consists in its illumination of radical freedom / autonomy as the essence of human reality and its program to construct a systematic theology / philosophy on the exclusively anthropological foundation of the functional ultimacy of humankind as the theological singular.
Third, it was the tradition of Christian humanism which led the White Rose to see the essence of the anti-humanism of the Nazis in their disregard for the sanctity of individual human life.
28 religious leaders have called on schools minister Nick Gibb to reverse the Government's decision to exclude an annex on Humanism from new RS GCSEs and preclude similar systematic study from AS and A levels.
Gordon, Sean, «Wangechi Mutu Explores Afrofuturism and The New Humanism with Ndoro Na Miti», Paste Magazine, 12 February 2017.
Dr. Herbert served as 2002 - 3 President of the Society For Humanism in Medicine and spearheaded their CME program «The Human Embryo: Issues Surrounding the Beginnings of Life.»
Her fertile gobs of paint trump irony, pastiche and virtuality with humanism filtered through a videographer's eye for kinetic staging.»
«VIVA ARTE VIVA» is inspired by humanism — focusing on the artists» ability to make work in spite of their surroundings, be it an oppressive social or political environment.
In such books as Beyond Humanism, Man's Vision of God, A Natural Theology for Our Time, Creative Synthesis and Philosophic Method, and The Logic of Perfection, Hartshorne has been indefatigable in the presentation of this «di - polar» position.
On my desk as I write, for example, is The Common Mind: Politics, Society and Christian Humanism from Thomas More to Russell Kirk, a very helpful survey of the subject (among its other subjects are Swift, Samuel Johnson, Newman, Chesterton, and Eliot) commended by Roger Scruton as «finely written and highly erudite» as well as «original and persuasive.»
The particular brand of scientific humanism which affects so much of our thinking is either agnostic, in the less narrow sense of that term, or rigidly atheistic.
I wasn't raised religiously (unless you count liberal humanism as a religion), but for me the Tedeschi Trucks Band is my church experience — communal, egalitarian, uplifting, and inspiring.
Whatever the league tables might look like, faith - based education clearly isn't all about results, and has something to offer that secular humanism does not.
For over 30 years GALHA, the LGBT Section of the BHA has promoted humanism as a rational, naturalistic worldview that trusts the scientific method as the most reliable route to truth and encourages a moral and ethical life based on logic, reason and compassion.
My philosophy for life is called Humanism.
At the same time, he was among the first to recognize that a larger «cultural revolution» (headquartered in the academy) was taking shape, replacing the tradition of Western humanism with the reductivist ideologies of race, class, and gender.
I will even admit that Marxist humanism in its very acceptance of and fidelity to the world and man contains an implicit spiritual faith, but I think that Marxist belief is underdeveloped, undifferentiated.
Here, in my view, lies the real difference between humanism and theism.
At the same time, euthanasia and assisted - suicide practices in the Netherlands have so detached that society from true humanism that their supreme courts issued decrees allowing access to assisted suicide to both the mentally ill and depressed.
The crisis of Renaissance humanism came with the trial of Galileo, which was centered on the choice between basing the authority of one's beliefs on one's observations, or upon religious teaching.
It provided an ideological framework within which the many religious communities of India as well as the plurality of linguistic caste and ethnic cultures (in the formation of which one or other religions had played a dominant role) could participate together with the adherents of secular ideologies like Liberalism and Socialism (which emerged in India in the framework of the impact of modern humanism of the West mediated through western power and English education).
The bankruptcy of humanism without God should be ruthlessly exposed and its disquieting similarity to godless Communism deliberately pointed out.
More strikingly, it represents an appeal for the modern world to recognize that its achievements can not be sustained apart from the authentic humanism of Christian faith.
For years now we have been making gradual progress towards the acceptance of the teaching of non-religious worldviews in RE, with the 2004 national framework including Humanism in national guidance for the first time.
As the qualifier suggests, religious humanism affirms that the human being is homo religiosus; what it attacks is the arrogant presumption that religion is limited to the theistic experience.
There's an amusing love triangle (certainly more involving than what was witnessed in the recent «Twilight» saga), commentary on waning humanism through tyrannical rule, and an unveiling of the supremely negative influences of politically slanted media, primarily as it defines celebrity — but it's all buried deep beneath basic adventures of wilderness survival that are curiously manipulated back into the script for a twist and return to the first film's plot.
Having begun with the quest for God, Percy's Christian humanism comes, at its worst, to value the pilgrimage more than the Shrine.
Speaking in cultural terms, M.M. Thomas argues that a «post-modern humanism which recognizes the integration of mechanical, organic and spiritual dimensions, can develop creative reinterpretation of traditions battling against fundamentalist traditionalism and actualize the potential modernity to create a dynamic fraternity of responsible persons and people».12
For this reason, Maritain did not hesitate in Integral Humanism (1936) to imagine possible futures or to suggest new courses of action that would alter the awful European present in the direction of a better — a more humane, more Christian — proximate future.
With God's eternity shown as the Fullness of Time, Christian humanism becomes a true acceptance of the temporal.
Over a thirty year career, Kudo, who worked in France and Japan, developed an extremely complex body of sculpture, installation, and performance - based work in reaction both to World War II and Japan's subsequent transformation into an industrial society and to European Humanism which, he believed, abetted environmental degradation and social malaise.
Finally, however, Boiling can not sustain his antic avoidance of the religious question which Aunt Emily's ethical humanism forces upon him.
Google: Secular Humanism if you are interested.
He appeared as one who steadfastly opposed Nazi inhumanity and who offered a possibility of moving in the direction of Christian humanism inspired by the vision of Jesus as «the man for others» (D.H. Hopper, A Dissent on Bonhoeffer, Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1975, p. 17.)
In order to match the new curve of Time, Christianity is led to discover the values of this world below the level of God, while Humanism finds room for a God above the level of this world.
Meanwhile, your efforts at atheist humanism seem pretty silly.
The BHA's chief executive, Andrew Copson, said: «The law is clear that when teaching about religions and beliefs, schools should follow a broad and balanced syllabus which includes both religious and non-religious world views like humanism on an equal footing.
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