Sentences with phrase «one's socioeconomic background»

All parents, regardless of socioeconomic background, race, ethnicity, or their child's disability designation, need to know how their child is doing in reading, writing, and math.
I was referring to providing home - based services to families from low socioeconomic backgrounds who were also characterized by child maltreatment, mental health difficulties, or other psychological risks.
Schools have the potential to serve as a corrective, a way to bring students of different socioeconomic backgrounds together and to bring resources and opportunity into the lives of needy kids.
She says that couples from similar socioeconomic backgrounds often have an easier time.
Other schools, often with students from higher socioeconomic backgrounds, have more of a focus on the «academic» side, being more concerned with results at the expense of the individual.
There is often a small step from observing a correlation — for example, between socioeconomic background and achievement — to treating this observation as an «explanation».
Like in any other instructional job, assistant teachers must possess excellent communication skills so that they will be able to communicate well with students of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.
Children have diverse learning styles, learn at different rates, have varying socioeconomic backgrounds, and have diverse intellectual strengths.
Several attempts were made to recruit fathers from both higher and lower socioeconomic backgrounds for focus groups, but with limited success.
I want my teams to have as much diversity of thought, experience, gender, race and socioeconomic background as possible.
If public and private schools served students with the same socioeconomic backgrounds, public schools would actually out - perform private schools.
For instance, a system that considers college data could start recognizing that graduates of a particular school are a good credit risk, and those students may be from mostly privileged socioeconomic backgrounds.
Design an algorithm to match parental preferences with schools, while considering socioeconomic backgrounds at the same time.
Adding race, gender and socioeconomic background into the equation would further decrease chances of receiving a profile that could excel in the current system of the world.
We see it in the field of law with its differing standards of justice for those of poor socioeconomic background.
Are people more likely to partner with people of different socioeconomic backgrounds when they meet online?
Many from modest or minority socioeconomic backgrounds attend less prestigious colleges than their more privileged counterparts.
The Finnish system attempts to mitigate socioeconomic backgrounds, education is free, and well - organized special education and counseling are available to any student who needs them.
It stretches beyond socioeconomic backgrounds, breeds, or personal beliefs.
The most recent survey data showed increased risk of hearing loss among participants of racial / ethnic minority status and from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.
The idea of diversity lands differently for women of color, women who are lesbians, or those from different socioeconomic backgrounds.
Students who have educated parents and are from higher socioeconomic backgrounds are more likely to do better on standardized tests.
In addition, renters will be coming from more diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.
Participants came from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds, family structures, with slightly more females (53 %) than males.
Adolescent gender, family's socioeconomic background predicted the final level and the rate of change of delinquent behaviors.
The researchers looked at 156 studies on the effectiveness of parenting programs for reducing disruptive behavior in children ages 2 to10; the studies involved more than 15,000 families from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds in 20 countries.
Seniors reported having grown up in various socioeconomic backgrounds and parental education levels, and experiencing low household income (41 %), family separation (38 %), and food deprivation (31 %) mainly during War World II, other regional wars, and the Great Depression in the US.
Information on socioeconomic background, maternal diseases and obstetric history, parity, gender, fetal exposure to alcohol (at least 2 drinks a week during the entire pregnancy) and cigarette smoking (at least 1 cigarette a day during the last trimester), type and duration of breastfeeding, and maternal intelligence (Raven Progressive Matrices) was obtained through questionnaires administered in person after delivery and at 13 months.
Limitations include SAAF trial was not designed with epigenetic aging as an endpoint, may not be generalizable to rural African American families in other geographic regions or from dissimilar socioeconomic backgrounds, and lack of follow - up.
Countries such as Japan, Korea, Finland, and Canada display strong overall performance and, equally important, show that a disadvantaged socioeconomic background does not necessarily result in poor performance in school.
A collision of worlds when two African - American families from divergent socioeconomic backgrounds get together one weekend in Martha's Vineyard for a wedding.
High school rigor and good advice: Setting up students to succeed In fact, a study under the guidance of Jim Hull, senior policy analyst at the Center for Public Education found that low achieving students and students from a low socioeconomic background who took an AP or IB course were 17 percent more likely to persist in four year colleges and 30 percent more likely to persist in two year colleges.
Contrary to some hypotheses, adult - onset offenders in this study were not found to come from significantly wealthier socioeconomic backgrounds, nor were they any more intelligent than those who were caught younger.
In an «equitable» school system, students» special needs and unequal socioeconomic backgrounds are recognised and resources (for example, teaching expertise) are distributed unequally in an attempt to redress disadvantage due to personal and social circumstances.
Going back to the famous Coleman report in the 1960s, social scientists have contended — and unquestionably proved — that students» socioeconomic backgrounds vastly outweigh what goes on in the school as factors in determining how much they learn.
Our introduction of CV blind interviews and broader capture of socioeconomic background information means that social background is never a barrier to a successful career at Clifford Chance.
The expansion to include students with more diverse socioeconomic backgrounds also facilitated the inclusion of students and teachers who had little to no previous experience with AP courses.
Children with a privileged socioeconomic background not only achieve better in school, they also attend higher education to a higher extent than children from less privileged backgrounds, given school achievement (Rudolphi 2011).
• Exceptional knowledge of public relations directives and their applications • Excellent people skills aimed at bringing members of different cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds together on one platform • Ability to conduct market research and analyze results appropriately • Conflict management
As an African - American man from a low - income socioeconomic background who moved a lot during his childhood, Sueing says he acquired a self - starting, strong work ethic.
In working with families from varying socioeconomic backgrounds Alicia also observed a wide disparity in the type of healthcare services provided to low - income families versus the average well - insured middle class family.
While different states weigh and conduct the components differently, they, like New York, tie teacher performance only to student growth, not raw test scores, so as not to disadvantage teachers whose students hail from challenging socioeconomic backgrounds versus teachers in wealthy districts.
«Socioeconomic background linked to reading improvement: Dyslexic children from lower - income families benefit more from summer reading intervention.»
Ceballo and colleagues Erin Graham and Jamie Hart interviewed 50 African - American women of different socioeconomic backgrounds about infertility and relationships with friends, relatives and doctors.
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