Sentences with phrase «process of learning»

They made the entire process of learning how to drive a manual less intimidating and more like a life skill one should possess.
We don't require lengthy surveys or exams because we recognize that the actual process of learning about someone is the most fun and essential ingredient to help any new relationship grow.
Leading is a life long process of learning new skills and understanding the needs of your team.
At the end of the digital day, dating can be an enjoyable process of learning more about yourself and others.
I believe in continuing my knowledge and skills as a clinician as a lifelong process of learning and growing.
Parenting is an ongoing process of learning who your individual child is and what he needs to thrive.
I may know something that you do not know, so it is a constant process of learning different cuisines, different styles of cooking and so on.
Teaching children basic facts and simple procedures in a way that helps them also learn how to apply and use this knowledge and these skills mirrors the natural process of learning.
G - Cube understands that measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data is integral to the entire process of learning.
By carefully identifying specific students or cohorts the whole process of learning becomes less abstract.
It changes the way they perceive the whole process of learning and promotes their dedication and motivation for success.
Going through the painful process of learning to accept that is a good spiritual exercise in preparation for the arrival of your child.
I'm certainly one of those teachers that thinks designing projects for students to jump into and become involved with is a great way to enjoy the never ending process of learning.
Attachment is a two - way reciprocal process of learned behavior between parents and their children.
Parenting is an ongoing process of learning who your individual child is and what he needs to thrive.
The total process of learning to understand and relate to each other in all circumstances.
What science says — its secret so to speak — is that all knowing is a very patient process of learning through experience that is never complete.
If we parents allow for the gentle process of learning, the pressure is off our kids to perform.
Still the implementation process of the learning standards continues to cause turmoil.
Internet dating relies solely on the written word, so there are no other elements to complicate the communication process of learning about one another.
Adopt user experience design principles that support and enhance the cognitive and affective processes of learning.
But holistic learners shouldn't get too frustrated with the seemingly slow process of learning.
I love the inquiry process of learning and the dedication to improving the quality of student thinking.
It is a comprehensive, thematic, creative curriculum, with a clear process of learning and specific learning goals for every subject.
Finally, all school improvement efforts, including school climate improvement, are necessarily a continuous process of learning and development.
Blogging is a constant process of learning and improvement.
Good communication isn't a one time thing — it's an ongoing process of learning to communicate more clearly and express yourself, while listening to your partner's thoughts and needs.
Further, we should be looking at the entire process of learning and behavior, not just on one aspect of behavior.
Collaboration entails the whole process of learning, for example, educators and leaders teaching and learning from each other.
However, the driving school is not the end process of learning the driving education.
Our blogs are intended to engage people in processes of learning, reflecting and sharing about their experiences of using KidsMatter to support their endeavour to make children's mental health a priority.
Other unique strategies were hands up to ask a question rather than answer it; film students inthe process of learning as a diagnostic; the use of drama; the use of carousels of activities; put learners in different environments e.g. forest schools for instance.
They're undoubtedly the best learning tool available today for investors (of all stripes)... well, except for the painful but very necessary process of learning from your losses!
«It could also simplify the postgenome process of learning what these less common genes do and when they are expressed.»
Instructional strategies are a set of methods, techniques and devices that are used by learning experts or instructional designers to support the internal processes of learning by employees / learners.
Schaffer (2004) described pedagogical praxis as a teacher's ability to think about how to make processes of learning more accessible through technology.
The ongoing process of learning math helps students become better problem solvers.
Even if a couple chooses to resume intercourse immediately after abstinence, it's wise to also go through a slow, guided process of learning to be emotionally and spiritually present during sex.
We send our candidates to her with impunity, confident that she will add tremendous value to their search by writing the best possible resume and by taking them through the often difficult process of learning self - branding, interviewing, and other vital skills necessary for career advancement.
So who needs the church to tell me that my identity is in me, that my life's significance lies hidden in the recesses of my ego, and that life is a long process of learning more and more about me?
«I potty trained three girls and have found that it's best not to look at it as a one - time deal, but rather as part of a long process of learning healthy toileting habits,» reminds Dr. Hodges.
We need not feed this information to students, but allow them to enter Shakespeare's world via their own process of learning.
She helped him through the arduous process of learning to read, and defied the educators at his Washington, D.C. prep school who said he would be unable to graduate high school.
Piaget believed that the cognitive process of learning was more important than the end result — which usually is to teach learners certain concepts or theories.
Guided by guests as well as by McGill professors, our students are starting the complex process of learning about indigenous peoples» law.
One possible reason for this ability is that the very processes of learning two languages and switching back and forth between them train the brain to be more attuned to auditory information, Bak said.
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