Sentences with phrase «significant achievement gaps»

Serving Title I schools with significant achievement gaps in math and reading is a challenge faced by many districts across the country.
In addition, significant achievement gaps by gender, Indigenous status, socioeconomic background and school location remain.
Despite decades of widespread implementation of such reforms, significant achievement gaps still exist across the country between white and black students, and wealthy and poor students.
In short, significant achievement gaps remain according to family income and education.
Results for students from traditionally disadvantaged groups show significant achievement gaps.
As early as when children enter kindergarten, there are already significant achievement gaps as a result of socioeconomic status.
However, there are significant achievement gaps by gender, Indigenous status, socioeconomic status and school location.
A Gannett Wisconsin Media investigation revealed significant achievement gaps between students in virtual schools and those in traditional brick - and - mortar schools.
State test data reveal significant achievement gaps yet to be addressed, even in high - spending, high - achieving Montgomery County, Maryland, considered by many to be one of the best school systems in the nation.
Compared with native English speakers, ELLs have higher dropout rates and demonstrate significant achievement gaps on state and national assessments (Snow & Biancarosa, 2003; White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans, 1999).
As in previous years, scores from last year's Badger Exam and the ACT continued to reflect significant achievement gaps across racial, ethnic and income groups, a persistent trend state Superintendent called «most troubling.»
But progress has flatlined since 2009, reading scores are lower than they were in 1992, and significant achievement gaps also remain.
Using a multilevel framework that takes into account numerous predictors and the clustering of students within schools, we show a statistically significant achievement gap between Native Hawaiian and white students, Pacific Islander and white students and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander students.
n The report noted significant achievement gaps on the state's kindergarten - readiness screening.
Socioeconomic status single largest factor As early as when children enter kindergarten, there are already significant achievement gaps as a result of socioeconomic status.
For example, if a state hopes to use growth as an indicator to identify and reduce significant achievement gaps across certain schools, it could assign academic growth a greater weighting than academic proficiency.
For instance, in an April 28, 2004, column, Winerip described a school in Florida as unfairly penalized by NCLB, but he failed to mention that the school reported low overall test scores and had significant achievement gaps between white and minority students.
Despite decades of one - off interventions and reforms, such as improved curriculum, greater choice and accountability, or teacher training, significant achievement gaps still exist across the country between white and black students, and wealthy and poor students.
A school with significant achievement gaps will be disqualified from earning the highest ratings.
LA Unified students increased their scores this year in the statewide standardized tests, but significant achievement gaps remain for African - American and Latino students, as well as for English learners and students from economically challenged backgrounds.
The association's decision reflects members» concern about the significant achievement gap between those who have participated in preschool programs and those who have not, according to Samuel G. Sava, executive director of the national association.
A few weeks ago, I bemoaned an Education Trust report positing that schools shouldn't get A grades if they have significant achievement gaps, even if their students are making lots of progress.
The literacy achievement of Australian Year 4 students is improving, but significant achievement gaps exist by gender, Indigenous status, socioeconomic background and school location.
The district's English language learners and special education students do still face a significant achievement gap.
Too many students can't perform at grade level, and there is a significant achievement gap between white and minority students.
Even before children entered kindergarten, a significant achievement gap in literacy and mathematics was observed on the basis of their socioeconomic status, race, and ethnicity.
Although White and Asian / Pacific Islander students have made significant progress on the 12th - grade NAEP reading assessment since 2005, scores for Black and Hispanic students have declined since 1998 and significant achievement gaps still exist for American Indian and Alaska Native students (NAEP, 2009).
High quality instruction is key to the success of all students in schools everywhere, but particularly essential in schools working to close the significant achievement gaps that persist in California.
The report found that in spite of the advantages high - income students have, if students attended school year - round, there would be no significant achievement gap by the end of elementary school.
Steven V. Hall started his tenure as principal by addressing the school's significant achievement gap and by sharing the previous year's achievement data.
We all know that while the state has a significant achievement gap due to poverty, language barriers and unmet special education needs, our public schools are not broken and our children and teachers are not failures.
Noting that Greenwich «continues to have a significant achievement gap,» he said it was important that the district make greater progress.
English learners also showed a significant achievement gap.
«Children from disadvantaged families arrive at kindergarten with a significant achievement gap in the knowledge, vocabulary and social skills necessary to compete and succeed in school.
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